Style "Gotika And Roman" In Architecture. Quality Changes In European Architecture In X-XII Centurie
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Style "Gotika And Roman" In Architecture. Quality Changes In European Architecture In X-XII Centurie

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Style "Gotika And Roman" In Architecture. Quality  Changes In European Architecture In X-XII Centurie
Gothic - Western, Central and Eastern Europe, developing in the Middle Ages, is characterized by the Gothic style of monumental architecture and buildings built in this style. The religious, socio-political factors that led to the emergence of this style are highlighted. In addition, there is historical information about the level of development of graceful ornamentation, sculpture, glass mosaics and the technique of monumental construction during this period. This article describes the Roman style of monumental architecture and the buildings built in this style, covering the north of France, Germany and northern Italy in Western Europe, where the Roman style was in decline for a long time in the XI￾XII centuries. The religious socio-political factors that gave rise to this style are described. It highlights the contradictions between nations and the church in their quest for democracy, and how it is embedded in the art of architecture



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Style "Gotika And Roman" In Architecture. Quality

Changes In European Architecture In X-XII Centuries


Akhmedov Tolqin

Senior Lecturer, Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Fergana

Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Mirzaakhmedova Ugiloy Abdukhalimjohnovna

Senior Lecturer, Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Fergana

 Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Хaydarov Abduхalil Mutalib Ogli

Assistant, The Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Ferghana

 Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan


Gulomiddinov Sarvarjon Gayradjonovich

Assistant, The Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Ferghana

Gothic - Western, Central and Eastern Europe, developing in the Middle Ages, is characterized by the Gothic style of monumental architecture and buildings built in this style. The religious, socio-political factors that led to the emergence of this style are highlighted. In addition, there is historical information about the level of development of graceful ornamentation, sculpture, glass mosaics and the technique of monumental construction during this period. This article describes the Roman style of monumental architecture and the buildings built in this style, covering the north of France, Germany and northern Italy in Western Europe, where the Roman style was in decline for a long time in the XIXII centuries. The religious socio-political factors that gave rise to this style are described. It highlights the contradictions between nations and the church in their quest for democracy, and how it is embedded in the art of architecture.



Stone Carving, Rib Nerve, Applied And Decorative Arts, Architect Chilik Style, Naizasimon Arch, Stained Glass Mosaic, Wall Paintings, Dome Floors, Lattice Tower Structure, Temples, Cross-Shaped Dome, Novel Style, Load-Bearing Wall, Gothic Style, Atmospheric Precipitation, Cylindrical Dome.



The decline of the Great Roman Empire began Eastern and Western. This was the period in 395 AD with its division into two parts - when feudalism began to develop in Western

Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Europe. Feudalism in Europe lasted from the 5th century to the 19th century. During this period, the Eastern Roman Empire was called Byzantium, and modern-day Greece, Turkey, Serbia, and Macedonia were excluded. took over.

Large constructions were made during the reign of Emperor Constantine. The most important of these was the construction of the Church of St. Sophia. Byzantine architecture developed on the basis of Christian philosophy and ancient architectural traditions. In Byzantium, large palaces, aqueducts, baths and, most importantly, churches were built. lar.This brick is square or rectangular in shape 30x40x5 cm. The Byzantines, according to the bowl, increased the strength of water vessels and bricks by 3-4 times by firing them. They were burnt in the fire by collecting ceramics and raw bricks on the shelves and iron fences, burning large quantities of wood.

At that time, they learned that dolomites in these kilns crumble when wet and dry quickly in molten lime water. on the basis of which they formed artificial stones.

Plinths in these mixtures were used in the interior of the building, in the complex areas of the exterior. After the proclamation of Christianity as the State Religion in 313, the construction of Christian ex rums in the form of basilica began, the shape and name of which were derived from antiquity. , the main altar at the top of the central nave is located at the top of the basilica. The front part of this altar is occupied by a transverse gallery (tran sept), the altar is placed in an apse - Apsid is a small semicircular altar, the top of which is covered with a quarter of a conch (navo) (from the inside). There is an atrium in front of the basil, surrounded by columns, and in the center there is a dome-a large water vessel in which the children of the believers are bathed in the divine water and converted to Christianity. In the 5th and 6th centuries, it was customary to build temples in the shape of a cross-domedome.

This method was used in the construction of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople under the leadership of Anfimi and Isidore. The highest point of this temple is 60 m from the ground. The diameter of the main dome was 33 m. The base of the sandstone is cut with circular windows and triangular spherical structures are formed at the corners of the building, which support 4 arches. . Such a crossdomed system was firmly entrenched in the Christian architecture of Eastern Europe, and was the basis for this trend. Such a method had a strong influence on the architecture of the later period. At that time, the architecture of the western part of Rome was in decline for several centuries, but only in the tenth century, the construction of cities in Western Europe began. In the XI-XII centuries in the territories of the Roman language group (France, western Germany, northern Italy) appeared "Roman style". This is an architectural style. It was based on ancient Roman and Byzantine culture. From the early feo dal roman city to the present day Cathedrals, partly castles and castles

The walls and towers are ruined. The characteristic features of the Romanesque architectural style, the harmony of different volumes.

They are constructively connected with supports and arches, stone coverings, semicircular arches. Of these, the Romanesque-style buildings stand out, with basilic cathedrals with two minarets, the entrance of which is a conical pyramidal, shattered, high-roofed building with two tara fida devices. The plans of such cathedrals were in the form of the Latin cross mon (+). The cavities in the longitudinal direction of the main nave (hall) are separated from the side naves by a series of columns. . The style used in ancient Rome seven hundred years ago was reborn in France. Roman style

Another type of architecture belonging to the feudal lords were the villas outside the city. These villas are fortified as castles, surrounded by stone walls. The characteristic features of the Roman architecture of France and Germany were their monumentality, uniformity of form, and conciseness.

Roman style for Italy — this was a single-row multi-tiered marble arch for example, the cathedrals in the main square of Pisa (10631118) with a baptistery, and the famous “collapsing tower in Pisa” (1174) stick processing, uniformity is distinguished by hollow, or closed semicircular novel arcades.

The construction of the temples (cathedrals) was in the form of a Latin cross (plan).

Novel style in mid-12th century France. By this time, stone processing had reached a high level. Such cathedrals were built of stone, pereplyots, towers, violets with carved pediments, vimpers on the dera halls for one and a half to two hundred years.

Gothic (Italian Gothic) - derived from the name of the Goths (Germanic tribes), the Gothic style

- an artistic style that dominated the art of the

Middle Ages in Western, Central and partly Eastern European countries. "Gothic." The term came into use during the Renaissance. It replaced the Romanesque style in the 12th century. The leading place in Gothic architecture is occupied by the temple, which is a great example of the combination of architectural sculpture and painting (mainly stained glass). A new design system for the construction of the temple was developed: the main façade has a pointed arch and domed ribbed nerve, the weight of which is transferred to the outer wall and buttresses through archbutans. The domes are filled with light layers, decorated with large, stained glass windows between the columns, and a tower (up to 150 m high) is built on the western façade. This new project has slightly increased the width of the naves and the height of the building. Due to this, the structure is light and stretches to the sky. The interior and exterior are decorated with sculptures and elegant stone carvings. Tall towers with fences played an important role in the monument. Gothic architecture was characterized by triangular vimpers, windows and ceilings, circular windows, decorative branches and similar architectural forms. Gothic originated in northern France in the mid-12th century. It developed at a high rate in the first half of the 13th century. It was here that the stone temples of Gothic took on their classic form. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Notre Dame 1163-1257), Chartres (1194-1260), Reims (1211-1311), Amen (1220-1288) and others are high examples of Gothicism. In the

Netherlands, Northern Germany, Scandinavia, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, and elsewhere, Gothic also developed under the influence of local traditions. Advanced Gothic methods had a positive effect on Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

Gothic art developed while maintaining a harmony between religious and secular worldviews, while trying to reflect reality along with its events. Statues and reliefs (more than 2,300 statues in the temple of Reims), stained glass (Saint-Denis, Chartres, etc.) are widely used in the decoration of temples, and works of fine art are subject to architectural sculpture. In addition to religious works, there are tablets, depicting everyday life and labor processes, and sometimes comic books (churches in Paris, Amen, Strasbourg and elsewhere). Applied decorative arts are highly developed: stone and ivory carvings, metal objects, enamels, and so on. In painting, a relatively miniature of the book has developed, in which historical and everyday scenes are accurately reflected. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Gothic styles appeared in Uzbekistan in architecture (for example, the Kirkha building in Tashkent).


Figure1.Gothic cathedral in Kutans. France; Figure 2.Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris



Gothic (Italian: gotico) is an art form that developed in medieval Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. It replaced the Gothic style. The Gothic style is mainly used in architecture, but also includes sculpture, painting, and book miniatures.

Gothic originated in the north of France in the 12th century and spread to Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain and England in the 13th century. Gothic came to Italy later than other countries. Gothic came to Eastern Europe even later and lasted longer (until the 16th century).

The term "neo-Gothic" is used for Gothic buildings built in the XV-XVI centuries. In the 1980s, the term “Gothic” began to be used in subculture (Gothic subculture) and music (Gothic rock).

Gothic period architecture


From the twelfth century onwards, the emergence and development of new social forces within the formation of feudalism led to a crisis of classical medieval traditions. These new forces have grown in strength as the city has expanded. The growing role of trade corporations and handicraft shops in cities began to affect the nature of the social system.

In the feudal rulers, the desire for freedom and independence increased. During this period, religion was still dominant, and the church was demanding architecture, but the city's artisans and merchants sought knowledge and new aspects of life. The establishment of the first universities in European cities paved the way for the development of this aspiration. There is a growing tendency to be critical of the world. The growing consciousness of the people began to demand a positive solution to the issues of equality and brotherhood in the eyes of society. Works on a vital theme began to emerge. Significant changes also took place in the fine arts and architecture during this period. Byzantine art traditions were completely eradicated from Western European culture. Works in a realistic form and content, embodying the spirit of the time, began to emerge architectural buildings that began to function.

The spear-shaped arch plays an important role in Gothic architecture. This shape is repeated on sloping windows, arches and galleries, awnings and porches, adding a unique spirit and lightness to Gothic architecture. The arches seem to be pulling out. This feature is enhanced by the vertical straight lines (contrasts) widely used in Gothic architecture.

These changes in the architectural design are reflected in the interior and exterior of the building. The Gothic interior is spacious, spacious and bright. The demonstration of a sharp boundary between the transept and the main nave also enhances this feature. The front of the cathedral will be built on a large, spacious square, and special attention will be paid to its decoration. The decorative elements of sculpture and architecture make the facade of the building look more elegant. The lack of solid flat surfaces on the walls of Gothic interiors led to the development of monumental murals. It was replaced by stained glass. Stained glass compositions occupied the large windows of Gothic buildings.

During this period, sculpture was still in the forefront, glorifying humanity, nobility, and cooperation.

The emergence of the practice of erecting monuments to donors (e.g., Eckegart and his son-in-law Utah, Germany, 13th century) also indicates the growing role of art in advocacy. In the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, the Gothic style was practiced by almost all countries. But the style has taken on a unique look, depending on the local lifestyle and the demands of the time.

France. In France, the birthplace of the Gothic, works in this style are characterized by relative elegance. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Paris (Notre Dame de Paris, beginning in 1163 and partially completed in 1314) belongs to the first Gothic. There are two towers in front of this five-nave, small transep basilicatype building. It serves to make the cathedral look high and "ascending to heaven." The spear-shaped arches on the roof, windows, windows and doors give it a light and dynamic look. The cathedral in Reims (beginning in the 13th century and completed in the 14th century) belongs to the most advanced period of Gothic. Its length is 150 m. The height of the tower is 80 m. The cathedral was once considered a symbol of national unity. In this building, the Gothic style shows its classic appearance. The abundance of decorative ornaments negatively affected the structural accuracy of the building.

Germany. The Gothic style developed in the country under the influence of the French. However, the German Gothic lack of integrity, and its characteristic drama is combined with the traditions of Romanesque architecture. Single-tower cathedrals are also common in German Gothic. The exterior of the buildings is simply poorly decorated. The Cathedral of Cologne (1248-1880) is similar to the Cathedral of Amen.

Italy. Gothic style began to appear in Italian architecture in the late 13th century. But at first the novel did not influence the principles of architecture. It was not until the 14th century that the principles of the Gothic style became apparent.

England. The English Gothic is heavy, characterized by an overabundance of structural details and an abundance of architectural decoration.


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