Reading: an article about
British homes (text
Skill ― reading for lexico-
grammatical accuracy
Speaking: a two-minute talk
about British houses
Writing: a short article about
homes in your country
accuracy ['ækjərəsɪ]- правильность
I know that British houses often have
fitted carpets They often have a small
1 Do all British houses have gardens?
2 How many rooms are there in a British
3 Do British houses have fireplaces?
Imagine living in a sweet little country
house called 'Rose Cottage' or a huge
Tudor1-style house called 'Woodlands'.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? Not all British
people are 1) ........... (luck) enough to live
in houses as nice as these, but they do
live in a wide range of houses that can be
newly-built or up to 500 years old.
range [reɪndʒ] - радиус
A lot of British people live in detached or semidetached
properties. A detached house is not joined to another. A
semi-detached is joined on one side to another house.
They are brick houses built in 2)................(vary) styles.
They are made of either red or brown brick. Some of the
houses 3)....................(build) in Victorian times between
1837 and 1901 were large villas. The exteriors are like
were built
works of art with steep slate roofs, stained glass panels in
doors and windows, iron railings, tall chimney pots and
large bay windows. They also had basements and attics.
This type of house is often found in the suburbs, on the
detached house особняк
semidetached house
дом, имеющий общую
стену с соседним
outskirts of a town or city or in villages.
steep [stiːp-] крутой
slate [sleɪt]шифер
stained окрашенный;
railing ['reɪlɪŋ] обычно ограда, перила
exterior [ɪk'stɪərɪə]- внешний вид
chimney pot-дымоход
variouswere built
Most people who live in or near town
centres live in terraced houses. Most
terraced houses were built to house people
who came to towns and cities to work in the
factories and mills during the 4)...............
(Industry) Revolution(3). Rows of houses
were built back-to-back and they were
joined together to save space. Each row of
houses is a terrace and they only have two
rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs.
terraced houses дома рядовой застройки
mill [mɪl] -фабрика,
In inner-city areas, you can often find huge tower
blocks of flats most of which were built during the
1950s and 60s. Some of these have been
renovated and have 5)................(recent) become
popular with wealthy young 6).........................
(profession). Others are council-owned or cheap-
to-rent flats that were built after the Second World
War to replace houses that had been destroyed or
to clear urban slums (4). Also, in many cities and
inner-city ['ɪnəˌsɪtɪ]-
council ['kauns(ə)- совет
towns there are large council house estates.
относящийся к бедному району
slums the slums- трущобы
estate [ɪ'steɪt] - поместье,
усадьба, имение
A bungalow is a house which is only on
one floor with no stairs. It may be
joined to another bungalow or it might
stand alone. Some of them have an
extra room in the loft (5). These are
called dormer bungalows. They are
7).............. (usual) found in the suburbs
or in villages. 8)..............(retire) or
elderly people often live in these
loft [lɔft]- чердак dormer ['dɔːmə] -мансардное окно
retired [rɪ'taɪəd] - ушедший на
пенсию или в отставку
properties: buildings and connected land
exteriors: outside parts
slate roofs: house coverings made from thin
slices of dark, grey rock
stained glass: coloured glass arranged in a
railings: fence made of thin metal posts
estates: large number of houses designed and
built close together at the same time
British people live in a variety of different
types of houses. There are detached and
semidetached houses, terraced houses, flats,
council houses and bungalows. Many people
live in detached and semi-detached houses in
the suburbs or in villages. British people who
live in or near town centres, on the other
hand, tend to live in terraced houses. These
houses are built in rows and are often close
together and have few rooms. Many houses in
inner-city areas are blocks of flats. Some of
these are homes to the wealthy; others are
cheap council flats. British pensioners often
live in bungalows in the suburbs or in villages.
Most Russian cities are very crowded and congested so houses are often
small and in apartment type structures. Pre-revolutionary buildings were
built before the 1917 revolution and are low -rise buildings usually situated
in the city centres. They are examples of fine architecture with beautiful
facades and grand antique entrances. They consist of one to two spacious
apartments per floor. Each apartment has high-ceiling and large windows.
They are usually the residences of wealthy Russians. Block buildings on the
other hand, are 12-30
story buildings built in the 1970-80s to help with housing shortages in the
inner cities. The apartments are small with plain decor. These apartments
are low cost and mostly families live in them. Residential complexes are the
newest type of housing to Russia and considered the most luxurious. These
large apartments are found in high-level security complexes. The complexes
also provide modern facilities such as pools, garages, parks and sometimes
even gyms. They are high cost houses in Russia and often occupied by
foreigners. In rural areas and villages, the most popular homes are the
traditional two-roomed farmhouses that farmers and their families live in.
One room is usually for the family and the other room on the other side of
the house is for the animals. There is definitely a variety of houses in
Reading: an article about British
homes (text completion)
Skill ― reading for lexico-grammatical
Speaking: a two-minute talk about
British houses
Writing: a short article about homes
in your country
Thanks for the lesson!