1. Match the words with the translation. (Соотнесите слова с их переводом)
Friend Yesterday Lamp Cinema Seaside Picture Homework Ticket Money Happy Parents Birthday Clever Book |
День рождения Картина Лампа Домашняя работа Друг Умный Билет Кино Деньги Счастливый Книга Вчера Родители Морской берег |
2. Insert have or has. (Вставьте have или has )
1) They _____ got 7 lessons today.
2) My friends _____ got a lot of money.
3) I ________ got a brother and 2 sisters.
4) My parents ________ got blue eyes.
5) My grandmother ________got dark hair.
Choose the right option. (Выберите верный вариант)
1) His parents am\is\are kind.
2) My mother clean \cleans the rooms every day.
3) Do\Does you go to work every day?
4) My sisters don’t\doesn’t like to read.
5) He wear /wears a hat on his head.
6) I wear helmet \gloves on my hands.
4. Give short answers. (Дайте короткие ответы)
1) Do you go to school every day? |
2) Can you play computer? |
3) Can your brother swim? |
4) Has your mother got a book? |
5) Does your friend wash the dishes? |
6) Are there two bedrooms in your flat? |
7) Have your parents got roller-skates? |
8) Is there a kitchen in your flat? |
5. Write negatives and questions.(Напишите отриц. и вопросит. предложения)
I am a baker. |
He has got a cat. |
I play computer every day. |
She always takes a shower. |
My dad can drive. |
There is a bag on the table. |
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