Данный материал позволяет тренировать учащихся в употреблении слов которые звучат одинаково, но имеют разные значения (омофоны) на уроках английского языка. Важно, чтобы учащиеся знали значения этих слов. Тому будет способствовать раздаточный материал на эту тему. Я предлагаю задания в четырех вариантах.
Употребление омофонов. 8 класс
1.The cost of the book is five dollars and fifty (cents, sents).
2.A (bear, bare) likes honey very much.
3.Everyjne in our family has (fare, fair) hair.
4.The bus driver collected bus (fares, fairs).
5.I want to play (for, four )our team.
6.My friend’s (hair,hare) is brown and wavy.
7.Have you read the (hole, whole )story?
8.(Flower, Flour) is used to make bread and cakes.
9.My pet is a white and black (hair, hare).
10.I (here, hear) someone calling my name.
1. Meet me at (four, for).
2.There is a (whole, hole) on my jeans.
3.She (won, one) her first competition in 1995.
4.After the war a period of (peace, piece) began.
5.Only (won, one )book of M.Twain left in the library.
6.Sophia’s (knew,new) friend (knew,new) a lot of proverbs.
7.Who has (one, won )the game?
8.It was dark at (night,knight) yesterday.
9.There were two (pears, pares) on the vase.
10.Our dog wags its ( tail,tale) when it sees us.Употребление омофонов.8 класс.
1.Telling the truth was the (right, write) thing to do.
2.He was driving on the wrong side of the (rode, road).
3.The (son, sun) gives light and heat.
4.The lake is near. You can walk (there, their).
5.What are you going to (where, wear) today?
6.(Which, witch) of the players was the best?
7.He is (week, weak) after the operation.
8.I have (worn, warn)this coat for three years.
9.I (worn, warn) you that he is not honest.
10.How much do you (way, weigh)?
1.We (wear, where) warm clothes in winter.
2.(Witch, Which) is the shortest way to the mountains?
3.Teenages have the (write, right) to protection from cruelty.
4.There is (no, know)book on the table.
5.We want to live in (peace, piece).
6.Her long grey (hare, hair)fell over her shoulders.
7.Let’s meet at the station at (for, four).
8.Who has eaten my (piece, peace) of cake?
9.I would like to learn to (sale, sail).
10.He (road, rode) a bike to the shop.