Презентация к уроку по теме "Мой любимый писатель" на английском языке про Владимира Маяковского. Подробно описывается его жизнь, творчество и основные произведения. На основе этой презентации учащиеся средней ступени обучения английскому языку могут подробно рассказать на уроке о писателе. Может быть оспользовано для доклада.
• Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was
born in Baghdati, Georgia in 1893. His
father was forester from a noble family
and mother was housewife. Vladimir had
two sisters and brother, who died at the
age of 3. When Mayakovsky was 14 he
took part in socialist demonstrations in
Kataisi. Mayakovsky liked reading Marxist
literature such as Hegel and Marx.
• Vladimir was a Bolshevik activist
an distributed propaganda
leaflets and got into a prison,
where he wrote “I, Myself”, at
the age of 16. When he released
from prison he left his party
activity and began to study hard.
• Mayakovsky was futurist. He
had his own style of writing
poems called “stairs”. He
would like to “ throw
Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy,
etc, etc, off the steamboat of
the modernity.”
• Vladimir fell in love with married
woman Lilya Brik, who became his
muse. Her husband became close
friend to Mayakovsky
• Vladimir Mayakovsky committed
suicide by shot in heart at the age
of 36
• To all of you. I die, but don't blame
anyone for it, and please do not gossip.
The deceased dislike that sort of thing
terribly. Mother, sisters, comrades,
forgive me — this is not a good method
(I do not recommend it to others), but
there is no other way out for me. Lily –
love me. Comrade Government, my
family consists of Lily Brik, mama, my
sisters, and Veronika Vitoldovna
Polonskaya. If you can provide a decent
life for them, thank you. Give the poem
I started to the Briks. They'll sort them