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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Мы живём в поликультурном мире, поэтому знакомить учащихся с известными деятелями культуры и искусства зарубежных стран- одна из важных задач обучения и образования. Джеймс Мёрсер Лэнгстон Хьюз - американский поэт, прозаик, драматург. Хьюз известен как один из ведущих и влиятельных писателей культурного движения «Гарлемского ренессанса» и первооткрыватель «джазовой поэзии».Джеймс Мёрсер Лэнгстон Хьюз оставил богатое наследие в самых разных жанрах: поэзия, роман, автобиографическая проза, рассказы, пьесыМы живём в поликультурном мире, поэтому знакомить учащихся с известными деятелями культуры и искусства зарубежных стран- одна из важных задач обучения и образования. Джеймс Мёрсер Лэнгстон Хьюз - американский поэт, прозаик, драматург. Хьюз известен как один из ведущих и влиятельных писателей культурного движения «Гарлемского ренессанса» и первооткрыватель «джазовой поэзии».Джеймс Мёрсер Лэнгстон Хьюз оставил богатое наследие в самых разных жанрах: поэзия, роман, автобиографическая проза, рассказы, пьесы
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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "

Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
James Langston Hughes МБОУ СОШ №3 г.Моздок ,РСО- Алания учитель английского языка Чинаева Раиса Сергеевна 2017

Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "

Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
The rhythm of jazz Langston Hughes contributed to the era by bringing the rhythm of jazz, the vernacular of his people, and the social concerns of the day to his verse. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” in his first collection, The Weary Blues (1926), looks at the past as a source of pride. Other poems capture the rhythm of music and beat of language, such as “Juke Box Love Song.” Still others, like “Theme for English B” and “I, Too, Sing America,” simultaneously express the desire for an integrated world and a warning to those who would try to keep black people subservient.

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An integral part of the Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes was an integral part of the Harlem Renaissance, a period during the 1920s and 1930s that was characterized by an artistic flowering of African American writers, musicians, and visual artists intensely proud of their black heritage.

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James Langston Hughes

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
James Langston Hughes was a member of an abolitionist family Born in Joplin, Missouri, James Langston Hughes was a member of an abolitionist family. He was the great- great-grandson of Charles Henry Langston, brother of John Mercer Langston, who was the first Black American to be elected to public office, in 1855. Hughes attended Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, but began writing poetry in the eighth grade, and was selected as Class Poet.

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Facts and Trivia Hughes was raised primarily by his grandmother. She told him important stories from the African American oral tradition that would influence his work. Hughes’ father wanted him to become an engineer, so Hughes attended Columbia for a time. He graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania in 1929. Among his classmates was future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. For a number of years, Hughes was attracted to some of the political philosophies of the Communist Party. Though accused of being a member, he never actually joined.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Langston Hughes was a prolific writer Langston Hughes was a prolific writer. In the forty-odd years between his first book in 1926 and his death in 1967, he devoted his life to writing and lecturing. He wrote sixteen books of poems, two novels, three collections of short stories, four volumes of "editorial" and "documentary" fiction, twenty plays, children's poetry, musicals and operas, three autobiographies, a dozen radio and television scripts and dozens of magazine articles. In addition, he edited seven anthologies.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Relationship with Father  Hughes had a very poor relationship with his father. He lived with his father in Mexico for a brief period in 1919. Upon graduating from high school in June 1920, Hughes returned to Mexico to live with his father, hoping to convince him to support Langston's plan to attend Columbia University. Hughes later said that, prior to arriving in Mexico: "I had been thinking about my father and his strange dislike of his own people. I didn't understand it, because I was a Negro, and I liked Negroes very much." Initially, his father had hoped for Hughes to attend a university abroad, and to study for a career in engineering. On these grounds, he was willing to provide financial assistance to his son but did not support his desire to be a writer

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
His father didn't think he would be able to make a living at writing, and encouraged him to pursue a more practical career. He paid his son's tuition to Columbia University on the grounds he study engineering. He continued writing poetry. His first published poem was also one of his most famous, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", and it appeared in Brownie's Book. Later, his poems, short plays, essays and short stories appeared in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine and in Opportunity Magazine and other publications.

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Eventually, Hughes and his father came to a compromise: Hughes would study engineering, so long as he could attend Columbia. His tuition provided; Hughes left his father after more than a year. While at Columbia in 1921, Hughes managed to maintain a B+ grade average. He continued writing poetry. Hughes’ father wanted him to become an engineer, so Hughes attended Columbia for a time. He left because of racial intolerance and because he wanted to spend more time writing in Harlem.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Langston Hughes received a scholarship to Lincoln University Langston Hughes received a scholarship to Lincoln University, in Pennsylvania, where he received his B.A. degree in 1929. In 1943, he was awarded an honorary Lit.D by his alma mater; a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1935 and a Rosenwald Fellowship in 1940. Based on a conversation with a man he knew in a Harlem bar, he created a character know as My Simple Minded Friend in a series of essays in the form of a dialogue. In 1950, he named this lovable character Jess B. Simple, and authored a series of books on him.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
POETRY  The Weary Blues, 1926. Fine Clothes to the Jew, 1927. The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations, Golden Stair Press, 1931. The Dream Keeper and Other Poems, 1932. Scottsboro Limited: Four Poems and a Play, Golden Stair Press, 1932. A New Song, International Workers Order, 1938. (With Robert Glenn) Shakespeare in Harlem, 1942. Jim Crow's Last Stand, Negro Publication Society of America, 1943. Lament for Dark Peoples and Other Poems, Holland, 1944. Fields of Wonder, 1947. One-Way Ticket, 1949. Montage of a Dream Deferred, Holt, 1951. Ask Your Mama: Twelve Moods for Jazz, 1961. The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times, 1967, reprinted, Vintage Books, 1992. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, Knopf (New York, NY), 1994. The Block: Poems, Viking (New York, NY), 1995. The Pasteboard Bandit, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1997.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
SHORT STORIES The Ways of White Folks, Knopf, 1934. Simple Speaks His Mind, Simon & Schuster, 1950. Laughing to Keep from Crying, Holt, 1952. Simple Takes a Wife, Simon & Schuster, 1953. Simple Stakes a Claim, Rinehart, 1957. Something in Common and Other Stories, Hill & Wang, 1963. Simple's Uncle Sam, Hill & Wang, 1965. The Return of Simple Hill & Wang, 1994. Short Stories of Langston Hughes, Hill & Wang (New York, NY), 1996.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Dream Variations To fling my arms wide In some place of the sun, To whirl and to dance Till the white day is done. Then rest at cool evening Beneath a tall tree While night comes on gently, Dark like me- That is my dream! To fling my arms wide In the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Till the quick day is done. Rest at pale evening... A tall, slim tree.. . Night coming tenderly Black like me.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему"James Langston Hughes "
Langston Hughes died of cancer Langston Hughes died of cancer on May 22, 1967. His residence at 20 East 127th Street in Harlem, New York has been given landmark status by the New York City Preservation Commission. His block of East 127th Street was renamed "Langston Hughes Place".

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Источники https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki www.poemhunter.com/langston- hughes/biography/
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