Презентация по английскому языку "Выдающиеся люди Зауралья. Г.А.Илизаров" была выполнена в рамках работы над проектом "Выдающиеся люди Зауралья" обучающимся 9 В класса Елизаровым Данилом. Это проект рассказывает о выдающемся Курганском враче хирурге-ортопеде Г.А. Илизарове, который изобрел уникальный аппарат для восстановления костей человека.
Elizarov Daniil ,9 V form,
secondary school 41,
Soviet surgeon-orthopedist, inventor, Hero of Socialist
Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov (June 15, 1921, Bialowieza
Białystok Voivodship of the Second Rzecz Pospolita (now
Podlasie Province, Poland) - July 24, 1992, Kurgan) - an
outstanding Soviet orthopedic surgeon, inventor, doctor of
medical sciences (1968), professor.
Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1991,
Corresponding Member 1987). Hero of Socialist Labor
(1981). Honored Inventor of the USSR (1985). Honored
Doctor of the RSFSR (1965). Honored Scientist of the
RSFSR (1991). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1978)
Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov was born the eldest of six children
in a poor Jewish family in Bialowieza Białystok province of the
Second Rzeczpospolita, where his mother's family lived and
where after his service in the Red Army during the Civil War
his father sat down. The father of the future surgeon Abram
Elizarov, of a mountain-Jewish origin, came from Kusar;
mother - Golda Abramovna Rosenblum, Ashkenazic origin, -
from Bialowieza. When he was seven years old, the family
moved to his father's homeland in Kusary, where the future
surgeon graduated from the eight-year school, then the
Buinaksky medrabfak.
In 1939 he became a student of the Simferopol Medical
Institute, which he graduated in 1944. After receiving a
doctor's diploma, he traveled from the doctor of the regional
hospital in the village of Dolgovka (1948) to the director of
the All-Union Kurgan Scientific Center for Restorative
Traumatology and Orthopedics (1987).
Being the head of the surgical department of the Kurgan
regional hospital for war invalids, where hundreds of
fighters with the consequences of bone injuries, who
underwent practically no treatment, passed before his
eyes, GA Ilizarov proposed his fundamentally new way of
splicing bones in fractures. The novelty of the proposed
method and apparatus for its implementation is confirmed
by the author's certificate. The use of Ilizarov's apparatus
increased efficacy and markedly shortened the periods of
fracture treatment. Great practice provided an opportunity
to expand the range of application of the device.
G.A Ilizarov was engaged in large-scale activities: he was
elected a deputy of the district and regional Soviets of Working
People's Deputies, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the
RSFSR, and a people's deputy of the USSR. Participated in the
XXV, XXVI, XXVII Congresses of the CPSU, XIX Party Conference.
He was a member of the Scientific Council of the Academy of
Medical Sciences of the USSR, a member of the Central Council
of the All-Union Society of Inventors and Rationalizers of the
USSR, a member of the editorial board of the journal
Orthopedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics, the USSR Culture
Fund and the Union of Soviet Friendship Societies and Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries. Under the leadership of GA
Ilizarov, 52 candidate and 7 doctoral dissertations were
In 1992, at the seventy-second year of life, academician GA
Ilizarov died suddenly of heart failure. Buried in Kurgan in the
cemetery of Ryabkovo.