Промежуточный тест на знание лексики 9 класс УМК Звездный Английский Module 2
Оценка 4.8

Промежуточный тест на знание лексики 9 класс УМК Звездный Английский Module 2

Оценка 4.8
Подготовка к тестированию +4
английский язык
9 кл
Промежуточный тест на знание лексики 9 класс УМК Звездный Английский Module 2
Данный тест разработан для предварительной подготовки или контроля лексических навыков 2 модуля УМК Звездный английский в 9 классе. Архив включает в себя текст контрольной, ключи, рекомендации, описание работы и критерии оценивания
Lexical Test AND THE KEYS (Module 2).docx


Name ………………………..      Surname …………………………………………….      Form ……………..


·     Vocabulary

  Complete the sentences with the correct word. There are 2 extra words.

*descendant *disabled *pace *unavoidable *restrict *raw *manipulate *marinated *unbearable *edible *replicate* rotten


1. David…………………………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.

2. This device allows the severely ………………………………………. to communicate.

3. A cruise is a chance to enjoy a slow ……………………………………. of life.

4. I think you should cook the meat a little longer: it’s still ………………………………… in the middle.

5. Insect contamination is often ………………………………………… when manufacturing foods.

6. The trainer is able to ………………………………………..the shark into various poses.

7. That …………………………… meat has a terrible stench: put it in the bin outside!

8. I try to ………………………………………….. myself to one dessert a day.

9. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only ………………………………, but taste good, too!

10. He is known to be a direct …………………………………………. of the last king.





Name ………………………..      Surname …………………………………………….      Form ……………..


·     Vocabulary

  Complete the sentences with the correct word. There are 2 extra words.

*descendant *disabled *pace *unavoidable *restrict *raw *manipulate *marinated *unbearable *edible *replicate* rotten


1. David…………………………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.

2. This device allows the severely ………………………………………. to communicate.

3. A cruise is a chance to enjoy a slow ……………………………………. of life.

4. I think you should cook the meat a little longer: it’s still ………………………………… in the middle.

5. Insect contamination is often ………………………………………… when manufacturing foods.

6. The trainer is able to ………………………………………..the shark into various poses.

7. That …………………………… meat has a terrible stench: put it in the bin outside!

8. I try to ………………………………………….. myself to one dessert a day.

9. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only ………………………………, but taste good, too!

10. He is known to be a direct …………………………………………. of the last king.


Underline the correct item.

1. In the swamp there is a lot of moisture/sweat in the air.

2. The invisibility cloak is a mind- fetched/boggling idea.

3. Our parents brought/broke us up to believe in our own abilities.

4. You’d better kneel/bend in front of the fire to warm yourself.

5. Everyone was delighted when they cracked/broke the secret code.

6. The explorers came across an old abundant/abandoned hut.

7. Doing snowboarding without adequate safety equipment can be dead/deadly.


Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold

There are pills for everything. If you can’t sleep you take a pill. If you’re depressed or just ____________________, you also can take a pill. These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use for improving your ______________________. It will have the same effect on people’s bodies as doing sports. The ________________________experiments on mice have given wonderful results. The animals got stronger and healthier without any exercise. However, some doctors think that such pills can be ___________________________for health, especially in certain situations. The problem is that there will be people who may use pill unwisely. For example, young girls who want to lose weight and get slim may take several pills at once. It will be very _______________________ for their health. That’s why our government should think a lot before making the ___________________ that allows the medicine to be produced.














Underline the correct item.

1. In the swamp there is a lot of moisture/sweat in the air.

2. The invisibility cloak is a mind- fetched/boggling idea.

3. Our parents brought/broke us up to believe in our own abilities.

4. You’d better kneel/bend in front of the fire to warm yourself.

5. Everyone was delighted when they cracked/broke the secret code.

6. The explorers came across an old abundant/abandoned hut.

7. Doing snowboarding without adequate safety equipment can be dead/deadly.


Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold

There are pills for everything. If you can’t sleep you take a pill. If you’re depressed or just ____________________, you also can take a pill. These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use for improving your ______________________. It will have the same effect on people’s bodies as doing sports. The ________________________experiments on mice have given wonderful results. The animals got stronger and healthier without any exercise. However, some doctors think that such pills can be ___________________________for health, especially in certain situations. The problem is that there will be people who may use pill unwisely. For example, young girls who want to lose weight and get slim may take several pills at once. It will be very _______________________ for their health. That’s why our government should think a lot before making the ___________________ that allows the medicine to be produced.














Complete the sentences with the correct word. There are 2 extra words.

1.     marinated

2.     disabled

3.     pace

4.     raw

5.     unavoidable

6.     manipulate

7.     rotten

8.     restrict

9.     edible


Underline the correct item.

1.     moisture

2.     boggling

3.     brought

4.     kneel

5.     cracked

6.     abandoned

7.     deadly

Complete the sentences with a word derived from the words in bold

1.     UNHAPPY

2.     FITNESS



5.     HARMFUL




Name ……………………….. Surname ……………………………………………

Name ……………………….. Surname ……………………………………………

Underline the correct item. 1

Underline the correct item. 1

KEYS Complete the sentences with the correct word

KEYS Complete the sentences with the correct word
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