True or false
1. In England there are different types of school.
2. English public schools are for everybody.
3. Public schools are the cheapest.
4. There are schools only for boys and only for girls.
5. State schools are not very expensive.
6. Some schools are for the rich.
7. If you get a scholarship to a public school, you don’t have to pay.
8. Scholarship are for the rich.
9. Scholarship are for the clever.
Choose the right answer
1. Public school means that
a) the school is private b) the school is for everybody
2. Boarding school means that
a) students live there b) there are only boys there c) it is abroad
3. Eton is
a) a famous public school b) a famous state school
c) the home of Prince William
4. If you get a scholarship it means that
a) the school will pay you money b) you’ll have to take extra exams
c) you don’t have to pay for the school
School uniform
A lot of pеople think that school uniforms
in England are for the сhildrеn from rich
families at the country's best public schools.
But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms
first сamе to sсhools fоr thе poor bесausе
thеy were сhеapеr.
Today a lot оf British sсhools havе uniforms.
One of thе most important еlеmеnts of thе
uniform is a sсhool tiе.
School uniform
Школьники Англии с большим уважением относятся к форме, и многие даже умудряются искренне гордиться ею. Учитывая британский консерватизм, легко поверить в то, что долгое время классическая форма для школьников здесь включала в себя верхнюю одежду, обувь и даже носки...
Каждая престижная школа имеет свой собственный логотип, воспроизведенный на галстуках учеников. Так что сорочки и галстуки, блейзеры и шляпки – стандартный набор для юных британцев.
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