Образовательная цель: развитие навыков диалогической речи
Воспитательная цель: научить работать в парах, в группах, индивидуально; привить толерантность к мнению одногруппников
Развивающая цель: развить память, воображение, внимание
Задачи: 1.Строить предложения по теме. 2. Подбирать синонимы 3. Отвечать на вопросы 4. Строить свои диалоги с опорой на образец. 5. Участвовать в неподготовленном диалоге. 6. Высказывать собственное мнение.
Аудитория: 1 курс ССУЗ
Тип урока: урок рефлексии (совершенствования знаний и умений)
Вид урока: практикум, ролевая игра
1.Are you fond of going shopping? Why?
2.Are you a fan of going shopping? Why?
3.Do you enjoy going shopping? Why?
I’m a fan of going shopping | I prefer online shopping. | |
I enjoy …… | It improves my mood. | |
I’m fond of …… | It helps me to relax. | |
I hate ……… | because | It’s just a waste of time. |
I don’t enjoy …. | It’s a great way to spend free time. | |
I have an aversion to ….. | Shops crowded with customers just irritate me. |
Useful vocabulary
*What color (size) would you like?
*Would you like to try it (them) on ?
*Where is the fitting (changing) room?
*Does it (Do they) fit you?
*It is (they are) too loose/tight/short
Do you have a bigger (smaller) size?
Do you have any shoes on sale?
Тренировка новых лексическиз единиц в контексте, учащиеся
переводять предложения учителя
TASK 1: fill in the gaps (size, fit, cash desk, perfectly, on sale, in cash, change, accept, tight, try, fortune, for free, would )
C: Excuse me. Could you help me?
S:Yes, sure. What ________you like?
C:Do you have any shoes________?
S: Unfortunately, we don’t… but we have a special ______today – buy a pair of sport shoes and get a pair of sleepers_________. What size and color would you like?
C:My ________is 40, as for color I’d like white or black.
S:Here you are - black, white and green ones. You can pick out.
C: Can I _____them on?
S:Of course. Do they________ you?
C:Well, I like black shoes but they are too_________. Do you have a bigger size?
S: Certainly, try on these ones, please.
C: Oh, they fit me_________. How much are they?
S: 6 000 rubles and don’t forget about our special offer.
C: OMG, they cost a_________. Ok, I’ll take them. Where is the__________?
S: It’s over there, in front of the entrance. Sorry, but we don’t _________credit cards.
C: No problem, I’ll pay_________. Here is my money.
S:OK, take your__________. Thank you, have a nice day.
C: Good bye
TASK 2: match the synonymous expressions:
Could you help me? | At a discounted price |
TASK 3: answer the questions:
How can we start a dialogue?
How can we offer(ask for) help?
What questions can a customer ask choosing items?
What are the shop assistant’s phrases giving recommendations?
How can we finish a dialogue?
Комментарий к слайду № 7:
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по диалогу-образцу. Работа с диалогом, выделение этапов диалога, подготовка к постранению своего диалога по образцу
Task 4: work in pairs and make up your own dialogue
A blouse
Heeled shoes
A jacket
A swimming suit
A nice dress
Let’s make up dialogues going shopping. One person is a shop assistant and all the rest are customers. Everyone gets the object(s) to buy and its (their) characteristics.
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