Презентация урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме " Watching TV" составлена к учебнику английского языка Аяповой , урок закрепление.на данном уроке проводится работа в группе, учащиеся работают в группах, проводят самооценивание и взаимооценивание. Также с использованием ноутбуков учащиеся выходят в интернет и слушают текст(аудирование), а затем выполняют разноуровневые задания, ученики с низкой мотивацией выполняют тесты там же, а ученики с высокой мотивацией работают по карточкам, вставляя пропущенные слова. Работая в группах учащиеся читают текст "Титаник" и составляют вопросы по ромашке "Блума".
9 класс.pptx
Nature films
Quiz shows
I think we are going to talk
about ….
2)Watching TV
Watching TV
What should we do?
learn new words
practice new words
sing a song
play a game
read a text
work in groups
make up a dialogue
make up a monologue
I think, we
Match each type of programme on the
left with the correct item on the right.
1. football, boxing, swimming
2. life in different countries
3. People try to win the prizes by
answering questions
4. animals, birds, fish, flowers,
A. News
B. quiz –shows
C. soap operas
D. travel films
E. comedies
F. sport
G. educational
H. nature films
plants etc
5. information about what is
happening in the world
6. jokes and funny situations
7. information for pupils and
programmes for students
8. story of the daily life of a family.
Answer the questions :
Do you think that TV is a good
What do you usually watch on TV?
What kind of TV programs do you
usually watch?
Do you think TV is educational?
How often do you watch TV?
Read the text
“Advantages and disadvantages of
The first group find advantages of
watching TV.
The second group find
disadvantages of watching TV.
Advantages of watching
Disadvantages of watching
advantages and disadvantages
to keep people informed
to provide
to be very harmful for eyes
violent programs
to make people violent
a vital problem
to become TV-addicted
About my work
I need help
I know, I
I know and I can
How do you feel?
I feel pleased
I feel tired
I feel happy
I (don't) like the lesson.
I (don't) like the way I
(we) worked.
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