The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
Оценка 5

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

Оценка 5
Занимательные материалы +2
английский язык
8 кл—10 кл
The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
This is a ready presentation ,which can be used in a week of English languages. It contain a lot of different tasks that help you not only revise students' knowledge , but also improve their critical thinking.Hope you'll enjoy my work & it'll be useful for you.Данная презентация является удобным материалом для использования на недели английского языкаю Предназначена для учеников 8-10 классовю

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
THE GAME “POLYGLOT”  Подготовила: преподаватель английского  языка(1 категорий) ОСШ № 14 имени Айбека ,  города Шымкент,Республики Казахстан  Ибрагимова Севара Бахтияровна

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE  1. Я с иголочки обут  Только жмет мой левый....

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE      2. Целый день мне мама шьет  Как у папы, в клетку ...

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE  3. Ох, беда мне с драчунишкой младшим  братом  Каждый день к рубашке пришиваю   ....

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE  4. Ткани куплен мне отрез  Буду шить для куклы

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE  5. Я сейчас ношу берет  Подрасту надену .....

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
GUESS THE RIDDLE   6. В башмаке опять песок  Он испачкать может  ....

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
2. КОНКУРС №2. «ЗНАТОКИ ПОСЛОВИЦ­                EXPERTS OF PROVERBS»  Переведите пословицы на казахский язык:  Любовь к Родине начинается с семьи.  Человек без Родины, как соловей без леса.

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
EXPERTS OF PROVERBS  Переведите пословицы  на русский язык:  Two heads are better than one.   There is no place like home.  “Never put of till tomorrow that you can do  today”

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
EXPERTS OF PROVERBS  Переведите пословицы на английский язык:  Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей.   Лучше поздно, чем никогда

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
2.2ВТОРОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ СОСТОИТ В ТОМ, ЧТО КОМАНДЫ ДОЛЖНЫ  ПОСТАВИТЬ В ПОГОВОРКУ ПРОПУЩЕННОЕ СЛОВО И ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ЕГО  НА 2 ЯЗЫКА.  Никогда не  откладывай на  завтра то, что  сможешь сделать   _____.  Нет дыма без ____  ____ час бережёт  На вкус и ___  товарищей нет.   Без труда не вынешь  и_ ___ из пруда.   . Всему свое ____.  (время, time)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
3. PUZZLE TIME  . What is that above your head but under your  cap?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
PUZZLE TIME     What can you hear but not see?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
PUZZLE TIME  К вечеру умирает, по утру оживает.

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
PUZZLE TIME  Ног нет, а хожу, рта нет, а скажу, когда спать,  когда вставать, когда работу начинать.

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
    Без ног и без крыльев оно, быстро летит, не  догонишь его.

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
  Что является источником знаний?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet  but not honey. What is it?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 What runs but never walks?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
КОМАНДАМ НЕОБХОДИМО БЫСТРО ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ.  1) What’s the capital of Great Britain?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 2) When do people celebrate the Day of languages  in Kazakhstan?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
3) What holiday do people of Kazakhstan celebrate  on the 22nd of March?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
4) Who is the president of our Republic?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
5) Who is the Queen of Great Britain?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
6)How many states does the USA have ?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
7) Who is the head of the USA ?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
8) What is the name of the flag of the UK ?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
9) Name English speaking countries .

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
10)  What is the national symbol of  England?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
11)What is the capital of America?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 12) Қазақстанның астанасын атаңдар

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 13) Қазақ ұлы ақыны ойшысы , философы  кiм?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 14)Это герой многих казахских сказок и  называют его безбородый обманщик

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
 15)К какому жанру относится произведение  Н.В.Гоголя «Ночь перед Рождеством»?

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)

The Presentation on English"Polyglot"(for the 8-10 graders)
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