What's the English for:
завтракать на кухне
обедать в школе
ходить в школу
ужинать в 7 часов
ложиться спать в 10 часов
работать на компьютере
чашка чая
разговаривать о работе
около половины седьмого
to have breakfast in the kitchen
to have lunch at school
to go to school
to have dinner at 7 pm
to go to bed at 10 pm
to work on the computer
a cup of tea
to talk about work
about half past six
What's the English for:
отдыхать в кресле
смотреть DVD
читать книги
peмонтировать автомобиль
сажать цветы
пить кофе
играть в компьютерные игры
to relax in the armchair
to watch DVD
to read books
to repair a car
to plant flowers
to drink coffee
to play computer games
Translate the sentences into English
1.Мой брат всегда читает вечером, а я смотрю ТВ.
2.Моя мама обычно готовит завтрак для меня и моей сестры.
3.Я никогда не делаю уроки в воскресенье.
4.Где папа? — Он ремонтирует машину.
5.Собака в саду. — Она играет? — Нет, спит.
1.My brother always reads in the evening and I watch TV.
2. My mother usually cooks breakfast for my sister and me.
3. I never do my homework on Sundays.
4.Where is Dad? — He’s repairing the car.
5.The dog is in the garden. — Is it playing? — No, it’s sleeping.
Translate the sentences into English
6.Ты свободен сегодня после обеда? — Нет, извини, я очень занят.
7.Будьте добры, который час? — 4.15.
8.В котором часу ты встаешь? — В 7.30.
9.Что вы сейчас делаете? — Мы ждем друзей.
10.Чем занимаются (где работают) твои родители?
6. Are you free this afternoon? — No, sorry I’m very busy.
7. Excuse me, what’s the time/what time is it, please? — It’s quarter past four.
8.What time do you get up? — At half past seven
9. What are you doing now? — We are waiting for our friends.
10. What do your parents do?
Translate the situations
1. Посмотри на картинку!
Что делают эти люди?
— Это летчик: он управляет самолетом.
Это пекарь: он печет хлеб.
Это ветеринар: он осматривает собаку.
Это официант: он подает напитки.
1. Look at this picture!
What are the people doing?
— This is a pilot, he is driving a plane.
This is a baker, he is baking bread.
This is a vet, he is examining a dog.
This is a waiter, he is serving drinks.
Translate the situations
2. Посмотри на фотографию.
Это моя семья.
Мы в саду.
У нас в саду много цветов и плодовых деревьев (fruit trees).
Папа работает.
Сад — это его хобби.
Это я.
Я помогаю папе.
2. Look at the photo.
This is my family.
We are in the garden.
There are a lot of flowers and fruit trees in our garden.
Dad is working.
Gardening is his hobby.
This is me.
I’m helping my Dad.
Translate the situations
2. Мама поливает цветы около дома.
Мой младший брат Дима играет со своим другом под большой яблоней.
Наши питомцы с нами.
Собака Тобик и кошка Мурка играют вместе с мальчиками.
2. Mum is watering the flowers near the house.
My younger brother Dima is playing with his friend under the big apple tree.
Our pets are with us.
Tobic the dog and Murka the cat are playing with the boys.
Fill in the correct word in Present Continuous
build write teach wave goodbye
play read listen
1. Be quiet! They _________________ a dictation!
2. What is your dad doing right now? – I think, he ___________________ children at school.
3. Where is Sue? – She ____________________ a book.
4. What are they doing? – They ___________________ a new school.
5. Look, your mum __________________________ to her schoolchildren.
6. We ________________ computer games. Join in!
7. Don’t switch the radio off! I __________________ to it.
are writing
is teaching
is reading
are building
is waving goodbye
are playing
am listening
What are these people?
1. They cut your hair and make it look beautiful.
2. Sometimes they make an exhibition of their pictures.
3. They look after children/work in hospitals but they are not doctors.
4. They drive taxis.
5. They bake delicious things like cakes…
6. If your pet is ill, you visit this person.
What are these people?
7. They work in shops and sell things to you.
8. They deliver letters, newspapers and magazines to your flat.
9. This person takes your order in a café or a restaurant and brings it to your table.
10. They work in libraries.
11. They fly a plane.
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