Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
4 кл
Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"
I'm interested in languages.Espesially English.Because l like doll dummae chair table well ogzaki fairy food doll trener shop goal achivemant well yeell dove turopative wel terrabit wolf dog cat anima full of wall and door l listen and repet and.'m interested in languages.Espesially English.Because l like doll dummae chair table well ogzaki fairy food doll trener shop goal achivemant well yeell dove turopative wel terrabit wolf dog cat anima full of wall and door l listen and repet and
fairy tale ochiq dars.docx
THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC UZBEKISTAN Tashkent region Uchtepa district School №287 The 6th grade Theme of the lesson:”Do you like fairy tales?” The teacher of English: Karimova Sevara OPEN plan for 1 Date: Technological Map Today is the 8th of May 2 Theme: 3 Class: 4 The aim of the lesson: Educational: Developing: Ethical: 5. Learning outcomes: 6. The type of the lesson: 7. The methods of the lesson: “Do you like fairy tales? 6th To develop: Talking and writing about fairy tales and characters in them. 1.Grammar aim:(to give information about Past simple Tense) 2.Vocabulary aim:(To enrich their Vocabulary about characters of 3.Pronunciation aim:(To enable pupil to pronounce letter combinations adjectives) correctly) 4.Communicative aims: Reading specific information practicing work with wordlist. By the end of the lesson pupils can speak about their favourite heroes. They can make up sentences with Past simple tense Giving a new basic information. Interactive games, 8. Equipments: Textbook, pictures, computer materials, stickers. 9. Our motto: If you want your children to be intelligent, read fairy tales. Hours 5 minute The procedure of the lesson The organizational moment of the lesson Checking up homework 5 minute Revising the lesson Explaining new theme 15 minute Consolidating new theme 15 minute Marking knowledge 3 minute 2 minute Summing up and giving homework The plan of the new theme 1. What is the fairy tale? 2. Give new vocabulary with a picture 3.Let’s find: What’s it? Who is she? (Definition) 4.Activity 1 Fairy tale speaking card. 5.Activity2 Make story elements.( character, setting, problem, solution) 6. Activity3 Character description (Zumrat and Kimmat) 7. Activity4 Crossword 8. Activity 5 Theatre “Turnip” by 6th class pupils Lesson begin with organizational part. Teacher ask some questions . - Good morning dear pupils ! - Who is on duty today? -What date is it today? -What day is it today? -What season is it now? -What season comes after spring? -Who is absent today in our lesson? -What was your homework for today? Pupils answer the questions. Teacher divide the class into two groups. Group1:”Magicants” Group2 “Story tallers” Teacher: Let’s turn on new lesson. Today we speak about fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? What is the fairy tale? (Pupils tell their answers) 1.What is Fairy tale? A fairy tale story is a make believe story written for children that includes magical creatures and magical elements. * Fairy tales often begin with the words Once upon a time or Long, long ago. * They usually include a good character and a bad character(evil) *They frequently include magic or something enchanted. *They frequently include a forest or castle in a fairy tale * The plot usually involves some kind of problem, the problem is eventually solved, and the good people live happily ever after. 2. New vocabulary with a picture. Teacher introduce new words by the slide share Teacher: As we know, when we read fairy tales we came across a kind of magic heroes. Let’s introduce some of them. malika princess shaxzoda magic potion sehirli dori prince qala castle foytun carriage magic wand sehirli sword knight wizard crown toj qilich ritsor jodugar afsungar qirolicha gnom dragon king hero tayoqcha ajdar qirol qahramon queen dwarf Teacher: Also, when we read fairy tales we like or dislike some heroes by their characters . Let’s introduce some adjectives which describe people characters. handsome strong kind nice cheerful gentle beautiful friendly tidy honest wise kelishgan angry baquvvat lazy mexribon naughty chiroyli quvnoq nasty nozik, yoqimli untidy chiroyli cruel rude samimiy ozoda evel ochiqko’ngil greedy dono jaxildor yalqov quloqsiz jirkanch tartibsiz berahm qo’pol yovuz ochko’z 3.Let’s find: What’s it? Who is she? (Defination) Teacher give definations of some new words pupils should find of them. Group1:”Magicants” 1.The son of the king and queen. (Prince)  2.A woman throught to have magic especially evil ones, popularly as black cloac, pointed hat and flying on a boomstick. (Witch)  powers, wearing 3.A person with a magical (Magicant)   powers. 4. A member of a mythical race of stocky person like creatures who a skilled in mining and metalworking. short , generally (Dwarf) Group2: “Story tallers” 1.A weapon with a long metal blade and a hand guard. (Sword)  a hilt with 2.A rode used in casting magic (Magic wand) acts. 3.A large building typically of the period which lives kings and (Castle)  medieval queens. 4. The man ruler of the country and a castle. ( King) he lives in 4.Activity 1 Fairy tale speaking card. Teacher: Pupils what kind of famous world fairy tales do you know? I think they are many. For example: “ Cinderella”, “ White Snow”, “ Three little pigs” “ Little red riding hood” etc.. Do you know about the main heroes of this fairy tales?. If yes, I’m going to check up your knowledge about it . Now, l give you cards, it has some words which you help to make story. 5.Activity2 Make story elements.( character, setting, problem, solution) Teacher : pupils you read the fairy tales and you got main specific information. Now, I give you paperboards which you must fill of them. Our next task is connected with fairy tale which you have read. 6. Activity3 Character discribtion (Zumrad and Kimmat) Teacher: pupils do you like the fairy tale “ Zumrad and Kimmat” I think all children like this fairy tale. The main heroes are Zumrad is wise, tidy, nice girl and Kimmat is angry, lazy and rude girl. Our next task is connected this fairy tale. Now you must describe this girls characters. Beautiful Gentle Tidy Wise Friendly Kind Honest Zumrad 7. Activity4 Crassword 8. Activity 5 Theatre “Turnip” by 6th class pupils Song: Hello Grandpa: Look! I plant a turnip! Turnip: Oh, I like the water. I like the sun. I grow bigger and bigger. Song: Make a circle Grandpa: I came to pull the turnip. () One, two, three, one, two, three. I cannot. Granny, help me please! Song: With my foot I tap tap tap Granny: Here I am. I help you! All together: One, two, three, one, two, three. We cannot. Granny: Granddaughter, help us please! Song: If You're Happy Granddaughter: All right, granny! I am coming! All together: One, two, three, one, two, three. We cannot. Granddaughter: Cat, cat help us please! Song: What Can You Do Cat: Ok, I help you! All together: One, two, three, one, two, three. We cannot. Cat: Mouse, mouse help us please! Song: Little mouse Mouse: Ok, I help you! All together: One, two, three, one, two, three. Yes, we did it! Turnip: Here I am. All together: I like the turnip! Song: A ram sam, sam Conclusion: At the end of the lesson teacher counts the groups’ scores and announces the winners. Homework: to write essay about “My favourite fairy tale”

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"

Презентация по англискому языкуина тему "I like English"
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