Задания к тексту:
Geoffrey Chaucer. Tree Young Men, Death and a Bag of Gold
1. Say after the teacher.
[o] |
[⋀] |
[e] |
[i] |
[i:] |
long |
some |
met |
him |
these |
was |
such |
tell |
inn |
meet |
on |
but |
friend |
it |
he |
of |
suddenly |
death |
fill |
each |
coffin |
much |
left |
still |
believe |
2. Answer the questions.
- When was Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous book written?
- What was the name of the book?
3. *Find in the text antonyms to the words.
false |
give |
attack |
empty |
easy |
ask questions |
buy |
close |
old |
4. Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
трактир вдруг
верить смерть
осторожный отвечать
лес дуб
нести делить
простой отравить
нож спешить, торопиться
5. Put the sentences in a logical order.
6. Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
7. *Translate into English
Мы будем братьями и будем защищать друг друга.
С этими словами они покинули трактир и пошли вдоль дороги.
Вскоре они увидели очень большой дуб.
Три молодых друга увидели под дубом мешок, полный золота.
Он знал человека в городе, который продавал яд, чтобы травить крыс.
8. *Choose the proverb which is true to the text.
- Never spend your money before you have it.
- The early bird catches the worm.
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Shake the tree when the fruit is ripe.
- False friends are worse than open enemies.
- One today is worth two tomorrow.
- Actions speak louder than words.
9. Retell the story on the part of
a) the innkeeper
b) one of the friends
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