9 класс
Урок 52
(УМК М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English -9)
Тема: Защита проектов по теме «Англоговорящие страны: Великобритания, Канада, США».
1. Образовательные: контролировать выполнение групповой работы по страноведению, тренировать монологическую речь, умение представлять результаты своей проектной работы и защищать их.
2. Развивающие: развивать навыки групповой работы, умения строить диалогические высказывания, внимание, память, умение работать самостоятельно, навык публичных выступлений.
3. Воспитательные: мотивировать детей на изучение иностранного языка, показывая его практическую значимость в современном мире, способствовать развитию творческой активности учащихся, расширению их кругозора, осознанию ими мирового процесса глобализации.
Тип урока: урок применения знаний, навыков и умений.
Методы обучения: практический, наглядный, словесный
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: общеклассная, групповая.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, литература, информатика.
Средства обучения: учебник Enjoy English-9, проектные работы учащихся.
Ход урока
№ этапа |
Этапы урока |
Средства обучения |
Время в мин. |
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Приветствие. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? The theme of our lesson is “Globalization. Project work”.
Certainly you know that today you are presenting your project work. It’s always a very challenging task. It’s difficult for those who are speaking and also it’s not easy for listeners. I’ve asked you to plan some points to check the understanding of your material. Dear audience, you are to ask questions on the topic presented to you. Then you ought to give some comments on their work and to put them a just mark.
First of all I want you to cast lots. We must set the turn of the presentations. So I ask to come to my place one student from each group and take one card. |
Слайд 1
слайд 2
2 |
Look at the plan of our work. 1. GB 2. US 3. RF
Prepare for presentation. I’d like to ask one of our guests to mind the time. The speaking time for each group is 7 minutes. Only 3 minutes are left for questions and exchanging opinions.
While the next group is preparing for presentation I want you to speak about the work of group number 1. How can you appreciate it? What is their mark? Look at the lists of expressions on your desks to speak correctly.
3 |
Запись Д/з no task. |
2 |
4 |
Teacher: Marks. Wind up. |
1 |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
Ø to my mind Ø if you ask me Ø as for me Ø I consider their work Ø interesting (full, noble, great, overwhelming, impressive) Ø bad (dull, too short, not full enough, awful) Ø I like the material about … best of all Ø The computer presentation was good (bad) Ø Their English was … Ø The fact that … was absolutely new for me Ø Their mark may be a five (a four, a three, a two) |
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