verb “to be” + past participle (= V3)
NB: we don’t change the past participle;
we change the verb “to be” in the
tense we need (Present, Past, Future).
We Use The Passive Without Mentioning the Doer/Agent:
We don’t know the doer of the action:
We Use The Passive:
We don’t want to take responsibility for the action, or the event is unpleasant:
We Use The Passive When With the Doer/Agent:
We want to emphasize the doer:
When we mention the doer, we use BY :
The elections were won BY V. Putin.
When we want to mention what the agent used in order to carry out an action, we use WITN :
That picture was drawn WITH a blue
Reporting What People Say or Think in General
We use: It is said/ believed/ claimed/ thought that … :
It is claimed that economy will be/get stronger over the next few years.
The Passive Is Used in Tenses
Present simple:
More cars are sold now.
Present continuous:
More cars are being sold next month.
Past simple:
More cars were sold in 2005 than in 2008.
Past continuous:
More cars were being sold this time last year.
Future simple:
More cars will be sold next year, I hope.
Present perfect:
More cars have already been sold.
Past perfect:
More cars had been sold before he managed to sell his one.
Going to:
More cars are going to be sold by this salon.
Modal verbs – present:
More cars can be sold by this salon.
Modal verbs – past:
More cars may have been sold under some other conditions.
The Passive Is Not Used in:
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
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