Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Исправь ошибки!" для 3-4 классов
Оценка 4.9

Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Исправь ошибки!" для 3-4 классов

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний +1
английский язык
3 кл—6 кл
Проверочная работа по английскому языку "Исправь ошибки!" для 3-4 классов
Исправь ошибки.docx

Исправь ошибки 3-4

1.     Can  Liz  swim? – No,  she  can.

2.     His  sister  can  climb  a  tree?

3.     I  have  got  two  budgie.

4.     Tom  has  got  a  hamster. Her  hamster  is  brown.

5.     My  cats  is  white.

6.     Sam  has  got  a  apple.

7.     The  children  doesn’t  drink  coffee.

8.     Do  you  like  the  chair? – No,  I  do.

9.     Ann  has  a  mirror.  His  mirror  is  nice.

10. The  book  on  the  desk.

11. Does Mike and Liz play on the carpet?

12. Is your pens good?

13. Misha don’t read English books.

14. The  pupil  open  his  pencil-case.

15. Children  doesn’t  go  to  school  in  summer.

16. Is  trees  green in  spring?

17.  It  cloudy  today.

18. My  brother  haven’t  got  a  ball.

19. The  friends is  at  the  circus  now.

20. The tiger don’t eat grass.

21. The crocodile haven’t got ears.

22. Do  the  monkey  like  bananas?

23. His  school  are  big.

24. I  is  a  pupil.

25. They isn’t friends.

26. Her  sister  aren’t  lazy.

27. Am  her  sons  naughty?

28. Is  his  brothers  clever?

29. Frogs hasn’t got hair.

30. Tim has got a blue eyes.

31. Have the snake got ears?

32. Mike haven’t got a red mouth.

33. My  sisters  has  got  a  long  hair.

34. Sam can to run.

35. Polly can swim well?

36. Can you play tennis? – No, I can.

37. Ann cans dance very well.

38. This  farmers  are from America.

39. These is our teacher.

40. This  are good sportsmen.

41. These shop-assistant  is nice.

42. My uncle dog  is  clever.

43. His parent’s names are Ann and Mike.

44. This  is Nina  brother.

45. She is  Nina’s and Sam’s granny.

46. Her cousins’s   kitten  is  nice.

47. Liz get up at 7 o’clock.

48. His   parents works  together.

49. We goes to school in the morning.

50. The  children  has  lunch  at  12.45.

51. My brother brushes my  teeth  every morning.

52. Ted and Nick usually make his  beds  at 7.30.

53. We wash  her  face  in  the  morning.

54. I  don’t  brush  our  hair  in  the  afternoon.

55.  Do  you  usually  do  my  exercises?

56.  Does  you  tidy  your  room  on  Monday?

57. Alex  don’t  help  his  mum.

58. Little  Ann  doesn’t  make  his  bed.

59.  They  have  dinner  on  6  o’clock.

60. My mum take  a shower  eveyr evening.

61. Mary goes to the circus in Sunday.

62. Ted likes to swim; he is  at  the  swimming-pool  now.

63. Let’s go in  the amusement park!

64. My granny wants to  go  on  a walk.

65. When you go to the circus?

66. What Liz has  for  breakfast?

67. When  do  Tom  gets  up?

68. Where  does  they  watch cartoons?

69. What does Kate washes  after  lunch?

70.  Tom go to the  zoo  on Friday.

71. When your sister go the disco?

72. Where do you have lunch? – At 12.30.

73. Liz and Mike goes to  the  theatre every  Saturday.

74. What  Alex  has  for  dinner?

75.  Big dogs  likes  big  bones.

76. His pet not eat seeds.

77. These elephants’s tails  are  long.

78. What  do  her  cat  drink?

79. Where  they  friends  go?

80. Crocodiles  is  boring.

81. The  kitten  are  quiet.

82. Tina feed her noisy  parrot every morning.

83. This snake tail  is ugly.

84. Does you wash  your dog?

85. Tigers  are  more  angrier  than crocodiles.

86. Cheetahs  are  fastest  animals  in the  world.

87. Puppies  smaller  than  dogs.

88. The monkey  is  the  most interestingest animal.

89. Liz  is  tallest  than her   brother.

90. Giraffes  taller  than  monkeys.

91. Mike  is  youngest  than his  cousin.

92. There  are  a  table  in  the  kitchen.

93. There  is  two carpets  in  the  bedroom.

94. There’s  is  a mirror  in  the  hall.

95. There  aren’t  a wardrobe  in  the  kitchen.

96.  Is there  three  armchairs  in the  living-room?

97. Are  there  a  chair  and  a table  in  the kitchen?

98. My parent’s bedroom  is  nice.

99. There  isn’t  two fridges  in  the   kitchen.

100.       What colour  the  carpet  is?

101.       How many  hall is there  downstairs?

102.       Are  there a sofa and an armchair in the living-room?

103.       This trousers  are  long.

104.       Sam has got a  blue  jeans.

105.       There  is  two  sock  on  the  floor.

106.       Ann likes  her tights; it  is  nice.

107.       He often  wears  this  T-shirt;  they  are  white.

108.       What colour  is  his  shoes?

109.       I’ve got a brother. My brothers’ sweater  is  brown.

110.       There  are a nice  dress  on  the  chair.

111.       This  shorts  are  red.

112.       It’s  the  most  beautifulest   skirt.

113.       That gloves  are  cheap.

114.       Those  sweater  is  warm.

115.       It’s  the  most  expensivest  jacket.

116.       That mittens  are  expensive.

117.       When does you  wear  this  coat?

118.       Those  hat  is  funny.

119.       What  colour  is  these  trousers?

120.       English  is  second lesson  on Tuesday.

121.       Tom do  sums in  Maths.

122.       The  third  lesson  Russian  Reading.

123.       The pupils  read  now.

124.       Liz  is  speaking English now?

125.       Tony sing  songs in Music.

126.       Russian  is  first  lesson   today.

127.       Linda  isn’t  make  things  now.

128.       Tina  don’t  solve  problems  well.

129.       Technology  is  three  lesson  today.

130.       The pupils  learning  about  nature  every   Science  lesson.

131.       Her  brother  play  sports  in PE.

132.       Andy  isn’t  read  about   animals  now.

133.       Does Ted  listening  to the  story  now?

134.       Mrs Bell is  Sam’s  and  Mary’s  teacher.

135.       Today  is  twelfth  of April.

136.       My birthday  is on the  twenty-eight  of  December.

137.       Ted  is  more  older  than  his  brother.

138.       What day  is  the seventieth  of June?

139.       Today  is  the  twenty  of May.

140.       Sam’s  birthday  is  in the  eighteenth  of  October.

141.       There  is  ten  candles  on  the  birthday  cake.

142.       Ann and her sister   is  going  to have  a  party.

143.       Is Tom going  invite  his  friends?

144.       Henry’s birthday  is  in   the  third  of November.

145.       Ann’s friends  is  going  to  give  presents.

146.       Today  is  my  dad birthday.

147.       They  usually  have a party  on the  9th  for  September.

148.       They  often solving  problems.

149.       Mary isn’t  speak  English  now.

150.       My parents  watches TV.



Исправь ошибки 3-4 1.

Исправь ошибки 3-4 1.

My sisters has got a long hair

My sisters has got a long hair

When do Tom gets up? 2

When do Tom gets up? 2

How many hall is there downstairs? 2

How many hall is there downstairs? 2

Today is twelfth of April

Today is twelfth of April
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