9 класс
Урок 40
(УМК М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English -9)
Тема: Стоит ли путешествие потраченных на него денег?
1. Образовательные: познакомить с грамматическими конструкциями I’d rather.. I prefer…, учить аргументировано высказывать своё мнение, обучать аудированию с полным извлечением информации, учить описывать персонажей текста.
2. Развивающие: развивать умения устной речи, умения чтения аутентичного художественного текста с пониманием основного содержания, произвольное внимание, память, умение работать в группах.
3. Воспитательные: мотивировать детей на изучение иностранного языка, показывая его практическую значимость в современном мире, способствовать развитию творческой активности учащихся, расширению их кругозора.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: общеклассная, индивидуальная, групповая.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, литература.
Средства обучения: учебник Enjoy English-9, презентация в Power Point.
Ход урока
№ этапа |
Этапы урока |
Средства обучения |
Время в мин. |
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Приветствие. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? The theme of our lesson is “Is travelling worth the effort and money?”
To warm up
Checking group works. Ex 72, 73 Choose one from your group who will speak. The other will add information if it is necessary. |
Слайд 1 |
2 |
Ex 74, p 87
Ex 75, p 87 – examine the table and formulate the rule.
Ex 76, 77 p 87 |
Слайд 2 |
5 |
3 |
Work in pairs Read the conversation and tell me: ex 78, p 88.
ex 79, p 88
ex 80, p 88 |
text with dialogues |
7 |
Запись Д/з WB ex 12, p 34 or ex 13, p 35 |
Слайд 3 |
1 |
8 |
Teacher: Marks. Wind up. |
1 |
you go early, it will be cheaper (Ex. 78-79) Agent: Can I help you? Mrs Buchan: Yes. we'd like some information about holidays in the United States. Agent: When were you thinking of going? Mrs Buchan: We were thinking of this summer. Agent: If you go early, it will be cheaper. Mr Buchan: When does the high season start? Agent: From July 15th to September
15th is the high season. It is more expensive then. Mrs Buchan: We were thinking of going in July. Agent: If you go early in July, it will be cheaper. How long do you want to go for? Mr Buchan: We were thinking of going for a week. Agent: I see. That can be fairly expensive. If
you go for two weeks, it will be almost the same price as one week. For
instance, if you book three nights, you will pay a hundred dollars. If you
book seven nights, you will pay a hundred and thirty dollars. If you book
ten nights, it will cost you only a hundred and fifty dollars. Mr Buchan: I see. Agent: Where were you thinking of going in the United States? Mrs Buchan: Well. we'd like to visit New York... Mr Buchan: And New Orleans in the South and Texas.
I'm a space fan, I'd like to see NASA in Houston. Mrs Buchan: Then we could go to Las Vegas...
and then to California... San Francisco... Hollywood... Agent: I see. That's quite a lot of
travelling. If you have an air pass... Mr Buchan: What's an air pass? Agent: An air pass is an air ticket that
allows you to travel anywhere in the United States for a week or for two
weeks. Mr Buchan: Anywhere? Agent: Almost anywhere. If you have an air
pass, you will be able to fly from New York to New Orleans to Houston, then
to Las Vegas and to San Francisco. Mr Buchan: And then back again to New York. Agent: Exactly. Mrs Buchan: If we have an air pass, we will be
able to visit my sister in Chicago. Mr Buchan: How much is an air pass? Agent: It depends. If you buy a one-week
pass, it won't cost a lot... about five hundred dollars. Mr Buchan: And if I buy a two-week air pass? Agent: It will cost about eight hundred
dollars. Mr Buchan: What is the price of two weeks at a
Holiday Inn in the first two weeks in July? Agent: With the flights from London to New York? Mr Buchan: Yes. Agent: Here again, if you fly from London to
Boston or London to Washington, it will be cheaper than flying directly to
New York. Mr Buchan: OK. Two weeks at a Holiday Inn and a
flight from London to Boston. Agent: It's in this brochure here. It's
about eight hundred dollars for each of you. Mrs Buchan: And then if we decide to travel
around the States... Agent: If you decide to get a two-week air
pass, it will cost you about eight hundred dollars. Mrs Buchan: So the total cost will be about one thousand six
hundred dollars for each of us. Mr Buchan: Three thousand two hundred dollars for
both of us. Mrs Buchan: Well, thank you very much. That was very
useful. Agent: All the information you need is in
this brochure. Mr Buchan:
Thank you. Agent: Goodbye. Mr& Mrs
Buchan: Bye.
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