Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Настоящее совершенное и настоящее совершенное длительное время" выполнена на английском языке и содержит основные правила употребления данного времени и примеры. Данный материал может быть использован на занятиях со студентами ССУЗов, ВУЗов, учениками старших классов, а также на дополнительных занятиях.
Present perfect.pptx
Present Perfect
Have/has + V3/ed
I have worked
He/she/it has worked
We you they have worked
Has she worked? No, she hasn’t.
She hasn’t worked.
Present Perfect is used:
•For an action which started in the
past and continues up to the
present (especially with verbs have,
know, like, be)
They have been friends for 20
•For an action which has recently
finished and whose result is visible
in the present
She has picked a lot of apples.
Present Perfect is used:
•For an action which happened
in an unstated time in the past
He has broken his arm.
Peter has been to Paris 4
Time expressions
•So far
Present Perfect Continuous
Have/has + been + Ving
I have been
He/she/it has been working
We you they have been
Has she been working? No, she
hasn’t. She hasn’t been
Present Perfect
Continuous is used:
•To put emphasis on the
duration of an action which
started in the past and
continues up to the present
(especially with for, since, all
She has been picking
vegetables for 2 hours.
Present Perfect Continuous
•For an action which started
and finished in the past and
lasted for some time. The
result of an action is visible in
the present.
His clothes are dirty. He has
been playing football.
Time expressions
Present Perfect & Present
Perfect Continuous:
•How long
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