Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Амурский тигр" (1 курс)

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  • pptx
  • 13.05.2017
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Презентация выполнена на английском языке, содержит научный материал и отражает региональный компонент. Знакомит с хозяином Уссурийской тайги благодаря уникальному фотоматериалу. Затрагивает вопросы сохранения популяции амурского тигра на территории Приморского края. Может быть использована при подготовке урока к Году экологии в России.Презентация на английском языке "Амурский тигр"
Иконка файла материала Презентация Амурский Тигр.pptx
КГБ ПОУ «Спасский политехнический колледж» АMUR TIGER Презентация по английскому языку Выполнил: Глущенко Т.А, преподаватель английского языка 2016 год
Early XX century the tiger was common on the greater part of South, South East, Сentral and Middie Asia. The species was very productive and had eight sub-species.
In the country only the Amur sub-species of the tiger is found, Panthera tigris altaica. is concentrated in the Primorsky and the Khabarovsky krais, mainly along the right banks of the rivers Ussuri and Amur. Its population
The Amur tiger differs from its relatives in the other countries by a large size and a thick and dense winter fur coat. The male body length reaches 290 cm, and it weighs at times over 260 kilograms. The females are much smaller (160-180 centimeters) weighing 140- 160 kilograms.
Life expectancy of the Amur tiger in the wild reaches 15-20 years. In captivity under a proper catering and care the animals live up to 30-35 years. The females could bear kittens till 20 years of age but they regretful to say live much less.
The tiger does not wander the forest at random. Each has its individual domain and fierce fighting happens for it. That is why maximum 15-20 per cent of the male sites usually overlap and the ones of the females with a litter do not cross at all.
The Amur tiger is one of the few animals that can see colours! Almost perfectly see at night better than during leads predominantly nocturnal. the day. Therefore
The color of the Amur tiger is somewhat different from the conventional color, such as the Bengal tiger. The Amur tiger is somewhat brighter and has a large white spot on the belly that covers the whole belly and inside of legs.
The animals who did not manage ousting the neighbors have to leave homeland and it explains the periodic calls of the carnivores far to the north, to the regions on the left bank of the Amur river and the Amurskaya or the Chitinskaya regions where they usually die from harsh climate or poaching.
According to the general polling of the Amur tiger held in the winter of 2004-2005 its population numbers about 400 species in the Primorsky krai, out of it 78-92 were tiger cubs.
The Amur tiger is entered in the Red Books of the World Wildlife Fund and Russia Wildlife Fund, under the first category of extinction and this lays serious responsibility on us.
About a hundred years ago the hunters in the valley of the Ussuri river was afraid to even mention the name of the Amur tiger in the conversation worshiped him along with the Supreme deity "Bois"
Some peoples of the Far East, the Amur tiger is the object of worship. The Amur tiger is depicted on the coat of arms and flag of Primorsky Krai. While in China for the murder of this unique animal is assigned the death penalty.
Expenses for the tiger protection could have returned several times international ecological tourism is organized in its habitat areas. if
Proud, graceful, strong and agile Ussuri handsome is the property of forest land and the "Lord" of the harsh taiga.
Thank you for attention!
Используемые источники http://animalbox.ru/animals/ussurijskij-tigr- panthera-tigris-altaica http://www.bigcatfiles.info/tiger/amurskij-tigr/