Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
Презентацию по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people" можно использовать с 9 по 11 класс. В презентации дается определение пожилого возраста, показываются плохие и хорошие стороны пожилого возраста на примере своих бабушек и дедушек. Презентация яркая, красочная. Можно использовать на уроках английского языка.Презентацию по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people" можно использовать с 9 по 11 класс. В презентации дается определение пожилого возраста, показываются плохие и хорошие стороны пожилого возраста на примере своих бабушек и дедушек.
The elderly people.pptx
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
The elderly
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
The elderly.
How we treat the elderly is the reflection of
who we are. We should treat the elderly the
way we would want to be treated when we
grow old and feeble. The elderly should be
treated with dignity, love and respect. We
should remember that when we were
helpless children they preferred us to
themselves. The elderly are very wise, so
we can take useful lessons from them .
People should take care of the elderly and
try to understand their state and be kind to
them. Because we are going to be old too!
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
Bad points:
The elderly…
become ill and disabled
become a burden to
suffer the fear of death
have financial problems
become incapable of living
independently, need
regular care and nursing
lose friends and spouses
live a boring life
Good points:
The elderly…
do not have to go to work
have adult children, who are
not a burden any more
have a lot of time to meet
with friends, read, travel, go
in for sports, work in their
get wiser, have more
experience and the ability
to help with advice
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
Parents of my
My grandfather’s name is Ivan. Hi is 72 years
My grandmother’s name is Vasila. She is 65
years old.
My grandparents are
gardening. They spend a lot of their time in the
garden. They grow vegetables and fruits. We
enjoy having fresh vegetables and green on our
dinner table. All of us try to help it. We love
each other very much.
retired. They
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
My grandmother’s name is
My grandfather’s name is Ivan.
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
Parents of my
My grandfather’s name is Firdaus. He is 71years
old, but he has already died.
My grandfather’s name is Firdus. He is 71years old,
My grandmother’s name is Firaya. She is 70 years
but he has already died.
old. My grandmother is a kind old woman. All her
My grandmother’s name is Fira. She is 70 years
life she worked hard and now she is still very
old. My grandmother is a kind old woman. All her
industrious and tender-hearted. I love her very
life she worked hard and now she is still very
much. In the evenings, when all the members of
industrious and tender-hearted. I love her very
our family get together after work and study, we
much. In the evenings, when all the members of
like to watch TV, to read books and newspapers, to
our family get together after work and study, we
talk about different things and to discuss all our
like to watch TV, to read books and newspapers, to
problems together. When the weather is good we
talk about different things and to discuss all our
sometimes go for a walk.
problems together. When the weather is good we
sometimes go for a walk.
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
My grandmother’s name is Fira and my
grandfather’s name is Firdus.
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The elderly people"
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