Вершины Мира \Building Big
Оценка 4.7

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Оценка 4.7
английский язык +2
6 кл
Вершины Мира \Building Big
Вершины Мира \Building Big- План -конспект открытоо урока

                                                 Внеклассное мероприятие

                                                     «Top of the world»

Класс: 6 «в»

Дата: 17.03.17

Цель: Расширение страноведческих и лингвистических знаний учащихся


Образовательная:  Практика использования превосходной степени имен  прилагательных

Развивающие:      1. Совершенствование навыков говорения        

2.     Совершенствование произносительных навыков

Воспитательные:  1.Укрепление интереса к предмету

                                 2..Воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре

Психолого-педагогические: Помочь учащимся преодолеть речевой барьер

Тип урока: Комбинированный

Методы и формы обучения:  парная, групповая, индивидуальная


Планируемые образовательные результаты:

Предметные:  Освоение грамматической темы «Степени сравнения имен прилагательных»

Метапредметные: развитие умения планировать своё речевое и неречевое поведение

ставить и формулировать для себя новые задачи в учёбе   и  познавательной деятельности

 Личностные : формирование целостного мировоззрения, соответствующего современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, учитывающего социальное, культурное, языковое, духовное многообразие современного мира

Образовательные ресурсы: YOU TUBE, pedsovet.su

Оборудование: ноутбук, аудио-видео файлы, микрофон, усилители звука, ИКТ  



                                  Технологическая карта                 

1.Организационный этап.


Деятельность учителя


Деятельность учеников




Вступительное слово учителя

Настраиваются на учебную деятельность

Коммуникативные (К)

Регулятивные (Р)

(Заставка к телепередаче)


Обеспечивает техническую поддержку в ходе всего мероприятия



2.Видео о небоскребах:



Франции –Эйфелева башня

Германии – г. Франкфурт на Майне Commerzbank tower

3. Музыкальное оформление

Ведущая: Hello, dear viewers! It’s THE WORLD AROUND US and I lead her Jane Collins. Today we’ll tell you about the tallest buildings in England, USA, France and Germany. Are you ready to travel with us?

And   right now in touch with us our correspondent from London, Sarah Spencer. Sarah?!

Sarah Spencer:  Hello everybody! I’ m one of the tallest buildings in England, Shard. I want to introduce you to the architect of this remarkable building Renzo Piano and his assistant Anna Tores

Renzo, please tell us about your great creation

Renzo Piano: With pleasure .The shape of the building was designed in the form of an irregular pyramid lined with glass.  Scyscraper comprises seventy two floors  with offices and apartments front gardens and the technical premises . On the top floor of the building is the highest observation deck of Great Britain.

Assistant: Anna Tores

Shard construction began in two thousand and nine and the ceremony took place on July 5 , 2012.

In   2012 the building reached its top mark of 309 km. of becoming not only the tallest building in London , but also the 4 th largest building in Europe (after Moscow tower) and 45 in the world.


Ведущая: Sarah, thank you. We’re continue the program. Our correspondent from the United States George Douglas has something interesting. George?

(Звучит энергичная музыка)

George Douglas: Hello! I’ll tell you about World Trade Center. It’s the fourth tallest   Scyscraper in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Shanghai Tower in  Shanghai and Abraj Al Bait  in Mecca, as well as the tallest office building in the world and tallest building in the Western  Hemisphere.


Ведущая: Thank you, George. We also have an interesting report from France. Ellen?

 (Звучит спокойная французская музыка)

Ellen Richard: Hello, dear viewers! Hello, Jane! As you can see I’m not alone, with me the architect of the Eiffel Tower Stefan Sovestr .

Stefan, tell us a little about the world’s most famous tower

Stefan Sovestr: Well, as you know, this tower is named after the chief designer Gustave  Eiffel . It was initially criticized by some of France’s leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but it has become a global cultural icon f France and one of the most  recognizable structures in the world. The Tower has 3 levels for visitors , with restaurants  on the first and second levels. The  Eiffel Tower is the most-visited  paid monument  in the world.

Ellen Richard:  Merci beacoup , Stefan!


Ведущая: Thank you very much. Reporting from Frankfurt am Main is ready to go on the air. There is our correspondent Catherine Heinz.

(Звучит ритмичная музыка)

Catherine Heinz: Hello! I’ll tell you about the tallest building in Frankfurt and the tallest building in Germany. It’s Commerzbank  Tower.  The Commerzbank  Tower is only two metres taller than the Messeturm, which is also located  in Frankfurt. The Messeturm had been the tallest building in Europe before the construction  of the Commerzbank  Tower.  Сonstruction  of the building began in 1994  and took three years to complete.

Ведущая: A group of tourists from Ingushetia decided to go for countries to learn about the high - rise building. How do they know it? Is discussed now!

Salima: I will go in Dubai. I have long wanted to see Burj Khalifa

Akhmet: So, I will go in Mecca. I want to see Abraj al Bait. It’s so beautiful

Amina: I’ll try to learn more about the highest tower of Azerbaijan. I take this opportunity to visit this wonderful country.

Ilez: And I will visit Shanhgai Tower.  It’s the highest skyscraper in China. This  building has a very interesting design.

Salima: I hope we’ll share with each other interesting information

Akhmet: We can talk on skype

Ilez: We too have our pride. It’s Vovnushki, isn’t it?

Amina: Oh, yes of course

Salima: So, are you ready? Let’s go!


Ведущая: You watched THE WORLD AROUND US

We hope you have been well in our company! Good Bye!

Коммуникативные (К)

Регулятивные (Р)

Музыкальный финал

Слово учителя:

Привлекает внимание зрителей к проекту ученицы

 «Телебашня Менара Куала-Лумпур» ученица рассказывает о своем проекте на русском языке . Информация в презентации «Вершины Мира»

П, Л – УУД


Учитель объявляет о завершении мероприятия

Прощаются со зрителями


                                                   «Top of the world»

Вступительное слово учителя: We’re happy to greet you, dear guests! So let’s start

(Заставка к телепередаче)

Ведущая: Hello, dear viewers! It’s THE WORLD AROUND US and I lead her Jane Collins. Today we’ll tell you about the tallest buildings in England, USA, France and Germany. Are you ready to travel with us?

And   right now in touch with us our correspondent from London, Sarah Spencer. Sarah?!

Sarah Spencer:  Hello everybody! I’ m one of the tallest buildings in England, Shard. I want to introduce you to the architect of this remarkable building Renzo Piano and his assistant Anna Tores

Renzo, please tell us about your great creation

Renzo Piano: With pleasure .The shape of the building was designed in the form of an irregular pyramid lined with glass.  Scyscraper comprises seventy two floors  with offices and apartments front gardens and the technical premises . On the top floor of the building is the highest observation deck of Great Britain.

Assistant: Anna Tores

Shard construction began in two thousand and nine and the ceremony took place on July 5 , 2012.

In   2012 the building reached its top mark of 309 km. of becoming not only the tallest building in London , but also the 4 th largest building in Europe (after Moscow tower) and 45 in the world.


Ведущая: Sarah, thank you. We’re continue the program. Our correspondent from the United States George Douglas has something interesting. George?

(Звучит энергичная музыка)

George Douglas: Hello! I’ll tell you about World Trade Center. It’s the fourth tallest   Scyscraper in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Shanghai Tower in  Shanghai and Abraj Al Bait  in Mecca, as well as the tallest office building in the world and tallest building in the Western  Hemisphere.


Ведущая: Thank you, George. We also have an interesting report from France. Ellen?

 (Звучит спокойная французская музыка)

Ellen Richard: Hello, dear viewers! Hello, Jane! As you can see I’m not alone, with me the architect of the Eiffel Tower Stefan Sovestr .

Stefan, tell us a little about the world’s most famous tower

Stefan Sovestr: Well, as you know, this tower is named after the chief designer Gustave  Eiffel . It was initially criticized by some of France’s leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but it has become a global cultural icon f France and one of the most  recognizable structures in the world. The Tower has 3 levels for visitors , with restaurants  on the first and second levels. The  Eiffel Tower is the most-visited  paid monument  in the world.

Ellen Richard:  Merci beacoup , Stefan!


Ведущая: Thank you very much. Reporting from Frankfurt am Main is ready to go on the air. There is our correspondent Catherine Heinz.

(Звучит ритмичная музыка)

Catherine Heinz: Hello! I’ll tell you about the tallest building in Frankfurt and the tallest building in Germany. It’s Commerzbank  Tower.  The Commerzbank  Tower is only two metres taller than the Messeturm, which is also located  in Frankfurt. The Messeturm had been the tallest building in Europe before the construction  of the Commerzbank  Tower.  Сonstruction  of the building began in 1994  and took three years to complete.

Ведущая: A group of tourists from Ingushetia decided to go for countries to learn about the high - rise building. How do they know it? Is discussed now!

Salima: I will go in Dubai. I have long wanted to see Burj Khalifa

Akhmet: So, I will go in Mecca. I want to see Abraj al Bait. It’s so beautiful

Amina: I’ll try to learn more about the highest tower of Azerbaijan. I take this opportunity to visit this wonderful country.

Ilez: And I will visit Shanhgai Tower.  It’s the highest skyscraper in China. This  building has a very interesting design.

Salima: I hope we’ll share with each other interesting information

Akhmet: We can talk on skype

Ilez: We too have our pride. It’s Vovnushki, isn’t it?

Amina: Oh, yes of course

Salima: So, are you ready? Let’s go!


Ведущая: You watched THE WORLD AROUND US

We hope you have been well in our company! Good Bye!


Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big

Вершины Мира \Building Big
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