Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In Construction Structures
Оценка 4.7

Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In Construction Structures

Оценка 4.7
Исследовательские работы
Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In  Construction Structures
The study found that the necessary maintenance work should be carried out in the first 7 days after the completion of concreting in reinforced concrete structures, which significantly increases the penetration in concrete, the formation of cracks, decreased strength, load bearing capacity of structures.








Volume 3 Issue 05, 2021


ISSN 2689-0992


The USA Journals, USA



Babajanov Bazar 





The American Journal of Applied sciences is a deep-rooted, major, international idea for the publication of research and information within this important ground of Applied sciences. In addition to scientific papers, every issue includes a News and Reviews section, including numerous reviews of recently-published books. Each volume of this journal will include 12 issues. Each issue will include of minimum 5 papers. Each subject will be running subject along with all officially accepted manuscripts will be instantly published online. The modern running subject concept provides authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the legitimately accepted manuscripts to be available. This journal is an International American Journal and range is not restrained by the frontier of any country or state.








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34.   Mirzaakhmedov Abdukhalim Takhirovich, (2021). Technology Of Elimination Of Injuries And Deformations In Tam Coverages, Floor Replacement. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 219-223.


35.   Mirzaakhmedova Ugiloy Abdukhalimjohnovna, (2021). Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In Construction Structures. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 224228.


36.   Mirzababayeva Sahiba Mirzaakbarovna, (2021). Wood Drying In Construction. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 229-233.


37.   Mukhlisa Ziyovuddinova, (2021). Arud System In View Of Metric Theory. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 234-239.


38.   Nabiev M.N., Mirzaolimov A., (2021). Greening And Landscaping Of The City Streets. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 240-244.


39.   Bakhtiyar Saidovich Rakhimov, Feroza Bakhtiyarovna Rakhimova, Sabokhat Kabulovna Sobirova, Furkat Odilbekovich Kuryazov, Dilnoza Boltabaevna Abdirimova, (2021). Review And Analysis Of Computer Vision Algorithms. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 245-250.


40.   Gulnoza Odilovna Ochilova, (2021). Study Of Gender Relationship In Family Business And Entrepreneurship. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 251-256.


41.   L Kadrkhuja Djuraxodjaevich Boboev, (2021). Effect Of Marketing Communication In Promoting Organizational Sales. A Case Study Of Lada Uzbekistan Company. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(05), 257-264.

Technology  Of  Elimination Damage And Deformation In

Construction Structures


Mirzaakhmedova Ugiloy Abdukhalimjohnovna

A Senior Teacher,  The  Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Faculty Of

Construction, Fergana Polytechnic Institute,  Fergana City, Uzbekistan


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The study found that the necessary maintenance work should be carried out in the first 7 days after the completion of concreting in reinforced concrete structures, which significantly increases the penetration in concrete, the formation of cracks, decreased strength, load bearing capacity of






Structures, deformation, damage, methods of

structural elements








During the years of independence, large-scale construction work has been carried out in our country. In addition to new modern buildings, the study and analysis of the technical

condition of existing buildings in the  strengthening structures, technical condition, reconstruction and modernization, as well as the elimination of damage and defects in them has become one of the main tasks of today's builders - engineers.



Measures will be taken to strengthen and replace structural elements that have been identified as having dangerous, unacceptable defects and damages to meet the regulatory requirements. 

With the help of existing methods, it is possible to bring the technical condition of buildings and structures to a level that meets the requirements with some success. The following are common methods and ways to strengthen the structural elements of buildings and structures.

Steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, including fiber concrete, are used to reinforce metal structures, and wood is used for temporary reinforcement. 

Steel structures are reinforced as follows: by the addition of additional structures and elements; by placing additional bonds - in the form of ribs, diaphragms, gills and funnels; by increasing the cross-sectional area of the elements; by strengthening the junction nodes; as a result of increasing spatial virginity. In addition, the following methods, which fall into the category of "special measures", can be used: to determine the strength reserves that are not taken into account, to change the value and loading scheme of loads affecting the structure and elements, etc. [1].

The following methods are common in the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures: for foundations and columns - by restoring the reinforced concrete flange (ring); torkret concreting method - walls, etc. b. For constructions; by increasing the cross section of the structure; by means of metal drawers and coatings; by installing and concreting additional reinforcement sinks and nets.

Methods such as the formation of reinforced plaster, the restoration of new brick cladding, reinforcement with reinforced concrete cladding, reinforcement with steel flanges, arches and girders are widely used in the reinforcement of stone-brick structures. There are increased requirements for materials used in the reinforcement of defective structures, which must have the performance and properties specified in the standards.

Strengthening of structures should be carried out on the basis of practical recommendations developed as a result of technical inspections, rules, procedures, schemes and solutions set out in the reconstruction and overhaul projects. Completed works are accepted in the manner prescribed by the norms and a special act is drawn up for them.

Technical inspections, analysis of their results, identification of the causes of defects in structures, study of the actual operation of structural elements, assessment of their technical condition, improvement of methods for reliable elimination of cracks, deformations, damage and distortions, and provided the opportunity to develop methods and solutions that are completely new in terms of quality, reliable and easy to implement [2].


The following is a description of the solutions and methods developed and proposed for the reinforcement of the main load- bearing and barrier structures of buildings, partially introduced into construction practice.  

As mentioned above, defects in stone-brick structures of various appearances can occur; the most common of these are the formation of vertical and oblique cracks, deflection, erosion, and erosion. The complication of such defects and injuries in the reinforcement of stone-brick structures must be completely eliminated.

This situation needs to be fully taken into account        in            the         ongoing              constructive strengthening measures. Reinforcement of stone-brick columns and partitions with steel and reinforced concrete flanges is a widely used method, which significantly increases the load-bearing capacity of the element [3].

Reinforcement by means of steel flanges is carried out by means of angle profiles and fastening bars made of sheet steel and a cement mixture. To protect the steel elements from corrosion, they are plastered with a mixture of M50-M100 on a metal mesh 2-3 cm thick. 

Angle profiles with a shelf size of 50-75 mm are used for reinforcement, rails with a crosssectional size of 40x5 - 60x12 mm or reinforcement bars with a diameter of Ø12-28 mm are used as clamps. Reinforcing clamps are provided to tighten the reinforcing flange skin.

Reinforced concrete flanges of class V not less than 12,5 Ø10-16 mm vertical rods and Ø6-10 mm clamps are used. The distance between the blocks should not exceed 15 cm, the grade of concrete should not be less than the mark of the brick. The thickness of the reinforced concrete flange is4-12 cm. Concreting is done in a mold.

Stone-brick structures are also reinforced with reinforced plaster. In this case, a layer of plaster with a thickness of 2-4 cm is applied several times by hand from the mixture M75 - M200, using a mixture pump or by the method of torcreting.

In local defects, it is also possible to reinforce the injured area itself; in which steel clamps are installed and the brickwork is reinforced by injection using a cement mixture.

The load-bearing capacity of walls and foundations is enhanced by the restoration of the cladding and the use of reinforced - reinforced concrete cladding. Coatings can be restored on only one or both sides of the skin. Reinforced concrete coverings are made of concrete nets with a thickness of 4-12 cm, class V7.5 - V15 and steel mesh of Ø4-12 mm wires [4].

As it is known from construction practice, one of the most difficult issues in the reconstruction of buildings and structures is the elimination and elimination of damage and deterioration caused by prefabricated reinforced concrete elements; however, this issue is one of the most common problems in practice and requires a concrete solution. To date, a number of experiments have been accumulated to solve this problem, which cover the main types of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

In the dry hot and climatic and seismic conditions of Uzbekistan, solving these problems becomes more difficult.

Construction practice has shown that in the first 3-7 days after the completion of concreting of cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures, the lack of necessary maintenance leads to the formation of penetration cracks in the concrete, a sharp decrease in strength, resulting in a significant decrease in loadbearing capacity [5].

Even during use, the dry hot climate has a significant negative impact on the structural elements of buildings, which is evident in inspections. In the structural elements used under direct solar radiation - cases of premature cracking, erosion and deterioration of roof structures, wall panels, parts of open structures have been reported in practice. The following are the schemes of reinforcement of cover beams, slabs (Fig. 1.2).


Figure 1. Scheme of reinforcement of prefabricated reinforced  concrete roof.



Figure 2. Scheme of reinforcement of cover plates.

As a result of earthquakes, load-bearing and barrier structures of buildings are subject to various degrees of damage, cracks are formed in them, an increase in deformations is observed [6,7].



The conditions of the construction site have a decisive influence on the main parameters of buildings and their structural elements during the period of operation, determine the nature  and scale of the damage, distortions, cracks and deformations that occur. 

Therefore, this situation needs to be taken into account in the development of reinforcement methods in the elimination of identified shortcomings [8].


1.        KMK 2.01.15-97. Location of the technical observation of the building. - T: 1997, - 125 p. 

2.       KMK 2.01.16-97. Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential

buildings. - T: 1997, - 139 p

3.       Abdukhalimjohnovna M. U. Failure Mechanism Of Bending Reinforced Concrete Elements Under The Action Of Transverse Forces //The American Journal of Applied sciences. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. 12. – С. 36-43.

4.      Mirzaahmedov A. T. et al. Accounting For Non-Linear Work Of Reinforced Concrete In The Algorithms Of Calculation And Design Of Structures //The American Journal of Engineering and Technology. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 54-66.

5.       Mirzaakhmedov A. T., Mirzaakhmedova U. A. Prestressed losses from shrinkage and nonlinear creep of concrete of reinforced concrete rod systems //EPRA International journal of research and development

(IJRD). – 2020. – Т. 5. – №. 5. – С. 588-593.

6.       Mirzaakhmedov A. T., Mirzaakhmedova U. A. Algorithm of calculation of ferroconcrete beams of rectangular crosssection with one-sided compressed shelf //Problems of modern science and education. Scientific and methodical journal. – 2019. – №. 12. – С. 145.

7.       YM Mahkamov - The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2020 Design Model Of Bending Reinforced Concrete Elements Under Action Of Transverse Forces Under Conditions Of Increased And High Temperatures

8.      Goncharova N.I., Abobakirova Z.A., Mukhamedzyanov A.R. ENERGY SAVING IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF ENCLOSING STRUCTURES // Energy and resource saving technologies and equipment in the road and construction industries. - 2020 .- p. 107-112.



Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In Construction Structures

Technology Of Elimination Damage And Deformation In  Construction Structures



The American Journal of Applied sciences is a deep-rooted, major, international idea for the publication of research and information within this important ground of

The American Journal of Applied sciences is a deep-rooted, major, international idea for the publication of research and information within this important ground of

Mirzaakhmedov Abdukhalim Takhirovich, (2021)

Mirzaakhmedov Abdukhalim Takhirovich, (2021)

Technology Of Elimination

Technology Of Elimination

KEYWORDS Structures, deformation, damage, methods of structural elements

KEYWORDS Structures, deformation, damage, methods of structural elements

Methods such as the formation of reinforced plaster, the restoration of new brick cladding, reinforcement with reinforced concrete cladding, reinforcement with steel flanges, arches and…

Methods such as the formation of reinforced plaster, the restoration of new brick cladding, reinforcement with reinforced concrete cladding, reinforcement with steel flanges, arches and…

Stone-brick structures are also reinforced with reinforced plaster

Stone-brick structures are also reinforced with reinforced plaster

Figure 1. Scheme of reinforcement of prefabricated reinforced concrete roof

Figure 1. Scheme of reinforcement of prefabricated reinforced concrete roof

Abdukhalimjohnovna M. U. Failure

Abdukhalimjohnovna M. U. Failure
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