Степени сравнения 4 класс. Comparatives Spotlight 4 module 4
Оценка 4.6

Степени сравнения 4 класс. Comparatives Spotlight 4 module 4

Оценка 4.6
Домашняя работа +2
английский язык
3 кл—4 кл
Степени сравнения 4 класс. Comparatives Spotlight 4 module 4
Практическое задание или контроль знаний по теме сравнительная степень.
4 класс степени сравнения.docx

Comparatives                                                           class 4 variant 1

Write comparatives:

1.      Nice

2.      Big

3.      Thin

4.      Fast

5.      Small

6.      Happy

7.      Slim

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.      Monkeys are …… (smart) than ducks.

2.      Dolphins are ……. (funny) than whales.

3.      Dogs are …… (friendly).

4.      Winter is ….  (cold) than summer.

5.      In summer  it is …… (hot).

6.      Giraffes are ….. (tall) than hippos.

7.      Monkeys have got …… (long) tails.


                                  Comparatives                                                         class 4 variant 2

Write comparatives:

1.         tall

2.         funny

3.         fat

4.         clever

5.         late

6.         pretty

7.         fast

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.         Monkeys are …… (big) than ducks.

2.         Whales are ……. (friendly) animals.

3.         Dogs are …… (clever) animals.

4.         It is a ……. (cold) winter.

5.         Summer is …… (hot) than spring.

6.         Giraffes are ….. (thin) animals.

7.         Lizards have got …… (small) eyes than frogs.


                                                Comparatives                                                                       class 4 variant 1

Write comparatives:

1.         Nice

2.         Big

3.         Thin

4.         Fast

5.         Small

6.         Happy

7.         Slim

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.         Monkeys are …… (smart) than ducks.

2.         Dolphins are ……. (funny) than whales.

3.         Dogs are …… (friendly).

4.         Winter is ….  (cold) than summer.

5.         In summer  it is …… (hot).

6.         Giraffes are ….. (tall) than hippos.

7.         Monkeys have got …… (long) tails.


                                  Comparatives                                                                                    class 4 variant 2

Write comparatives:

1.         tall

2.         funny

3.         fat

4.         clever

5.         late

6.         pretty

7.         fast

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.         Monkeys are …… (big) than ducks.

2.         Whales are ……. (friendly) animals.

3.         Dogs are …… (clever) animals.

4.         It is a ……. (cold) winter.

5.         Summer is …… (hot) than spring.

6.         Giraffes are ….. (thin) animals.

7.         Lizards have got …… (small) eyes than frogs.


                                                Comparatives                                                                       class 4 variant 1

Write comparatives:

1.         Nice

2.         Big

3.         Thin

4.         Fast

5.         Small

6.         Happy

7.         Slim

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.         Monkeys are …… (smart) than ducks.

2.         Dolphins are ……. (funny) than whales.

3.         Dogs are …… (friendly).

4.         Winter is ….  (cold) than summer.

5.         In summer  it is …… (hot).

6.         Giraffes are ….. (tall) than hippos.

7.         Monkeys have got …… (long) tails.


                                  Comparatives                                                                                class 4 variant 2

Write comparatives:

1.         tall

2.         funny

3.         fat

4.         clever

5.         late

6.         pretty

7.         fast

Write comparatives if necessary ( если необходимо).

1.         Monkeys are …… (big) than ducks.

2.         Whales are ……. (friendly) animals.

3.         Dogs are …… (clever) animals.

4.         It is a ……. (cold) winter.

5.         Summer is …… (hot) than spring.

6.         Giraffes are ….. (thin) animals.

7.         Lizards have got …… (small) eyes than frogs.


Comparatives class 4 variant 1

Comparatives class 4 variant 1

Comparatives class 4 variant 2

Comparatives class 4 variant 2
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