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Strengthening Of Deficient Concrete Structures Under
Loads And High Temperatures
Senior Lecturer, Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Fergana
Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Senior Lecturer, Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Fergana
Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Assistant, The Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Ferghana
Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Assistant, The Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Ferghana
The article shows the work of flexible reinforced concrete structures in the state of complex stress under technological temperature and external loads, the formation of additional stresses and deformations relative to normal temperatures, the calculation of the temperature formed in the section of the element.
KEYWORDS Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, Bending Elements, Stress State, Crack Formation, Temperature Distribution, Tensile Stress, Expansion Of Reinforcement. |
Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Bending reinforced concrete structures are in a state of complex stress under the technological temperature and external loads, which creates additional stresses and deformations from heating in addition to normal temperatures.
Therefore, the calculations first need to determine the temperatures that are formed in the section of the element.
Temperature distribution in the section of reinforced concrete structures is performed for the stabilized heat flow by the methods of technological temperature calculation in barrier structures. In this case, the temperature in the reinforcement is taken as equal to the temperature in the concrete in which it is located [1].
In uneven heating, the temperature at the cross section of the bending element is distributed according to a curvilinear-parabolic law. As a result, cracks are formed, compressive stresses are formed on the sides of the element section, and tensile stresses are formed in the middle (Fig. 1).
Deformations and curvatures in concrete and reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements are calculated depending on the formation of cracks under the influence of temperature, their location in the area, the straight or curved distribution of temperature [2,3,4].
Figure 1. Until cracks form in the bending element section: a - temperature; b is the equilibrium formed by the curvilinear distribution of the temperature in the section tension diagram; v is the same as the diagram of the stress diagram of the difference between the coefficients of temperature deformation of concrete and reinforcement.
Figure 2. In uneven heating, the temperature is linear with respect to the height of the bending element section diagram of the distribution of temperature (1) deformations (2) in scattered cases:
a - in reinforced concrete elements with cracks in the elongated area located in the less heated oil; b - similarly, in more heated oil.
Voltages in the section of the bending element with a temperature curve are determined by the following formula;
1 h 3y h
bx bt Ebt (y) 2h bt Ebt (y)dy 2h3 hbt Ebt (y)dy. (1)
(1) After the integration according to the formula and some mathematical changes, we get the formula for the stresses that occur in concrete:
The state of stress also occurs in the reinforced concrete element due to the thermal expansion of the concrete and reinforcement. If the bending element is a single armature, the force on the armature will be decentralized. If the thermal expansion of the reinforcement is greater than that of concrete, the elongation, if small, the compressive force is formed:
Nt st bt ts Est As . (3)
The moment generated by this force:
Compressive stresses in concrete at the cross section of the bending element are found by the following formulas:
unheated edge: b,tem bt Ebt t2 t1 Nt Mt , (5)
On the heated edge:
bt Ebt t2 t1 Nt
Elongation stresses on the cutting axis: |
E t btt bt bt 2 t1 12 |
Nt . (7) A |
WMplt , (6)
In high-temperature flexible reinforced concrete structures, as the temperature difference in the height of the cut increases, the compressive and longitudinal deformations in the concrete in the middle of the cut increase, and the stresses reach the value of elongation resistance of concrete. In this case, vertical cracks are formed in the concrete in the middle of the cut, and the deformations of the reinforcement are reduced.
At the expense of the constructions, the modulus of elasticity of the concrete is taken at the temperature between the sections and the deformations in the reinforcement are determined.
In the calculation of the strength, strength and ductility of flexible reinforced concrete elements, the stresses generated by the forces are combined with the stresses generated by the temperature, and the calculation of the final stresses is performed by the boundary condition method.
In pre-stressed flexible reinforced concrete structures, additional losses of pre-applied stresses occur under the influence of temperature. In this case, the main additional losses are formed due to the penetration of concrete from the temperature and the increase in creep, as well as as a result of adverse changes in the reinforcement. The current Building Standards and Regulations contain methods and criteria for calculating the losses of preapplied stresses in reinforced concrete structures operating under high temperatures, which are determined taking into account the type of concrete and reinforcement, operating temperatures.
When calculating flexible reinforced concrete structures operating under high temperatures for the second group of boundary conditions, the large effect of temperature on the stress-strain state of the element must be taken into account [5,6].
The main indicator is the decrease in the deformation properties of concrete and reinforcement under temperature. This, in turn, leads to excessive deformation of the structure under normal conditions under high temperatures, and the formation of cracks in it before the external load is applied. It can be seen that under the conditions of technological temperatures, flexible reinforced concrete elements are in a more complex state of stress-strain.
This, in turn, further complicates the calculation formulas, leading to the emergence of redundant limits. However, in reinforced concrete elements operating at high technological temperatures, the state of stress is observed as in normal conditions, and the image of the boundary condition is the same. Based on this, the calculation of reinforced concrete structures operating under high temperatures is carried out by the method of boundary conditions, as in ordinary elements.
As an example, Figure 3 shows the experimental and theoretical values of the
s coefficient of temperature at the expense of flexible reinforced concrete structures operating under technological temperatures, through which the deformation parameters of the structure are determined [7,8].
In the same way, calculations are made for the formation of cracks in the structures and finding the width of their openings, making appropriate changes.
In the calculation of the stiffness of flexible reinforced concrete structures operating in conditions of high technological temperatures, calculations are made taking into account the changes in the properties of concrete and reinforcement, their deformation parameters and temperature dependence of their properties.
Figure 3 Flat heating for beams with reinforcement coefficients 0.4 - 1.4 % Comparison of experimental and theoretical values of the s coefficient in the case of: _________ - theoretical values; experimental values: ● - at 200S; ○ - 60 - 900S da; ∆ - 1500S da; □ - at 2000S. |
In general, the calculation of reinforced concrete structures operating under normal temperature conditions and elements operating under high technological temperatures is in principle the same and they are based on a physical model of stressstrain. The main difference here is in the working conditions, in order to properly take into account all its effects, additional working conditions coefficients are introduced, and their values for each specific case are given in the КMК.
However, determining the values of these coefficients on the basis of experimental studies, determining their values according to their physical nature, allows to increase the accuracy of calculations, increase the operational reliability of structures.
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