Внеклассное занятие «Новогодняя вечеринка Дедов Морозов»
Цель занятия:
- познакомить учеников с разными представителями Дед Морозов из разных англоговорящих стран;
- развивать культурно – страноведческие знания учащихся, способствовать расширению их кругозора;
- воспитывать чувства уважения к культуре других стран, их традициям.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук, презентация.
Cast (действующие лица)
Father Frost, Snowmaid, Santa Claus, Fairy Befana, Papay Noel, Christmas goat Yolupukki, The Sack.
I. Snoumaid appears, some children are dancing around the New Year’s Tree.
New Year’s Day, happy day,
We are all glad and like to play!
We all dance and sing and say,
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year’s Day!”
Singing, dancing merrily,
We are round the New Year’s Tree,
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Round the New Year’s Tree.
Happy New Year, my friends,
Happy New Year today!
Let us dance, hand in hand.
I will show you the way.
II. “Jimgle Bells” sounds, Santa Claus comes.
Santa Claus
I live in England
Funny and merry.
My cheeks are like roses
My nose is like a cherry.
With a branch of green holly
And robin, his friend
To all little children
New Year’s wishes I send!
Good morning, Santa Claus!
Santa Claus
Happy New Year! I came here on the invitation of Russian Father Frost.
Oh! My grandfather will be later.
Santa Claus
No problem. It’s OK.
I’m sorry.
Santa Claus
Don’t worry. English children asked me to say “hello” to these children (addressing the audience). I will say “Hello” and you will clap your hands. I will try to pass my hands between yours while you are clapping. And you try to catch my hand. Clear?
(Merry music sounds. Santa Claus goes to the children plays with them).
III. A bit later, Italian music sounds. Fairy Befana appears with long black hair, an unattractive appearance, a long dress, and a broom in hand.)
Fairy Befana
To little children
Through the chimneys
I hurry with a broom,
I don’t need to have any keys
To get into your houses
And on my way I look around
And look for stockings everywhere
I put some presents into them
For those who are nice.
Good morning, Fairy Befana!
Fairy Befana
Buon Anno!
Here you’ll see only nice children!
Fairy Befana
Ciao bambini! That means “Hello, children!” I can speak different languages because I am a fairy. We have Italian Father Frost, too. His name is Babbo Natalle. He asked me to come here/
I sent this invitation specially for you.
Fairy Befana
Thanks, Snoumaid. On January 6th, Italians celebrate a great holiday: Befana’s Day. After this party, I’m going to Italy to give presents to Italian children. Long ago, people in Italy used to throw colorful candies over their friends’ heads. Now, we have confetti.
(Fairy Befana throws confetti over the heads of people in the audience).
IV. (Latino American music sounds. Papay Noel comes).
Papay Noel
In tropical Panama
Before New Year’s Eve
I come to little children
Who I love most of all.
A lot of different presents
They get from me of course
And merrily we dance around
This palm
In yellow shorts.
But it is very cold here. Give me something to warm myself. And where is Father Frost?
He hasn’t come yet. We are still waiting for him.
Papay Noel
I am getting cold here. What’s that? (pointing to a New Year’s tree)There are no such decorated cactuses in Panama.
It isn’t a cactus, it’s a New Year’s tree.
Papay Noel
I’ve never seen it before. We decorate palms.
V. (“Happy New Year” (ABBA) sounds. Christmas Goat Yolupukki comes.)
I am a goat in a fur coat.
I am the Scandinavian Father Frost
I’ve brought a magic book with me
My name is Yolupukki.
I like to sing and dance for you
And then you’ll get some cookies.
In this magic book you can see everything that bad children do. Let’s see, are there any notes about Russian children? Oh, I like these children. And who are you?
I am Snoumaid.
Was that you who sent me the invitation card for this party?
Yes, that was me.
Thank you. Ba-a-a!
Yolupukki, what does your name mean?
It means Christmas Goat. Do you know how Christmas Goat greet each other?
No, I don’t.
Do you, children? Look and remember. (He makes “horns” with his right hand above his head and at the same time stretches his left hand forward with the thumb up, saying “ho”! Then, he claps his hands and stamps his feet. Then, he changes his hands and does the same.)
How funny!
Let’s greet each other like goats do. (He plays with the children).
VI. (The Russian New Year’s Song sounds. Father Frost comes.)
Father Frost
Good morning. Were you waiting for me?
Father Frost
Bring many toys
For little girls
And little boys.
Grand-dad, you are so late. And where is your sack?
Father Frost
It must be here (looking for it).
I think you haven’t brought it.
Father Frost
Can the sack have got lost? It shall be brought! (He raps his stick on the floor).
VII. (Russian dance music sounds. The Sack comes, dancing.)
Father Frost
Stop, Sack, stop! Show me the presents.
The Sack.
Oh, no. I have lost them on my way.
What should we do now? (Cries)
We are your friends. We’ll help you.
Father Frost
Thank you. Sack! Show us the way, you’ve come here!
Wait, wait, please. We found your gifts. There are here.
Father Frost
Thank you, Snowflakes. We are glad to see you. Hand out gifts to children, please.
Of course. The Sack, can you help us?
The Sack.
With great pleasure.
On this day, the 31st.
Fairy Befana
Of December, every person –
English, Russian, Greek, Chinese –
Papay Noel
Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese –
Santa Claus
Celebrates, and give a toast –
Father Frost
Cries, “Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!”
Использованная литература.
1.Иностранные языки в школе №7, 2007 год Измайлова Е. В. Сценарий сказки на английском языке «NEY YEAR PARTY», с.45.
2. Песни “Happy New Year” , “Jimgle Bells” (ABBA), «Gelato al cioccolato” (Pupo), латиноамериканская танцевальная композиция «Bamboleo” (“casa Granda”), русские новогодние песни «С новым годом» (ВИА «Авария», музыка А Рыжова), «В лесу родилась елочка» (Л. Бекман, слова Р. Кудашевой).
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