Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”
Оценка 4.7

Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”

Оценка 4.7
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Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”
This scientific research paper describes the history of the appearance of the fly and its benefits. The existence of flies, how they feed, has been a very interesting question for me, so I think you will find the answers to these questions in this work of mine. You can see information about what benefits and harms the fly has, how to get rid of them.
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Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”

Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”

  Scientific work “History of the appearance of flies and their benefits”

PLAN INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………

PLAN INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………

History of the fly......................……………………...…………………....
1.2. The benefit of bringing a fly………………………..…………………….....

2.1. Questionnaire analysis....................................................................................... .
2.2 Interview with a doctor in an outpatient clinic.................................................
LIST OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………………....

Аңдатпа Аннотация Бұл ғылыми зерттеу жұмысында шыбынның пайда болу тарихы мен оның пайдасы туралы жазылған

Аңдатпа Аннотация Бұл ғылыми зерттеу жұмысында шыбынның пайда болу тарихы мен оның пайдасы туралы жазылған



Бұл ғылыми зерттеу жұмысында шыбынның пайда болу тарихы мен оның пайдасы туралы жазылған. Шыбындардың өмір сүруі, олардың қалай қоректенетіні мен үшін өте қызықты сұрақ болды, сондықтан осы сауалдарға жауаптарды менің осы жұмысымда табасыз деген ойдамын. Шыбынның қандай пайдасы мен зияны бар, олардан қалай құтылуға болатыны туралы ақпаратты көре аласыз.

В этой научно-исследовательской работе описана история возникновения мух и его польза. Для меня был очень интересный вопрос, как они питаются, и я думаю, что ответы на эти вопросы вы найдете в моей работе. Также с помощью данной работы вы узнаете , какую пользу и вред мухи приносят нам.

This scientific research paper describes the history of the appearance of the fly and its benefits. The existence of flies, how they feed, has been a very interesting question for me, so I think you will find the answers to these questions in this work of mine. You can see information about what benefits and harms the fly has, how to get rid of them.

Purpose of research work: Study the fly as an integral part of nature and determine what benefits it brings

Purpose of research work: Study the fly as an integral part of nature and determine what benefits it brings

Purpose of research work:
Study the fly as an integral part of nature and determine what benefits it brings.
To examine literature about of a fly
Observe the life cycle of a fly
Study the features of their behavior
Determine its purpose in nature and human life
Hypothesis: prove that the fly has amazing abilities and can bring not only harm, but also benefit.
Investigation phase:
1. Selection of scientific and methodological literature on the selected topic. of the list of popular objects of domestic tourism.
3.creation of an individual tourist route.

Book Title Fly is a common name for dipterous insects belonging to the family of true flies that live almost all over the

Book Title Fly is a common name for dipterous insects belonging to the family of true flies that live almost all over the

Book Title

Fly is a common name for dipterous insects belonging to the family of true flies that live almost all over the Earth. The body (2-15 mm long) is dark, less often yellow or with a metallic luster (blue or green), covered with hairs and bristles. About 5000 species are known. Widely distributed in all parts of the world.
The oldest fly was found in China, in sediments 145 million years old. This fly, which was one centimeter long, could collect nectar from plants, judging by the structure of its jaws.
The buzzing of a flying fly creates its wings. They can make more than 300 swings per second!
A fly (plural: flies) is an insect of the order Diptera.[1] The Diptera is a large order of advanced flying insects.
Their most obvious distinction from other insects is in their flight. A typical fly has two flight wings on its thorax and a pair of halteres. The halteres, which evolved from the hind wings, act as flight sensors: they are balance organs. Also flies have large eyes with excellent wide-angle vision.

Housefly The housefly no longer lives in the wild

Housefly The housefly no longer lives in the wild

The housefly no longer lives in the wild. Therefore, it is the most annoying and impudent guest in our homes during the summer and autumn period. At this time, our life is complicated by the constant struggle with these small, but very fast and quirky insects.

The babbling fly.

Hoverflies, or flower flies are very similar to wasps and in external characteristics, and behavior

Hoverflies, or flower flies are very similar to wasps and in external characteristics, and behavior

Hoverflies, or flower flies are very similar to wasps and in external characteristics, and behavior. They can also hover in a state of flight without stopping the wings. In summer, they can often be found in your garden or vegetable garden near umbrella or compound plants. But unlike stinging wasps, babbler flies are completely harmless.

Flies talkany.
Talkany flies are small predatory insects, the distribution of which is observed in almost all parts of the world. This name is given to these flies because of their bizarre behavior. Before mating, during courtship males Tolkunov gather in flocks and begin to execute a kind of dance. In this interesting way, they attract the attention of females.

Cheredovanie large size slim predatory flies. The body and limbs are covered with a thick layer of short hairs. For humans, ktyri flies do not pose any danger, but insects such as mosquitoes, midges, beetles and even bees are quite justifiably afraid of them. Ctyri produce food through hunting in the air, caught interlocking sacrifice his clingy long legs. After that, they plunge their sting into the defenseless body to inject venom into it and calmly suck out the contents. Sometimes another ktyr can become the prey of a ktyr.

Tsetse Fly
The Tsetse fly is an inhabitant of the African continent. The main source of food for this dangerous predator is the blood of wild mammals, as well as livestock and people. Tsetse flies are carriers of trypanosomes, which provoke an incurable disease that destroys the immune and nervous systems and leads to death.

Interesting facts Do you know why flies their paws together?

Interesting facts Do you know why flies their paws together?

Interesting facts
Do you know why flies their paws together?
When you see a fly rubbing its legs together, it means that it is cleaning them, removing from them what got on them, various debris.
Did you know that the fly is one of the oldest insects?
The fossilized remains of a fly were found in China, in sediments 145 million years old.
Flies take off backwards.
The tentacles (or antennae) of the housefly are used as organs of smell (smell), not as organs of touch (touch). The antennae are able to detect odors at a great distance.
Flies have an amazing ability to distinguish objects. To distinguish the shape of an object, a fly needs 0.1 seconds, while a human needs 0.05 seconds.
The fly's favorite color is yellow, while blue and green are irritating. Red and purple tones of the fly do not distinguish, although some of them are able to see ultraviolet rays.
Houseflies, unlike ants or bees, are not social insects. They, for example, do not have their own language and care for their offspring, like ants, they are not engaged, since their children are born when their parents have long died.
For a fly, time passes several times slower than it is perceived by a person, so crazy turns at high speed, as we perceive it, are just a slow flight for it.
Flies can be afraid. They perceive rounded objects as dangerous predators and jump sharply to the side. But sellers in the markets have known this for a long time and hang plastic bags filled with water near their tempting products: flies shy away from them.

During the study, it was found that cholera vibrions died in this water

During the study, it was found that cholera vibrions died in this water

During the study, it was found that cholera vibrions died in this water. It turned out that the fly when immersed in the liquid releases bacteriophages (bacteria that devour other bacteria). In the body of the flies are produced in the broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Considering the question of what flies are for, it can be noted that they have a special place in the natural food chain. They eat all sorts of things-mainly carrion and waste, thereby cleaning up the environment to some extent. Flies that sleep at night can serve as food for birds of prey and animals, as well as for other insects.
It turns out that the fly is an integral element of the biosphere, without which our planet could not fully exist. Many animals feed on adult flies and their larvae.
Some types of flies pollinate plants, and some participate in the decomposition of plant waste and eat caterpillars and bedbugs.
The predatory fly brings great benefits to humanity by killing and eating many different dangerous insects.
These insects (especially the housefly) can seriously annoy a person, especially during hot weather. Sitting on the ceiling, buzzing and eating food supplies, these insects, moreover, act as pathogens and carriers of serious diseases-intestinal infectious diseases, various helminths, eye diseases and tuberculosis. If you eat fly eggs, you can get miasma and become a victim of other negative phenomena and consequences.
To protect the room from flies, you will need to take various preventive and extermination measures. After all, without food, flies will not last long and are unlikely to be able to live in unsuitable conditions for them. Therefore, as a prevention, the elimination of all sewage that serves as food for these insects is used. To prevent reproduction, insecticides are used in places where larval development is observed. Various baits, tapes and Velcro are effective.




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