Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
7 кл—9 кл
Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
1. Jane … (be) a nice woman, if only she didn't talk so much! 2. The morning will be fine, if only we … (not have) a storm. 3. You might be of interest to me, if I … (have) time to waste on you. 4. If you … (leave) at two, you will be there before night. 5. We … (go) if it does not snow. 6. Mark … (come) if he has time. 7. If he … (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 8. If he … (not to read) so much, he would not be so smart. 9. He would not have missed his lessons if he … (not to hurt) his leg. 10. If you spoke English every day, you … (to improve) your skills.
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Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
The world’s best friend is you The Earth needs a The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it? friend, doesn’t it?

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
защищать от загрязнения защищать от загрязнения защита чего-либо защита чего-либо защитная одежда защитная одежда химические отходы химические отходы бумажные отходы бумажные отходы быть загрязненным чем-либо быть загрязненным чем-либо загрязнение воздуха загрязнение воздуха загрязнение моря загрязнение моря законы против загрязнения законы против загрязнения защищать окружающую среду защищать окружающую среду загрязнение окружающей загрязнение окружающей среды среды проблемы окружающей среды проблемы окружающей среды исследование окружающей исследование окружающей среды среды

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
- wastefulful waste – wastinging - waste waste – wast protect – protectionion – protect protect – protect pollute – polluteded – pollut pollute – pollut environment – environmentalal – – environment – environment environmentallyly environmental – protectiveive – pollutionion – – antiantipollut pollutionion

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
What must people protect the Earth from? 1.1.What must people protect the Earth from? What kinds of pollution do you know? 2.2.What kinds of pollution do you know? What and where do people usually waste? 3.3.What and where do people usually waste? What must we do to protect the 4.4.What must we do to protect the environment? environment?

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
1. Jane … (be) a nice woman, if only she didn't talk so much! 2. The morning will be fine, if only we … (not have) a storm. 3. You might be of interest to me, if I … (have) time to waste on you. 4. If you … (leave) at two, you will be there before night. 5. We … (go) if it does not snow. 6. Mark … (come) if he has time. 7. If he … (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 8. If he … (not to read) so much, he would not be so smart. 9. He would not have missed his lessons if he … (not to hurt) his leg. 10. If you spoke English every day, you … (to improve) your skills.

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
1. The boss… (be) very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow. 2. If we … (to be) clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste. 3. If they … (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician. 4. If we didn’t pollute our seas, they … (to be) full of fish. 5. If you were not so careless about your health, you … (to consult) a doctor. 6. If these shoes were not too big for me, I … (to buy) them. 7. If you … (to be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 8. If they … (mention) this yesterday, everything would have been done. 9. If I … (to find) that letter, I’ll show it to you. 10. If I meet him, I (to invite) him.

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"

Презентация "The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?"
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