Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Оценка 4.6
Разработки уроков
английский язык
11 кл
Данный урок входит в раздел «Работа на всю жизнь» и связан с предыдущими уроками лексическим содержанием, грамматическим аспектом и влияет на последующие уроки своей теоретической, практической и познавательной значимостью. По целеполаганию урок способствует совершенствованию коммуникативных умений обучающихся по теме «Твоя будущая работа». По основной дидактической задаче – это урок введения нового материала, тренировка навыков его использования совместно с содержанием нового урока.
Разработка открытого урока A job for your future .docx
Открытый урок
: « A job for your future»
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 11а
Цель: предоставить обучающимся возможность оценить свои возможности и
предпочтения при выборе профессии.
Речевая компетенция;
актуализация лексических знаний в рамках изученной темы;
развитие навыков монологической речи по теме;
развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания высказывания;
развитие словообразовательных навыков
развитие умения делать выводы из услышанного
развитие интеллектуальных способностей обучающихся,
развитие способности к распределению внимания, к догадке, к сравнению и
расширение знаний студентов о мире профессий;
воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению других обучающихся;
развитие умения работать в команде
Языковая компетенция:
Социокультурная компетенция:
Учебнопознавательная компетенция:
Тип урока: комбинированный
Форма организации деятельности обучающихся: фронтальная,
Методы обучения: объяснительноиллюстративный, репродуктивный, частично
Технологии обучения: проблемное обучение, информационно
коммуникативная технология,
ориентированное обучение
Оснащение урока: карточки с заданием на словообразование, карточки для
занесения информации, полученной в процессе аудирования, карточки с
мультимедийная презентация в MS POWER POINT.
здоровьесберегающая технология, личностно
интерактивная SMARTдоска,
проектор, Планконспект урока
I. Организационный момент. Мобилизация обучающихся на работу.
II. Речевая зарядка. Погружение обучающихся в коммуникативную среду.
III. Проверка домашнего задания.
1) выполнение упражнения на развитие словообразовательных навыков;
2) выполнение упражнения на закрепление новых слов;
3) устное высказывание по тексту 2В стр. 41
IV. Активизация употребления лексики по теме «A job for your future»
1) работа по электронному приложению на идентификацию названий
2) выполнение упражнений на закрепление новых лексических единиц и
V. Развитие словообразовательных навыков
1) работа у доски;
2) работа по карточкам на местах.
VI. Практика аудирования.
1) прослушивание, заполнение таблицы;
2) проверка выполнения задания, обсуждение.
VII. Работа с текстом.
1) чтение, выполнение задания;
2) проверка понимания прочитанных микротекстов.
VIII. Развитие навыков устной речи. Составление монологического высказывания
по плану. №п/п
Этапы урока
Организационный момент
Речевая зарядка по теме:
«Навыки и способности для
успешной работы»
Проверка домашнего задания
Активизация употребления
лексики по теме «A job for
your future»
Выполнение задания в формате
Практика аудирования
Работа с текстом
Заключительный этап урока
Приветствие, беседа с дежурным
Ответы обучающихся на вопросы
Цель выполняемого задания
Мобилизация обучающихся на работу.
Сообщение темы и задач урока
Погружение обучающихся в
коммуникативную среду
1) устное высказывание по тексту 2В
стр. 41;
2) упражнение 2 стр. 25 в рабочей
3) упражнение 3 стр. 25 в рабочей
1) работа по электронному приложению
на идентификацию названий профессий;
2) выполнение упражнения на
интерактивной доске
1) выполнение упражнений 3D
у доски;
2) работа по карточкам на местах
1) прослушивание, заполнение таблицы;
2) проверка выполнения задания,
1) чтение мини текстов по группам;
2) проверка выполнения задания,
1) высказывания обучающихся о
будущей работе;
2) выводы обучающихся об уроке
Информация о домашнем задании,
выставление оценок
Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Развитие словообразовательных
Закрепление нового лексического
Расширение лексического материала по
Закрепление новых лексических единиц
и выражений
Развитие словообразовательных
Развитие навыков аудирования
Совершенствование навыков
просмотрового чтения
Развитие навыков устной речи Планконспект урока
I. Организационный
момент. Мобилизация
учащихся на работу
II. Речевая зарядка.
Погружение учащихся
в коммуникативную
Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you. We
have guests on our lesson today. Greet them,
please. Who is on duty today? What is the
date today? What day of the week is it today?
Well, pupils, this year you are the 11th grade
pupils. It’s time to choose a job which helps
you in your life. I believe you have already
thought what profession you’d like to connect
with your future life, which job is really your
cup of tea. Today we’ll continue speaking
about jobs and professions. We’ll discuss the
job requirements, skills and abilities which
are necessary to be successful in any job.
We’ll do some exercises with words and
expressions we learned at the previous lesson.
We’ll read texts and do the task according to
the texts. We’ll practice word formation and
listening skills. And in conclusion you will
tell about the job you’d like to do in your
Now, pupils, I’d like to ask you some
1. As you know, at doing different jobs you
need different skills. What skills do people
need? And what about abilities? They are also
important to do the job properly.
2. What qualities should people have to be
Good morning, teacher. We are glad to
see you too.
I’m on duty today. All are present.
Today is the 19th of October. It’s
Monday today.
1. I think, people need numeracy and
literacy, administrative skills,
teamwork skills, leadership skills.
To my mind to do the job properly
people should have the ability to work
to tight deadlines, the ability to work
under pressure, creative abilities,
artistic abilities, the ability to make a
decision, the ability to control people. successful in the job?
Furthermore to be successful in the job people
should be organized, disciplined, responsible,
sociable, motivated and many other qualities
people should have.
3. What would you like to get from your
future job? Name your expectations.
4. Do you think that working abroad is more
difficult than working in your own country?
You should know the language of the country
where you are going to work, you have to
communicate with people there. You have to
adapt to the local traditions, requirements and
their way of life.
At the previous lesson we read the text with
four job profiles. At home you had to make
brief information about this jobs and your
own opinion about these positions. Who
wants to tell us about the job of sales? Who is
ready to present us the job of chef? About the
graduate in the police service. Some words
about the job of tour guide. Get ready. Also
your homework was to do exercises 2 and 3
in your workbooks. Who wants to come to the
blackboard and do the ex. 2. Make adjectives
2. A sharp mind, ambition, dedication,
individuality, initiative, physical
strength, flexibility.
3. I’d like to communicate with
I want to have a good salary.
I’m interested in the career
I want to work
in an office.
I’d like to work in different countries.
I want to help needy people.
4. I think it is difficult to work abroad
because you must know the foreign
1. As far as I know a salesperson
doesn’t need any special qualification
In big cities this work attracts
especially students who wants to pay
tuition fees.
2. To my mind a chef is very
responsible job.
Firstly the chef must have a good
qualification to cook different kinds of
dish; secondly he must control all the
members of his team.
III. Проверка
домашнего задания 3. I think the ability to make a
of positive qualities with these words. I invite
the next pupil to the board to do the ex. 3.
Match the words with the definitions. And
now we are ready to listen to you Юля.
SALES: I am of the same opinion that if the
salespersons don’t have any qualification they
don’t work a way up to higher position.
CHEF: right you are. I agree with you that the
chef should have a good qualification because
the prestige of his café or a restaurant depends
on his skills, practice and the organized work
of his team.
POLICE: I share your point of view that the
job of the police is one of the most difficult
jobs. It requires
TOUR GUIDE: I totally agree with you that
to be a tour guide first of all you must know
foreign language to communicate with
IV. Активизация
употребления лексики
по теме с
применением в речи.
There are a lot of interesting and perspective
jobs. Let’s remind them. Электронный
учебник «Personal relationship», vocabulary,
activity. Look at the screen and match the
requirements of some jobs with their names.
We’ve just named some kinds of jobs and it is
clear that any job has advantages and
disadvantages. For example what advantages
and disadvantages have the profession of a
trainee, recruits, worked, challenge,
promoted, bonus, shift, perks
1. I am looking for a job with a bit
more ….
2. In three years she … her way up to
the position of senior manager.
3. The new … will start next week. teacher, doctor?
I see, pupils, you’ve adopted new words and
expressions we learnt at the previous lesson
and now I’d like to offer you to do the
exercise which will develop your lexical
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
And firstly let’s read these words in order to
mention their meanings.
4. The young army officer was… to
the rank of captain.
5. A lot of people are not prepared for
… work – it is difficult for them to
work at night or at unusual times.
6. I don’t have to pay for this meal – it
is one of the … of the job.
7. People who stay more than two
years in this job get a special ….
8. New … to the police force are
always welcome.
The task of the next exercise is to complete
the following sentences with the appropriate
noun as in the example.
I have worked in his restaurant for
I taught her basic skills in
When I am unwell I ask his advice.
Example: He is my employer. He
owns a small restaurant.
five years. I am his employee.
1. She is my trainee. She has been
trained for two months.
marketing. I am her trainer.
2. He is my doctor. He always comes
when somebody in the family is ill.
I am his patient.
3. She is my hairdresser. She can
arrange your hair in different styles:
from traditional to avant garde.
her client.
4. He is an interviewer. He is going to
ask me some questions to write a
newspaper report.
answer his questions.
I am an interviewee. I am ready to
I come to her once a month. I am V.Развитие
The next stage of our lesson is to do one of
the tasks from the State examination. It’s a
word formation. Two pupils are welcome to
the boards. __________ you should complete
the table with the appropriate form of the
word. ____________ your task is to fill in the
gaps with the appropriate words from the
And the rest pupils you have a card and you
should use the words in capitals at the end of
each line to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line. After finishing this task
hands in your cards.
As you know the first task in the State
examination is listening. Take the cards with
listening. Now you will listen to 5 speakers
and there are 6 statements one of which is
odd. Listen to the speakers and fill in the
table. Then will check work.
What makes you think so? Why do you think
so? How can you prove that the 1,2,3,4,5
speaker is a ….
1. My ambition is to become a pilot.
2. This new trainee is working hard. –
Yes, he’s certainly dedicated but really
not very talented.
3. When should I start this course?
– We can be flexible about your
starting date.
4. I’m sure Ann will cope with
her responsibilities. Nobody doubts
her abilities as a manager.
5. He came up with a really creative
solution to the problem.
The speaker works as...
A. an office manager
B. a bus driver
C. an air hostess (a stewardess)
D. a news reader
E. an actress
F. a sportsman VII. Работа с
навыков устной речи.
высказывания по
Pupils, I know you like reading and doing
tasks according to the text. And I prepared
you the reading task. Take this card read these
three texts and choose from the two
statements the right one according to the text.
Be attentive while reading because there may
be statements which are not appropriate at all.
Which statement do you think suits to the
topic of the text? How did you know it?
The meaning of which statement is close to
the text. How can you prove it?
Which statement do you choose? You want to
say that the 5th and the 6th statements are not
suitable to the text.
So, pupils, you have shown your best abilities
in reading, listening, speaking. I’m satisfied
with your working during the lesson. And in
conclusion I’d like you to tell some words
about your future job. What kind of job would
you like to do? Do you think you have the
qualities and abilities required for the job you
would like to do?
I’m very glad to hear that. I’m sure you will
try, you will work hard, you will use all your
good abilities and skills and you will be
My favourite subject at school is
Literature. And I want be a journalist.
I want to travel around our country,
communicate with people and write
articles about them. For this job I have
such abilities as creativity, ambition
and I’m good at writing.
I want to be a doctor. I think, it’s one
of the noblest professions to cure
people and improve their health. I’m
wellorganized, responsible and I’m
good at Biology and Chemistry.
As for me I’d like to work with
documents in an office. I’m accurate,
literate and I can work to tight
My dream job is a lawyer. If I were a
lawyer, I would have a chance to meet a lot of people, have an
opportunity to travel and using my
initiative. As far as I know the job of a
lawyer is wellpaid, it has perks and
bonuses. And the lawyer should be
responsible, respectful, confident,
decisive and punctual. I think I have
all these abilities as for skills I will get
them while working.
I wanted to express what I’ve learnt
about the job requirements, person’s
abilities and skills to work
For me the most difficult was to do
the word formation task. I’m not good
at it.
The most useful thing for me was
doing the exercises with new words.
Yes, the way of learning was very
interesting and useful especially
reading texts and listening.
successful wherever you work you will enjoy
the process of working. As they say where
there is a will there is a way. In conclusion I’d
like to ask you
• Could you say what you wanted to express?
• What did you find most difficult?
• What was the most useful thing for you to
• Was the way of learning interesting?
Write down your homework. Exercise 4A
page 43. Make up a short topic about your
future job and the questions in this ex. will
help you. Also use the language support
alongside the questions in order to make your
speech more bright, attractive and interesting.
And be ready to the lexical quiz. Now your
marks for today’s lesson …. I’d like to finish
our lesson with the words of.
“Every man is the architect of his own
(Appius Claudius)
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
Разработка открытого урока "A job for your future"
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