"Нью - Йо́рк город в штате Нью- Йорк США, крупнейший в США и один из крупнейших городов мира. Население 8 459 026 человек, с пригородами 18,8 млн.
Красочные слайды и илюстрации помогут вам заинтересовать своих одноклассников или аудиторию. New York City is the largest metropolitan center in the USA.
p.29 ex.1
New - York
New York is the
largest city in the
USA and the
biggest seaport. It
is the business
centre of the
United States.
New - York
In comparison with
such ancient historical
cities as, say, Rome,
London, Moscow or
Paris, New York is
quite young. It was
founded in 1613 by
Dutch settlers.
New - York
There are five
districts in the city:
Manhattan, the Bronx,
Queens, Brooklyn and
New - York
It is here in Wall Street
that many business offices,
banks and the world
famous New York stock
exchange are situated. The
New York stock exchange
dominates business life of
many countries.
New - York
The Statue of Liberty,
which is on Liberty
Island, was a present
from France in 1876 on
the occasion of the
100th anniversary of
American independence.
New - York
This statue and a few
18th and 19th century
churches, hospitals,
newspaper offices and
other buildings are the
only examples of "old"
architecture in New York.
New - York
Wherever your eyes
travel, everywhere you
can see sky-scrapers.
New - York
and Modern Arts
attract many vis
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