Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования
«Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова»
Московский промышленно-экономический
Рассмотрено цикловой методической комиссией «Иностранного языка» Протокол № 5 от «17» января 2025 г. Председатель ЦМК Ломакина М.А.
(подпись) |
Вопросы к дифференцированному зачету по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» специальность 38.02.07 Курс 3 Группы: БД-31,32,33 Семестр 6 |
УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по учебной работе Архипцева И.А.
«____»____________2025 г. |
Тема 2.1.Образование
1. What kind of educational system do we have in Russia?
2. What differences and similarities do Russian and Britain educational systems have?
3. Compare educational systems of the UK and the USA.
4. What are the most famous universities in the world do you know?
5. In which country do you think you can receive the best education? Prove your position
Тема 2.2. Моя будущая профессия
1. |
What kind of jobs have you had (part-time and full-time)? |
2. What is your dream job?
3. Are there any jobs you would refuse to do, regardless of the pay
4. Talk about responsibilities of your future job?
5. Is the job market in Russia growing?
Тема 2.3. Экология
1. What are the most serious environmental problems today?
2. Describe the effects that pollution can have upon people’s health?
3. What might humans be able to do in the future to deal with environmental catastrophes?
4. If the environment could speak, what would it tell us?
5. |
What do you know about the history of how our environment came to be under threat? |
Тема 2.4. Здоровье
1. |
Are you a health-conscious person? |
2. What things do you do that might damage your health?
3. Where do you go to get information on health?
4. What is healthy lifestyle?
5. |
What are the best and worst jobs for your health? |
Тема 2.5. Устройство на работу
1. What is CV?
2. What are the main parts of CV?
3. What is Cover letter? Is it important to write it? Why?
4. What is the best way to pass job interview?
5. How do you sell yourself in a job interview?
Тема 2.6 Деловая поездка
1. What is ”a business trip”? What is the difference with ordinary travelling?
2. What is “direct flight” and “connecting flight”?
3. Where do people usually stay on business trips? Where do they eat?
4. What do people do during a business trips?
5. Who do people meet during business trips?
Тема 2.7. Деловые переговоры и переписка
1. What qualities make a good negotiator?
2. What are the normal rules in Russia for buyer-customer negotiations?
3. Is every negotiation potentially a wing-wing one?
4. Name the main rules of business letter?
5. What is the difference between Cover letter and Letter of
Тема 2.8. Экономика и финансы
1. What business organization forms do you know?
2. What happens when a company defaults on its debt repayments?
3. What is Russian’s main financial center?
4. What commodities are most commonly traded in Russia?
5. What is “bankruptcy”?
Тема 2.9. Банки
1. Have bank in Russia cut or increase interest rates this year?
2. What kind of accounts can a customer have in a bank?
3. What loans do banks offer to the customers?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of online banking?
5. What us “fraud” and what type of fraud are popular nowadays
Тема 2.10. Банковские документы
1. What is “balance sheet”?
2. How can customer open credit and debit cards
3. What documents do you need to get a mortgage?
4. How can customer send money to another country?
5. When can customers use ATM’s?
Преподаватели Ломакина М.А.
Полянская И.Н.
Спицына Е.А.
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