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Skateboarding and вмх
Authors: Litvinova Svetlana Leonidovna,
the English teacher,
Blinda Daniil, 9ASchool
Numder 9,
2016 г.
table of contents
The birth of skateboarding
Kind of stunts
Ensuring the protection of the body
Types of skateboards
The origin of BMX
Kind of stunts
Types of BMX
Ensuring the protection of the body
The birth of skateboarding
Originated skateboarding in California, USA in the fifties of the last century. And in 1959,
the market appeared first skateboard Roller Derby.He vaguely resembled that in our
time we used to call the Board. The resemblance was only in the presence of the wheels
and the deck, which at the time was a normal Board without creases. Skateboarding
became interested in many adolescents, who perceived "a Board with wheels" only as a
means of transportation. They rode skateboards to school, the beach, etc needed to be
able to little - just to stand steadily on the Board and avoid obstacles. The first one took
seriously newfangled within youth culture - Larry Stephenson (Larry Stevenson),
appearing in the magazine Surf Guide. It is in the sixties he began to actively promote
the newly minted sport to the masses.
In 1963 the company Makaha was designed first professional skateboard. This was the
impetus for the competitions in skateboarding among adolescents.
The first competitions took place on Pier Avenue near normal school in Hermosa,
California. Began to appear skateboard team. The most famous were "Super surfer
skateboard team", they showed an things: riding on his hands, jumping off curbs.
Skateboarding gradually gained momentum, and in 1964 came the first magazine about
skate "Skateboarder", which was founded by the guys from the magazine "Surfer". In
the same year was founded the first skateboard company -- Hobie skateboards founded
by Hobie Alter (Hobie Alter), a former star of surfing. He was the first to promote skating
in the streets. Mid sixties is the peak of the popularity of skateboarding. For three years
the company Makaha has sold more than 50 million boards.In every California city you
could see a teenager with a skateboard.
Kind of stunts
Kick-flip Оllie
Ensuring the protection of the body
1. Elbow pads allow easy fixation of the tendons of the elbow
joint, reduces pain, relieves stress, allows you to save
locomotor activity.
2. The pads are the element of the armor, designed to protect
the knees.
In Western Europe the pads appeared around the twelfth
Type of skateboards
The mountain Board is a Board that resembles a skateboard and is
designed for summer riding over rough terrain.
Freebord is a Board for riding on asphalt with 6 wheels, 4 wheels are like
on a skateboard, while the other two are at the center of the Board. This
arrangement allows the skater to rotate 360 degrees without lifting the
Board off the ground.
The origin of BMX
The history of bmx began with the 70-ies. Bicycle
Moto Extreme originated in the U.S., where young
fans of motocross wanted to perform similar stunts
on bikes. First they did it on a normal bike, and
then was made the first BMX on small wheels.
However, the then bmx faintly resembled the
present. They were uncomfortable, other
structurally, the wheel could not turn 360 degrees.
But the progress was going, bikes improved, the
media was making this type, and to the 90-th years
of bmx firmly in the variety of extreme sports.
BMX is considered trukovym sport. Just to ride on it
is not very convenient, but to fulfill the various
Kind of
«The end" (front or "Willie") – this bmx stunt
also very popular, but much harder in
execution. In addition, he and more
dangerous than “Willie”, because it often
leads to injuries. To perform a stunt, you
should gain a little speed, and then abruptly
apply the brakes and shift the weight of his
body forward. Balancing, it is necessary to try
to lift the rear wheel of the bike as possible.
In the absence of a front brake, to perform a
stunt, advancing forward, you must hold
down the foot between the tire and the fork
of the front wheel.
"Talune" - this bmx-trick-the dream of many
aspiring bmx athletes! He is in a full rotation
of the bike around the front end (forks and
bars). It is worth noting that during this
rotation, the front wheel of the bike perfectly
still. For beginners, this trick is very difficult,
because it requires a long training session
and complete tandem with your bike.
“Talune” it is advisable to learn to perform
under the supervision of a trainer or an
experienced professional in bmx.
Type of BMX
Racing bike Frame, usually aluminum, but
are issued and options of steel. The
wheels are 36 spoke wheels with double-
walled not chromed rim.
Street – bike wheel size is 20 inches, is
different from racing bike with stock
pegs, tubes, attached to the axis to
perform tricks.
Ensuring the protection of the
Helmet bmx. He will save your head from injuries and concussions.
Gloves. If you think that wearing gloves corn will be less - you are deeply
mistaken. In hot weather gloves help to better control the wheel
The knee pads. They come with the plastic insert and foam (soft and
hard / hard).
sources of information
Thanks for your attention!