Здесь произведен подробный анализ отрывка из романа "Сага о Форсайтах. I Собственник" , отрывок описывающий чувства и ощущения главного героя, мистера Соамаса Форсайта. Текст на английском языке, анализ дан в простой и доступной форме, используется для подготовки анализа данного романа.
The text describes the feelings of Soames and Irene after Bosinney’s death.
Bosinney’s death affected both greatly but in a different ways.
The 1st part describes Soames’ feelings and reactions. It is written in a dramatic tone.
Irene had left Soames and he still hoped that she would return. The metaphor “to leave
no stone untoned” shows that Soames spared no pain to find her wife he didn’t want his
servant to gossip about the relations with his wife. So he told Bilson that her mistress was at
the sea and he would join at weekend.
After Bosinney’s death Soames found himself in a great difficulty. After his actions
against Bosinney the suspicion fell on him that it was he who was guilty in Bosinney’s death.
He felt it very acutelywhich it shown by 2 very mighty similies: “to think of which was like
putting a hot iron to his heart…”
What Soames feared most of all, was that people would speak about him, discuss his
actions and blame him of Bosinney’s death.
The metaphor “devourted be a hundred anxieties” shows that he was greatly troubled
by a situations himself and wanted to stop all gossip “would stop their mouths if he could” as
the author puts it.
As ad luck would have it he met George who had never liked Soames. George did not
miss the chance to show his dislike to Soames. Soames read George’s judgment in his eyes.
George held Soames responsible for his death, he did not resist the temptation to add
to Soames’ suffering by a final ironical remark: “All flourishing at home? Any little
Soameses yet?”
The metaphor a parting shot shows that George wanted to hurt Soames in purpose.
This remark made Soames go mad (berserk) two: infaticsimilies suggest it: “With a face as
white as the steps of Jobson’s, and a lip raised as if snarling”.
The 2nd part describes Soames’ returning home and finding Irene in. the way
Galsworthy describes Irene’s condition after Bosinney’s death can’t but around freat pity in a
The fact that Irene had nowhere to go and had to return to the hate full house of her
husband makes the situation still more tragic. Soames attempted conversation with her
asking “so you’ve come back”, but catch inside of her face realized that she was completely
oblivious of the surround.
The similie “as though the blood must have stopped flowing in her veins”, and the
similie “like the great, wide, startled brown eyes of an owl” contributed to it.
The metaphor with that owl is continued “a captive owl … against the wires of a cage”
show that Irene felt herself captured and saw nothing around.
Further on, the author compares her with a wounded animal, stress in the fact in
Bosinney’s death was a great blow her the ruin of her love hopes and expectations.
We can conclude that Bosinney’s death affected negatively both Soames and Irene but
in the different way.
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