Презентация по теме Technology
Оценка 4.6

Презентация по теме Technology

Оценка 4.6
Презентации учебные
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Презентация по теме Technology
Материалы данной презентации (26 слайдов) - это качественная "образовательная" смесь по теме, создающая прекрасные возможности для подготовки к ЕГЭ: есть слайды контроля ЛЕ, грамматических структур, тренировки речевых навыков в формате ЕГЭ (слайды 7-9 - это задание № 2 в формате ЕГЭ - asking questions), (слайды 12-13 - это задание № 3 в формате ЕГЭ - описание фото), (слайд 14 - это задание № 4 в формате ЕГЭ - contrast and compare two pictures).Материал комбинирован УМК Spotlight + Starlight по теме Technology
10th Technology.pptx

Презентация по теме Technology

Презентация по теме Technology
High tech gadgets & technology 10th Spotlight +Starlight Module 8a + Module 5

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Презентация по теме Technology
Gadg ets  PDA - Personal Digital Assistant  iPod – Internet / pod (капсула)  iPad – Internet pad (блокнот, планшет)

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a record to record address Pronounce correctly Transcription /ˈrekɔːd/ /rɪˈkɔːd/ /əˈdres/ / ˈæd.res/ /ˈed.ɪt/ /ˈmes.ɪdʒ/ English edit message

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•… be keen on … •… be fond of … •… be interested in … •… be crazy about … •… be mad about … •… be hooked on … •… be addicted to … • can’t live without Understanding phrases • can’t imagine … life without  Speaking of ’s hobby, she/he … … … That’s why / For this reason,  when it comes to gadgets,  … … … .

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Презентация по теме Technology
Understanding phrases •  am not into _____things like that, but I have to admit that … •  am complete techno freak, so it’s … … … . •  am a ______ so I suppose it goes without saying that … … . • It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I feel quite lost without …

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Презентация по теме Technology
Understanding phrases • mainly use • help with my studies • organise social life • stay out late • keep calling • keep in touch • survive without • record … lecture • put on … headphones • V…on the long bus journey

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Презентация по теме Technology
Speaking task № 2 C.4 Study the advertisement. You are considering to buy a new gadget as a present, now you’d  like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five  direct questions to find out the following:  1) what gadgets 2) which firms  available 3) language of instruction 4) guarantee period 5) price 6) average price of an item 7) ways of payment •) You have 20 seconds to  ask each question.

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Презентация по теме Technology
Speaking task № 2 C.4 Study the advertisement. You are considering to buy a new digital TVset, now you’d like  to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct  questions to find out the following:  1) which firms available 2) language of instruction 3) guarantee period 4) average price of an  item 5) ways of payment You have 20 seconds to ask  each question.

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Презентация по теме Technology
Speaking task № 2 C.4 Study the advertisement. You are considering to buy a new digital camera, now you’d like  to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct  questions to find out the following:  1) which firms 2) language of instruction 3) guarantee period 4) average price of an  item 5) ways of payment You have 20 seconds to ask  each question.

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Презентация по теме Technology
& problems Electronic equipment  drop a device  split tea over keyboard  break down (broke / broken)  discharge a battery quickly  lose the accessory of …  screen keeps freezing

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Check your understanding  a cracked viewfinder  flat battery / discharged battery  just in case send it away be repaired (free of charge) / get it repaired be under guarantee have a guarantee certificate /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/  give us a call in …  exchange it / get a replacement

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Презентация по теме Technology
I’d like to show you one of the funniest photo from my album. C. You will have to start speaking for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:  ·   when and where the photo was taken ·    what/who is in the photo ·    what is happening ·    why you keep the photo in your album ·    why you decided to show I’m sure this the picture to your photo is worth friend Well, that’s all for now. In any case, Ving. I’d like to show you one of the funniest photo from my album. Well, that’s all for now. In any case, I’m sure this photo is worth Ving.

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Презентация по теме Technology
C. You will have to start speaking for not more than 2 minutes (12- 15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about ·     when and where the photo was taken ·    what/who is in the photo ·    what is happening ·    why you keep the photo in your album ·    why you decided to show the picture to your friend C. You will have to start speaking for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about ·     when and where the photo was taken·    what/who is in the photo·    what is happening·    why you keep the photo in your album·    why you decided to show the picture to your friend

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Презентация по теме Technology
C 6   Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes  be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:  ∙     give a brief description (action, location) ∙   say what the pictures have in common ∙   say in what way the pictures are different ∙   say which gadget you consider the best of all  ∙   explain why You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12­15 sentences). You have to talk continuously. C 6   Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes  be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: ∙     give a brief description (action, location)∙   say what the pictures have in common∙   say in what way the pictures are different∙   say which gadget you consider the best of all ∙   explain whyYou will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12­15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

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Презентация по теме Technology

Презентация по теме Technology

Презентация по теме Technology
Well, to tell the truth I’m glad that I’ve had an opportunity to show the similarities and the differences of these two pictures. Well, to tell the truth I’m glad that I’ve had an opportunity to show the similarities and the differences of these two pictures.

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Презентация по теме Technology
Read words correctly Read ing /prɪˈvent/ /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ /kənˈsɜːn/ /mjuː ˈteɪ.ʃən/ /mæɡ ˈnet.ɪk/ /kənˈtrəʊl/   /kə ˈtæs.trə.fi/ /næn.əʊ-/ /ˈkæn.sərəs ˈtɪʃ.uː/ /pəˈluː.tənt/ /ɪnˈkred.ɪ.bll̩/ /ˌmaɪ.krəˈskɒp.ɪk/ /ˌfjuː.tʃəˈrɪs.tɪk/ /ˈbær.i.ər/ Reading

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Презентация по теме Technology
Nanotechnology Positive effects Negative effects • medical research, • may be dangerous, consequences of … using isn’t - new technology to fight explored thoroughly, illness and disease, ­be used as disinfectants • may be harmful to the environment and dressings for wounds • may benefit the environment and reduce global warming jalousie • may be difficult to control • may cause DNA mutations and destruction of cells • be used to improve the efficiency of traditional materials (fuel, food packaging, waterproof fabrics, cosmetics and DVD’s)

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Презентация по теме Technology
Speaking task № 2 C.4 Study the advertisement. You are considering to buy a new digital camera, now you’d like  to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct  questions to find out the following:  1) which firms 2) language of instruction 3) guarantee period 4) average price of an  item 5) ways of payment You have 20 seconds to ask  each question.

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Презентация по теме Technology
Listening for the main idea. 1. sms language 2. on-line shopping 3. modern unusual hotel 4. detachable sheet (tablecloth) Signs of the Time 5. travellers’ problems 6. tricks of supermarkets 7. communication on-line

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Презентация по теме Technology
5.5 Readi ng Signs of the Time Russian transcription English be ground • The aircraft was grounded by fog. • Fiction should be grounded in reality. to lure = = to tempt завлекать искушать, уговаривать • She tried to tempt me to do this. • I’m tempted/lured to buy this. cubicle /ˈkjuːbɪkl/ кабина /lʊər/ 5.5Reading

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Презентация по теме Technology
5.5 Readi ng Signs of the Time Russian English capsule hotel to be on a tight budget transcription /ˈkæpsjuːl/ быть сжатым в бюджете … в новинку повысить стремление разбросанны е for the novelty claustrophobic increase impulse Ving /ˌklɒstrəˈfəʊbɪk/ be scattered video link-ups via the Internet 5.5Reading

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Презентация по теме Technology
sms language busy call me Don’t mention it Mum over shoulder Where are you now? because time to go sleeping, bored, tired BZ CM DMI MOS WAYN? CUZ TTG ZZZ

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Презентация по теме Technology
Ув. Учителя! Буду рада, если Вам пригодятся мои материалы, но убедительно прошу НЕ выставлять их в Интернет паутине под своим именем. Были случаи, поэтому … заранее благодарна. Скорнякова О.В. Г. Радужный • http://good- ХМАО-Югра kovka.com/fashion/gadgets-prevent- people-from-enjoying-free-time.html
Материалы на данной страницы взяты из открытых истончиков либо размещены пользователем в соответствии с договором-офертой сайта. Вы можете сообщить о нарушении.