Презентация - викторина к внеклассному мероприятию на английском языке "День У. Шекспира", имеющее целью проверку, в игровой форме, знаний обучающихся о классике английской литературы У. Шекспире, его творчестве, фактах биографии. Используется в заключении традиционной Недели У. Шекспира на 1-2 курсах обучения в профессиональной образовательной организации среднего профессионального образования.Викторина по английскому языку
шекспир викторина печать.ppt
Shakespeare’s decade
Answer the questions:
1. When and where was
2. Where did he study?
3. How old was William Shakespeare
when he got married?
Answer the questions:
4. What was the name of
5. How many lines are there in a
6.How many plays did Shakespeare
Match the words
King Ophelia
Romeo Lear
Hamlet Desdemona
Othello Juliet
Who Said That?
To be, or not to be, that is the question
A. MacBeth
B. Othello
C. Hamlet
D. Romeo
E. Banquo
Who Said That?
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet.
A. Ophelia
B. Juliet
C. Lady Macbeth
D. Lorenzo
E. Rosalind
Who Said That?
But, soft! what light through yonder window
breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
A. Hamlet
B. Horatio
C. Othello
D. Hamlet
E. Romeo
Name the Play
If music be the food of love, play on
A. Love's Labours Lost
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Measure for Measure
D. Twelfth Night
E. Winter's Tale
Name the Play
All the world's a stage, And all the men and
women merely players;
A. All's Well That Ends Well
B. Twelfth Night
C. As You Like It
D. The Merchant of Venice
E. Twelfth Night
Name the Play
What a piece of work is a man
A. Hamlet
B. Richard III
C. Othello
D. Two Gentlemen of Verona
E. Taming of the Shrew
William Shakespeare
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