Работа с текстом в 7 классе.
Оценка 4.9

Работа с текстом в 7 классе.

Оценка 4.9
Домашняя работа
английский язык
7 кл
Работа с текстом в 7 классе.
Task 1. Read the story. Then answer the questions below. Mary Williams was a clever young lady. She lived alone and had a very important business job in a big company. She worked very hard in it. She was never absent, she always ar¬rived at her office early and left late, and she often took reports home with her to read. At weekends she seldom went any¬where, and she was always working then too. Jill Thomas was a friend of Mary's. In fact, she was Mary's best friend. They had gone to the same school, and both of them were clever women, but Jill was married, and she did not want to get a job. "I'm quite happy at home with Len," she always said. "I don't want to be too busy to have fun." Jill and Len liked walking very much, and nearly every week¬end they went to the mountains and walked there. They also liked dancing very much, and they often went out in the eve¬ning and danced till the early hours of the next morning. And when they had their holidays, they climbed all the mountains one by one and swam and sailed on a lake and danced nearly all
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Name                                                                                  Surname                               Reading (7 formers) Task 1. Read the story. Then answer the questions below.  Mary Williams was a clever young lady. She lived alone and had a very important business job in a big  company. She worked very hard in it. She was never absent, she always arrived at her office early and left late, and she often took reports home with her to read. At weekends she seldom went anywhere, and she  was always working then too. Jill Thomas was a friend of Mary's. In fact, she was Mary's best friend. They had gone to the same school, and both of them were clever women, but Jill was married, and she did not want to get a job. "I'm quite happy at home with Len," she always said. "I don't want to be too busy to have fun." Jill and Len liked walking very much, and nearly every weekend they went to the mountains and walked there. They also liked dancing very much, and they often went out in the evening and danced till the early hours of the next morning. And when they had their holidays, they climbed all the mountains one by one and swam and sailed on a lake and danced nearly all the time. One year Jill said to Mary, "Would you like to have a holiday with us this year, Mary?" Mary was very happy, so Jill and Mary and Len had two weeks together. Mary enjoyed her holiday, but she was very tired after they had climbed all the mountains and swum every day and danced every night. The next summer, Jill offered to take Mary on their holiday again. "Thank you very much," answered Mary, "but I'm going to be quite honest with you: I'm sorry that I can't come, because I've worked a lot this year and I'm tired. But I don't need a holiday: I need a rest!" 1) Was Mary a good worker?                                                                                                                                                    2) Was Jill clever too?                                                                                                                                                   3) Why didn’t Jill want to get a job?                                                                                                                                                   4) What did Jill and Len like best?                                                                                                                                                   5) What did they do when they had holidays?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Task 2. Circle the correct answer (a, b).  1) What did Jill do one year? a. She offered to take Mary with them.    a. She told Mary to come with them. 2) Did Mary accept? a. No, she did not.    b. Yes, she did. 3) How was Mary at the end of the holiday? a. She was happy, and not tired. b. She was happy, but tired.  4) What did Jill ask Mary the next summer? a. She asked her to take her and Len on a holiday. b. She asked her to come on their holiday again. 5) Did Mary accept this time? c. No, she did not. d. Yes, she did. Task 3. Read the text and circle the correct words. Mary Williams (had/worked for) a big company, and she worked (less/more) than most people. She  (never/sometimes) worked on Saturdays and Sundays as well. She had an old (school/school friend)  whose name was (Jill/Len), and who (had a job in the same office/did not have a job), so she was (free/too busy) to have fun when she liked. Jill and her husband often walked in the mountains (in the  evening/on Saturdays and Sundays), and they often danced for (six/twenty­four) hours. When they had  their holidays, they also used to swim and to (sell things/sail) on a lake. Then one year Mary had a  holiday with (her husband/Jill mid her husband). Mary (climbed and swam and danced/did not climb or  swim or dance), (and/because) she became tired. The next year, Jill (did not want/wanted)Mary to come  again, (and/but) Mary did not want to, because she needed a (holiday/rest).

Работа с текстом в 7 классе.

Работа с текстом в 7 классе.

Работа с текстом в 7 классе.

Работа с текстом в 7 классе.
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