Демонстрационный вариант
Промежуточная аттестационная работа по английскому языку
9 класс Вариант 2
Reading A1. Read the text « Isaac Newton» and choose if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer.
Isaac Newton was born on 25 December 1642 at Woolsthorpe, England. His father was a wealthy farmer,
who died 3 months before Isaac was born. His mother married for the second time when Newton was three
years old. She left Isaac in the care of his grandmother and began to live with her new husband.
When Newton was twelve he was attended the King’s School, Grantham. He studied there until
seventeen. Then in 1659 Isaac had to leave to help his mother on the farm. Isaac Newton was not interested
in working on the farm and in 1660 he went to the grammar school again.
After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge University and received his degree in 1665.
Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague (чума) and Newton went home for eighteen
months. It was most important period in his life when he made his three great discoveries — the generalized
binomial theorem, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation.
Isaac Newton made a lot of discoveries in mathematics, physics, astronomy and other sciences. The first
practical reflecting telescope was also invented by Newton. Between 1670 and 1672 he studied optics.
It should be noted that Isaac Newton was religious and studied theology. Newton studied the Bible and
published some of his theological researches.
It is also known that between 1689 and 1690 and in 1701 Isaac Newton was a member of the Parliament of
England. In 1703 Isaac Newton became president of the Royal Society.
Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands today.
Many scientists consider Newton to be the greatest genius in the history of mankind.
1) The great English scientist Isaac Newton was born on 25 December 1642 in England.
2) He studied at King’s School and then he left grammar school to help his mother on the farm.
3) After finishing school, Newton studied chemistry at Cambridge University.
4) At the university he made his great discovery —a theory of the atom.
Isaac Newton invented the first practical reflecting telescope.
Isaac Newton was a member of the Parliament of England and later he became the president of the
Royal Society.
7) There is a monument to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey.
Dialogue of Cultures
A2. For questions 15, choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1) What is the BBC?
a) It’s the National Broadcasting Company.
b) It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation.
c) It’s the Columbia Broadcasting System.
2) A gap year is a period of time which a person takes to pause:
a) between kindergarten and primary school
b) between primary and secondary school
c) between secondary school and college or university
3) A CV means
a) a summary of your job experience and education
b) your autobiography
c) an application for a job4) The United Nations is translated from English into Russian as
a) Британский совет
b) Содружество независимых государств
c) Организация Объединенных Наций
Use of English
A3. Fill in the gaps with necessary letters.
1. Com…unication
2. Employ…ent
3. Educ…tion
A4. Match the words with the transcriptions.
1) to require
2) key
3) an opportunity
4) to prepare
4. Opt…onal
5. Tec…nical
6. To atten…
ˏɒ əʹ
ɪ ɪ
a) [
p tju:n t ]
b) [ki:]
ɪʹ ə
c) [pr pe ]
d) [r kwa
A5. Choose the correct form of modal.
can / may / must / should /
You … work a lot to earn enough money.
I … visit my grandmother. I haven’t seen her for ages.
… I use your telephone?
I … play football.
A6. Choose the correct tense form.
1) He _______ a letter at the moment.
a) writes
b) write
is writing
d) has written
3) ______ you ever ______ to London?
a) Had … been
b) Have … been
c) Was … in
d) Has … been
11) A7. Match the words with the definitions.
1. To succeed in
2. To require
3. A comprehensive school
4. To pass an exam
5. Employment
5)I _____ a new book for an hour yesterday.
a) am reading
c) have been reading
d)was reading
4)The train ______ at 10.
a) will leave
c) has let
a) Занятость, работа
b) Нуждаться, требовать
c) Сдать экзамен
d) Преуспеть в
e) Общеобразовательная школа7. B1. Build the nouns from the following verbs.
1. to develop … 2.. to contribute … 3. to found…
10. B2. Complete the sentences, using the correct verb forms.
11. 1) The book … (to sell) in different countries.
12. 2) Dynamite … (to discover) by Alfred Nobel in 1867.
13. 3) The Olympic Games … (to hold) since 1896.
14. 4) Soon computers … (to use) in all classrooms.
19. B3. Translate from English into Russian.
1. The Beatles made a breakthrough in pop and rock.
2. Books of Joanne Rowling are full of mystery and adventure.
4. The job of a doctor requires communication skills, much knowledge and training.
In Britain state schools provide free education.
22.B4. You have got a letter from your Englishspeaking pen friend Steve. Complete
the letter.
I was glad to receive your letter. Next year I will go to the sixth form where I will learn
Maths, Information Technology, English and two more subjects – which ones, I haven’t decided
yet. I want to get into Oxford. It is rather difficult and you need to work hard.
What opportunities do you have when you choose where to study? What are your plans
for the future? What subjects are you interested in?