Be fed up with smbd/smth – быть погорло сытым
e.g. I am fed up with your laziness and carelessness.
Have a right to do smth- иметь право что-либо сделать
e.g. The apartment manager does not have the right to tell the tenants when they must leave the building.
Be on the safe side – на всякий случай
e.g. And aunt Stephanie took me to the hospital to be on the safe side.
Be in touch with somebody – быть на связи с кем-то
e.g. Who might still be in touch with him? Friends?
Have somebody round – пригласить кого-то к себе
e.g. If you have to invite your friends round, Chris, at least be home on time.
Have a word with somebody – сказать пару слов
e.g. "I say Tom, I'd like to have a word with you about your vacation."
(be) No point in doing smth – нет смысла что-либо делать
e.g. There is no point in doing things in the same way and expecting different results.
Be off colour – 1) иметь болезненный, нездоровый вид; плохо себя чувствовать 2) неуместный
e.g. You look a little off-colour, Scotty.
"The presenter's jokes were a bit too off-color for my taste."
Be on one’s mind – в мыслях, на уме
e.g. The incident at school was on my mind all week.
out of one’s mind – быть не в своем уме/быть не в себе
e.g. I was out of my mind with worry for a day or two
Be up to date – быть в курсе событий/быть современным
e.g. The school curriculum is reported to be up to date
be in charge of smbd/smth – быть отвественным за кого-либо, что-л..
e.g. The teacher put me in charge of organizing the project.
Have a ball – веселиться
e.g. I'll just fool around and have a ball.
Have no chance of doing smth – не иметь шансов сделать что-либо
e.g. He has no chance of winning the race.
Have the nerve to do something – иметь наглость сделать что-либо
e.g. She had the nerve to ask for another day-off
fed up with smbd/smth
a right to do smth
on the safe side
in touch with somebody
somebody round
a word with somebody
No point in doing smth
off colour
on one’s mind out of one’s mind
up to date |
in charge of smbd/smth |
a ball |
no chance of doing smth |
the nerve to do something
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