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леди Ди.pptx
Diana Frances Spencer, all known as Lady
Di, or Princess Diana, was born in London,
July 1, 1961 in a large family with royal
roots. She was the third daughter of her
parents.Diana's parents divorced when she
was 8 years old, and she stayed with her
father. Diana loved spending time with her
children, so at the age of 16 she began to
work in the kindergarten as an assistant
When Diana turned 19 she met Prince Charles, and at
the age of 20 she became Princess Diana. Their marriage
lasted 15 years, they had two sons. Charles and Diana
traveled a lot, worked together, but their marriage was
not happy, since Charles did not like his wife. Diana
suffered very much and often cried about this, and to
somehow distract herself, she started doing charity. The
princess was a kind, attentive and sympathetic woman.
She tried to help all the sick, poor and needy. Visited
hospitals, boarding schools. Provided not only financial
assistance, but also listened attentively and talked with
people. People fell in love with Diana.
Such famous personalities as Tom Cruise,
Elton John, Michael Jackson, Sting, Barbara
Streisond and many others, were her close
friends. But she found the most real
friends in ordinary people.
Lady Dee died in a terrible car accident on
August 31 in 1997. Her death shook and
shocked a large number of people. People
from different parts of the world came to
the funeral to honor their memory.
Princess Diana forever remained in history
and in the hearts of people, and was
remembered by him as a bright and kind
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