When did you go to school?
Оценка 4.7

When did you go to school?

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
3 кл—5 кл
When did you go to school?
!-When did you go to school.pptx

Прошедшее время

Прошедшее время

Прошедшее время

ходить – ходил go – went делать – делал make – made видеть – видел see – saw

ходить – ходил go – went делать – делал make – made видеть – видел see – saw

ходить – ходил

go – went

делать – делал

make – made

видеть – видел

see – saw

приходить – приходил come – came брать – брал take – took говорить – говорил speak – spoke

приходить – приходил come – came брать – брал take – took говорить – говорил speak – spoke

приходить – приходил

come – came

брать – брал

take – took

говорить – говорил

speak – spoke

писать – писал write – wrote могу – мог can – could покупать – покупал buy – bought

писать – писал write – wrote могу – мог can – could покупать – покупал buy – bought

писать – писал

write – wrote

могу – мог

can – could

покупать – покупал

buy – bought

давать – давал give – gave сидеть – сидел sit – sat иметь – имел have – had

давать – давал give – gave сидеть – сидел sit – sat иметь – имел have – had

давать – давал

give – gave

сидеть – сидел

sit – sat

иметь – имел

have – had

изучать – изучал learn – learnt есть – ел eat – ate бегать – бегал run – ran

изучать – изучал learn – learnt есть – ел eat – ate бегать – бегал run – ran

изучать – изучал

learn – learnt

есть – ел

eat – ate

бегать – бегал

run – ran

стоять – стоял stand – stood сказать – сказал say – said вставать – вставал get up – got up

стоять – стоял stand – stood сказать – сказал say – said вставать – вставал get up – got up

стоять – стоял

stand – stood

сказать – сказал

say – said

вставать – вставал

get up – got up

что what где where когда when почему why кого whom как how

что what где where когда when почему why кого whom как how













When did you go to school? I go to school at 8 o’clock

When did you go to school? I go to school at 8 o’clock

When did you go to school?

I go to school at 8 o’clock.

I went to school at 8 o’clock.

Where did you take this book? I take this book at school

Where did you take this book? I take this book at school

Where did you take this book?

I take this book at school.

I took this book at school.

Where did you see the bear? I see the bear at the zoo

Where did you see the bear? I see the bear at the zoo

Where did you see the bear?

I see the bear at the zoo.

I saw the bear at the zoo.

When did you come home? I come home at 5 o’clock

When did you come home? I come home at 5 o’clock

When did you come home?

I come home at 5 o’clock.

I came home at 5 o’clock.

Whom did you help in the yard?

Whom did you help in the yard?

Whom did you help in the yard?

I help parents in the yard.

I helped parents in the yard.

What did you see in the shop? I see a big doll in the shop

What did you see in the shop? I see a big doll in the shop

What did you see in the shop?

I see a big doll in the shop.

I saw a big doll in the shop.

Why did you open the window? I open the window because it is hot

Why did you open the window? I open the window because it is hot

Why did you open the window?

I open the window because it is hot.

I opened the window because it is hot.

How did you buy a new toy? I buy a new toy with my parents

How did you buy a new toy? I buy a new toy with my parents

How did you buy a new toy?

I buy a new toy with my parents.

I bought a new toy with my parents.

What time did you get up yesterday?

What time did you get up yesterday?

What time did you get up yesterday?

I got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

How did you come to school? I came to school on foot

How did you come to school? I came to school on foot

How did you come to school?

I came to school on foot.

What was your first lesson? Our first lesson was

What was your first lesson? Our first lesson was

What was your first lesson?

Our first lesson was Mathematics.

When did you have lunch? I had lunch at 2 o’clock

When did you have lunch? I had lunch at 2 o’clock

When did you have lunch?

I had lunch at 2 o’clock.

When did you come back home? I came home at 3 o’clock

When did you come back home? I came home at 3 o’clock

When did you come back home?

I came home at 3 o’clock.

Did you do your homework? I did my homework

Did you do your homework? I did my homework

Did you do your homework?

I did my homework.

Did you watch TV in the evening?

Did you watch TV in the evening?

Did you watch TV in the evening?

I watched TV in the evening.

What time did you go to bed? I went to bed at 10 o’clock

What time did you go to bed? I went to bed at 10 o’clock

What time did you go to bed?

I went to bed at 10 o’clock.

В первый день On the first day

В первый день On the first day

В первый день

On the first day.

На второй день

On the second day.

На третий день

On the third day.

На четвёртый день On the fourth day

На четвёртый день On the fourth day

На четвёртый день

On the fourth day.

На пятый день

On the fifth day.

На шестой день

On the sixth day.

На седьмой день On the seventh day

На седьмой день On the seventh day

На седьмой день

On the seventh day.

На восьмой день

On the eighth day.

На девятый день

On the ninth day.

I am coming to London. He came to

I am coming to London. He came to

I am coming to London.

He came to London.

I am on a real London bus. He was on a real

I am on a real London bus. He was on a real

I am on a real London bus.

He was on a real London bus.

I am going to Westminster Abbey

I am going to Westminster Abbey

I am going to Westminster Abbey.

He went to Westminster Abbey.

I am walking in Hyde Park. He walked in

I am walking in Hyde Park. He walked in

I am walking in Hyde Park.

He walked in Hyde Park.

I am watching a film in the cinema

I am watching a film in the cinema

I am watching a film in the cinema.

He watched a film in the cinema.

I am changing money and doing shopping

I am changing money and doing shopping

I am changing money and doing shopping.

He changed money and did shopping.

I am on a football match. He was on a football match

I am on a football match. He was on a football match

I am on a football match.

He was on a football match.

I am making a new friend. He made a new friend

I am making a new friend. He made a new friend

I am making a new friend.

He made a new friend.

I am having lunch. He had lunch

I am having lunch. He had lunch

I am having lunch.

He had lunch.

I am visiting the Museum of History

I am visiting the Museum of History

I am visiting the Museum of History.

He visited the Museum of History.

I can see the Queen. He could see the

I can see the Queen. He could see the

I can see the Queen.

He could see the Queen.

We are having a fantastic picnic

We are having a fantastic picnic

We are having a fantastic picnic.

He had a fantastic picnic.

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