Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
Оценка 5

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Оценка 5
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английский язык +1
11 кл +1
Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
В данной презентации описывается структура открытого занятия, целью которого является развитие навыков монологической речи обучающихся, развития их познавательной активности, воспитание чувства патриотизма. Также она содержит лексический и грамматический материал, подробное описание мест, где родились обучающиеся. Может быть использована как в урочное,так и во внеурочное время
Открытое занятие 2008 года..ppt

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
2008 – the year of family in Russia “Honour the family. Keep it together “ I.Ya.Yakovlev     Ст.преподаватель каф. ин.яз. Ст.преподаватель каф. ин.яз. биотехнологического ф-та биотехнологического ф-та Васильева Л.Е. Васильева Л.Е. Открытое занятие по  Открытое занятие по  Дата проведения:1 октября Дата проведения:1 октября Место проведения :каб.21а Место проведения :каб.21а английскому языку по теме  английскому языку по теме  2008 2008 ““My  native town. My native village” My  native town. My native village” Время:14.20 Время:14.20

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
II.Оргмомент    .Оргмомент    The Chuvash State Agricultural   Academy

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
IIII. . Speech exercises Speech exercises Look, listen and repeat.  Look, listen and repeat. landscape-a land of beautiful landscape; landscape-a land of beautiful landscape; come from – I come from Urmary; come from – I come from Urmary; countryside-The countryside is really beautiful there; countryside-The countryside is really beautiful there; to see the sights; to see the sights; to take a guided tour; to take a guided tour; scenery- a wonderful scenery; scenery- a wonderful scenery; to enjoy peace and relaxation; to enjoy peace and relaxation; greenland-vast greenlands; greenland-vast greenlands; There are vast greenlands and green hills covered in There are vast greenlands and green hills covered in domestic animals, wild animals; domestic animals, wild animals; What do you do?-I am a pensionier. What do you do?-I am a pensionier. trunk, wing, ear, tail, lizard. trunk, wing, ear, tail, lizard. The best way to see the sights of Cheboksary is to take a The best way to see the sights of Cheboksary is to take a beautiful wild flowers; beautiful wild flowers; guided tour. guided tour.

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
III. Listen to the text and choose  III. Listen to the text and choose  the best title for the text:  the best title for the text:  1. Compliments  1. Compliments 2.English character  2.English character 3.Gardening in England  3.Gardening in England

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
IV. Grammar test IV. Grammar test You will write your answers in your  You will write your answers in your copy-books, then you will give them copy-books, then you will give them to each other. Your neighbour will to each other. Your neighbour will check them. check them.

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
1. I usually get up … eight. 1. I usually get up … eight. a. ina. in b. on b. on c. at c. at 2. Where is the horse? It is…the stable. 2. Where is the horse? It is…the stable. a. ina. in b. on b. on c. under c. under 3. This farmer….40 years old. 3. This farmer….40 years old. a. ama. am b. isb. is c. are c. are 4.He …got two parrots. 4.He …got two parrots. a. isa. is b. have b. have c. has c. has   Choose the right answer: Choose the right answer:

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
5. Which word means «хобот»? «хобот»? 5. Which word means a.a. tusk tusk b. lizard b. lizard c. trunk c. trunk 6. Which word-combination means «домашние животные»? «домашние животные»? 6. Which word-combination means a. greenland a. greenland b. domestic animals b. domestic animals c. wild animals c. wild animals

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
comfortable. comfortable. friendly. friendly. V. Use “I”, “You”, “she”, “he”,  “it”, ”we” or “they”. V. Use “I”, “You”, “she”, “he”,  “it”, ”we” or “they”. 1. … is a doctor, and …am a vet. 1. … is a doctor, and …am a vet. 2.This is our house. ….is very nice and 2.This is our house. ….is very nice and 3. What’ s this? ...is my cat,….is not very 3. What’ s this? ...is my cat,….is not very 4.How are …?- …’m fine, thanks. And …? 4.How are …?- …’m fine, thanks. And …? 5. Meet Tom and Betty,…are my best friends. 5. Meet Tom and Betty,…are my best friends. 6. …am a first year student of the Chuvash 6. …am a first year student of the Chuvash ((оценка результатов теста) оценка результатов теста) State Agricultural Academy. State Agricultural Academy.

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
Мультимедийная презентация проектов—путешествие по родным  VI. VI. Мультимедийная презентация проектов—путешествие по родным  селам и городам студентов. Travel to native towns and villages of  Travel to native towns and villages of  селам и городам студентов.  students. students. 1.1.Repina Repina Nadya Nadya 2.Sanigarova 10.Radova Alyona Tanya    9.Kutorkina Tanya 8.Stepanova Nastya My native town, village 3.Kuzmina Katya 7.Semyonova Luda 6.Pavlova Mariya   4.Haritonova Sveta 5.Sofronova Alyona

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
Green Fields Green Fields  Once there were green fields Once there were green fields Kissed by the sun. Kissed by the sun. Once there were valleys Once there were valleys Where rivers used to run Where rivers used to run Once there was blue sky Once there was blue sky With white clouds high above With white clouds high above Once there were parts of Once there were parts of An everlasting love An everlasting love We were the lovers We were the lovers Who strolled through green Who strolled through green fields fields

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
VII.VII.Завершающий этап. Подведение итогов занятия.  Завершающий этап. Подведение итогов занятия.  Оценка работ студентов.. Оценка работ студентов I.Ya. Yakovlev wrote Spiritual Testament to the  I.Ya. Yakovlev wrote Spiritual Testament to the Chuvashish People. Chuvashish People. It begins with the words:  It begins with the words: In the name of the Father and the Son and  ““In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!” the Holy Spirit!” 1) I address myself first to you, my  1) I address myself first to you, my Chuvashish friends and relatives… Chuvashish friends and relatives… ) Honour the family. Keep it together.  22) Honour the family. Keep it together. 3)Honour and love the good and wise Russian  3)Honour and love the good and wise Russian people. people. 4)Using your native language will not betray  4)Using your native language will not betray the Russian cause. You can serve the great the Russian cause. You can serve the great country of Russia without forsaking your country of Russia without forsaking your mother tongue. mother tongue. 5) Live harmony with each other. Avoid petty  5) Live harmony with each other. Avoid petty quarrels. Remember the great command of quarrels. Remember the great command of the Seniour. the Seniour. 6)Believe in diligent work and do it willingly. willingly.  6)Believe in diligent work and do it 7) Believe in God!  7) Believe in God!

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
Home, sweet home. Home, sweet home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home.  Honour the family. Keep it together. Honour the family. Keep it together.

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village

Презентация занятия по английскому языку по теме “ My native town. My native village
Thank you for your work at the lesson. Honour the place Thank you for your work at the lesson. Honour the place where you were born and be proud of it. where you were born and be proud of it.
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