Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Моя любимая книга" была разработана в рамках проектной деятельности на уроках ученицей 8 В класса Занадолбиной Викторией МБОУ "СОШ № 41" г. Кургана. Презентацию можно использовать при изучении темы " Мир моих увлечений. Мои любимые занятия."
Моя любимая книга 2.ppt
Secondary school №
«My favorite book»
• Zanadolbina Victoria
• Form 8 “v”
• Teacher Samkova S.V.
• Kurgan
My favorite book is
«The catcher in the Rye"
The book was written by Jerome David
Salinger in 1951.
The hero of the novel Holden Caulfield is a seventeen
with teachers and with classmates.
year old student. He wants to learn and he gets
expelled from school. At school he had bad relations
Holden from harm makes all humans out of spite.
He believes that no one understands that all live
not. He says that he hates people.
home because he is afraid of parents, he lives in a hotel,
wanders. He, while traveling, there are different adventures
After leaving school, Holden does not want to return
from which he emerges victorious.
Finally, he meets his younger sister who's just as willing
as he to leave school and to travel. But then Holden
wakes up sensible ideas. He doesn't want sister the same
adventure, so it starts to talk, he was convinced that was
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