Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Оценка 5

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Оценка 5
Презентации учебные
английский язык
7 кл—11 кл
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
"Role model"
Role model.pptx

Rainbow English. Unit 4 step 6 p

Rainbow English. Unit 4 step 6 p

Rainbow English. Unit 4 step 6 p. 78

English teacher Garmaeva Yulia Victorovna




Dear pupils of the 8-th grade

Dear pupils of the 8-th grade

Dear pupils of the 8-th grade
And Guests!
Welcome to our
extracurricular meeting!
Today we are going to talk about
role models.

Topic Aim A role model To discuss and find out: -what a role model is: -what kinds of role models there can be

Topic Aim A role model To discuss and find out: -what a role model is: -what kinds of role models there can be



A role model

To discuss and find out:
-what a role model is:
-what kinds of role models there can be.

Before we start discussion let`s watch a video

Before we start discussion let`s watch a video

Before we start discussion
let`s watch a video

Who do you think a role model is?

Who do you think a role model is?

Who do you think a role model is? 

          Read the definition (S1...)
role model - someone whose behaviour is considered to be a good example for other people to copy.

Positive role model attributes -

Positive role model attributes -

Positive role model attributes - 
What are they?
Let`s think about it and 
share your opinions, please.

Заботливая и чуткая личность Отличные коммуникативные навыки

Заботливая и чуткая личность Отличные коммуникативные навыки

Заботливая и чуткая личность
Отличные коммуникативные навыки 
Демонстрирует лидерство 
Хорошее чувство юмора 
Позитивный настрой 
Умелая в своей сфере личность
Здравые рассуждения 
Навыки презентации (себя, идеи) 

Caring & empathic Excellent communication skills Demonstrates leadership Integrity Good sense of humour Calm Positive attitude Practically skilful Knowledgeable Sound reasoning Presentation skills

Look at some positive characteristics

Can there be a negative role model?

Can there be a negative role model?

 Can there be a negative role model? Let`s think about it and give some charasteristics, please.

Говорит уничижительные комментарии

Говорит уничижительные комментарии

Говорит уничижительные комментарии 
Неуместный юмор 
Выражает гнев или разочарование 
Горечь и цинизм 
Недостаток уверенности 
Не сотрудничает
Недостаток знаний 
Чрезмерная критика 
Пугает или унижает 

Making derogatory comments
Inappropriate humour
Expressing anger
or frustration
Bitterness and cynicism
Lack of confidence
Un cooperative
Lack of knowledge
Excessive criticism
Frightening or humiliating

Look at some negative characteristics

Is it being a good role model important?

Is it being a good role model important?

Is it being a good role model  important? Why? 

Yes, it is, because..

                                      it can influence on our life and career.

                                     a person can be his/her own rodel model.

No, it isn`t, because..

Is it being a good role model important?

Is it being a good role model important?

Is it being a good role model  important? Why? 

                                            the best  way  to learn…
If you can see someone do it and understand how and why they do it,  I think that’s when you’ll get it.

I think a role model is...

Let’s discuss in groups the questions about positive and negative role models:

Let’s discuss in groups the questions about positive and negative role models:

     Let’s discuss in groups the questions about positive and negative role models:

Who is/was your positive role model?
Say if he or she is a role model for many people and explain why.
Consider the following: 
1) name, age, occupation, place of living; 
2) the good example he/she gives; 
3) personal characteristics; 
4) your opinion of the person.
      You can use real or cinema examples.

And who is/ was a negative role model for you?

And who is/ was a negative role model for you?

And who is/ was a negative role model for you?
Say if he or she is a negative role model for many people and explain why.
Consider the following: 
1) name, age, occupation, place of living; 
2) the bad example he/she gives; 
3) personal characteristics; 
4) your opinion of the person.
      You can use real or cinema examples.

Let’s listen to our teams opinions

Let’s listen to our teams opinions

Let’s listen to our teams opinions.

Write your favourite team answer on the cards

And the best speaker is … Team …

And the best speaker is … Team …

And the best speaker is …

Team …

Thanks for your coming and discussion!

Thanks for your coming and discussion!

Thanks for your coming and discussion!

Of course, a positive one

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