Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 1.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The television receiver includes tube circuits for receiving, amplifying, and synchronizing the signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It converts the video impulses from the transmitting station into luminous spots on a fluorescent screen. In the kinescope the amplified video signals are applied to the grid, and though it control the intensity of the electron beam.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 2.
I. Answer the question:
1. How does radio help us in everyday life?
2. Which device produces radio-frequency?
II. Translate into English:
1. Фотоэлементы.
2. Вращение.
3. Лампочка.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
At the television receiver, the picture and audio signals are picked up simultaneously by a single antenna. The voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound carrier are converted by superheterodyne conversion method into two separate intermediate frequency signals. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the other – to the video or picture carrier.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 3.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Сопротивление.
2. Электрическое напряжение.
3. Изолировать.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The very first apparatus for radio communications was called wireless telegraph or wireless telephone. Later a shorter word “radio” (from latin “radius” – ray) was taken. The word is used because electromagnetic or radio waves travel from a radio station along radii, just as rays of light at the speed of 300,000 km/sec.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 4.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Сила.
2. Передатчик.
3. Изоляционная прокладка.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The transmitter is a device that produces radio-frequency energy. The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency oscillator including an oscillatory circuit and one or more amplifiers. In modern transmission electron tubes are used to amplify currents and give greater transmitting range and better reception.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 5.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Удельное сопротивление.
2. Точки, тире.
3. Излучатель.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Telephone is a device for reproducing sounds over considerable distances. Telephone set includes a transmitter and an electric network in addition to the receiver. The transmitter transmits sounds and the receiver receives them. The receiver includes a telephone and a microphone. But the microphone and the telephone are linked to a common circuit with an apparatus at the other end of the line.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 6.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Беспроводной.
2. Связывать.
3. Частота.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The sound pressure on the diaphragm varies the pressure on the granules of carbon. These granules either make more contacts and decrease the resistance of the granules, or make fewer contacts and increase the resistance. Sound waves produce oscillations of the same frequency as those of the sounding body. At this both the transmitter resistance and the current in the circuit will change.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 7.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Радиоприемник.
2. Переключать.
3. Углерод.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Communication systems protection is the protection of wire communication systems equipment and services. This protection includes the electrical protection of lines and station equipment. Wire communication systems usually need protection against high voltages and currents from lighting and magnetic storms.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 8.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Увеличиваться.
2. Телефонный диск.
3. Полоса частот широкого диапазона
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The telegraph is a method of transmitting messages over a distance by means of electrical impulses sent through wires. By pressing a key at the transmitting end, a circuit is closed and a current flows through the conducting wire or cable to the receiver; the dots and dashes of the Morse code being obtained by varying the length of time for which the current flows.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 9.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Розетка (корпус, паз).
2. Катушка.
3. Вращать (ся).
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Radiotelegraph communication includes the following elements: the radio transmitters, radio receivers, and the teleprinter apparatus. These elements are located in radio service centre. The transmitter may be directly controlled by the telegraph pulses in an amplitude-modulated or frequency-modulated system. It may also be controlled by a number of telegraph channels in AM or FM system.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 10.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Предохранитель.
2. Усилитель.
3. Напряженность, интенсивность.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The image being televised is received by the television camera which converts electrical impulses into optical impulses. These electrical impulses are amplified by the video or picture amplifier. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier the television transmitter and is radiated into space by the aerial. The picture carried is amplitude-modulated. .The antenna receives both the amplitude-modulated picture signals and the frequency-modulated sound signals that are transmitted on carriers.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 11.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Отражать (ся).
2. Фаза.
3. Электронная трубка.
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The carriers differ in frequency so that they may be separated in the receiver. The signals are passed to the radio frequency selector by means of which the necessary station is tuned in. The frequency-modulated signals of the sound channel and the amplitude-modulated signals of the video channel pass from the converter. These signals are amplified and separated by the circuit blocks. They reach the loud-speaker and the kinescope, respectively.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 12.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Распределительный щит, коммутатор.
2. Преобразователь.
3. Плотность (густота, удельный вес).
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
In a colour receiver the incoming signal goes through frequency and amplitude selective circuits. In these circuits the brightness component, the colour component and the horizontal and vertical beam-synchronizing components are separated. The brightness component is applied simultaneously to each of the three electron guns. The red, green and blue colour signal voltage components are obtained and are applied to the three respective kinescope electron guns. They combine with the brightness components voltage to produce beam intensities which reproduce the original picture.
Задания к экзамену.
Курс 4, семестр 7.
Техническое обслуживание и ремонт радиоэлектронной техники (по отраслям).
Билет 13.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
1. Давление.
2. Реле.
3. Удар (столкновение, влияние).
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The picture-reproducing device is a cathode-ray tube, similar to the ordinary cathode-ray tube used in oscilloscopes. The cathode-ray tube may be called a picture tube, because the pictures are reproduced on the face of this tube. Without going into detail, we shall assume that it consists of a glass envelope, a source of electrons which are formed into a beam, a control grid for varying the intensity of the electron beam, a deflection system for deflecting the beam, and a screen. The screen is covered with a fluorescent material that emits light upon impact by the electron beam.
Билет 1
I. Answer the question:
1. When and where was radio invented? Radio was invented in Russia in 1895.
2. What are the main parts of the cathode tube? The main parts of the cathode tube are a glass envelope, a source of electrons, a control grid, a deflection system and a screen.
II. Translate into English:
1. Счетчик. (counter)
2. Поперечное сечение. (cross-section)
3. Установка (устройство, проводка). (installation)
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The television receiver includes tube circuits for receiving, amplifying, and synchronizing the signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It converts the video impulses from the transmitting station into luminous spots on a fluorescent screen. In the kinescope the amplified video signals are applied to the grid, and though it control the intensity of the electron beam.
Билет 2.
I. Answer the question:
1. How does radio help us in everyday life? Radio helps us to maintain contact with ships, with aircraft in flight or a spacecraft. We can listen to music and different programs and so on.
2. Which device produces radio-frequency? The transmitter does.
II. Translate into English:
1. Фотоэлементы. (photocells)
2. Вращение. (rotation)
3. Лампочка. (bulb)
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
.IV. Translate into Russian:
At the television receiver, the picture and audio signals are picked up simultaneously by a single antenna. The voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound carrier are converted by superheterodyne conversion method into two separate intermediate frequency signals. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the other – to the video or picture carrier.
Билет 3.
I. Answer the question:
1. What does a transmitter do? It transmits sounds.
2. What part of the telephone do we speak into? We spear into the microphone or transmitter.
II. Translate into English:
1. Сопротивление. (resistance)
2. Электрическое напряжение. (voltage)
3. Изолировать. (to insulate)
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
1. Сопротивление меняется. The resistance is changed.
2. Прибор для передачи звуков называется телефон. A device for reproducing sounds is called a telephone.
IV. Translate into Russian:
The very first apparatus for radio communications was called wireless telegraph or wireless telephone. Later a shorter word “radio” (from latin “radius” – ray) was taken. The word is used because electromagnetic or radio waves travel from a radio station along radii, just as rays of light at the speed of 300,000 km/sec.
Билет 4.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The transmitter is a device that produces radio-frequency energy. The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency oscillator including an oscillatory circuit and one or more amplifiers. In modern transmission electron tubes are used to amplify currents and give greater transmitting range and better reception.
Билет 5.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Telephone is a device for reproducing sounds over considerable distances. Telephone set includes a transmitter and an electric network in addition to the receiver. The transmitter transmits sounds and the receiver receives them. The receiver includes a telephone and a microphone. But the microphone and the telephone are linked to a common circuit with an apparatus at the other end of the line.
Билет 6.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
1. Давление на гранулы изменяется. The pressure on the granules varies.
2. Самый первый радиоприемник был изобретен в России. The very first radio set was invented in Russia.
IV. Translate into Russian:
The sound pressure on the diaphragm varies the pressure on the granules of carbon. These granules either make more contacts and decrease the resistance of the granules, or make fewer contacts and increase the resistance. Sound waves produce oscillations of the same frequency as those of the sounding body. At this both the transmitter resistance and the current in the circuit will change.
Билет 7.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Communication systems protection is the protection of wire communication systems equipment and services. This protection includes the electrical protection of lines and station equipment. Wire communication systems usually need protection against high voltages and currents from lighting and magnetic storms.
Билет 8.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The telegraph is a method of transmitting messages over a distance by means of electrical impulses sent through wires. By pressing a key at the transmitting end, a circuit is closed and a current flows through the conducting wire or cable to the receiver; the dots and dashes of the Morse code being obtained by varying the length of time for which the current flows.
Билет 9.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
Radiotelegraph communication includes the following elements: the radio transmitters, radio receivers, and the teleprinter apparatus. These elements are located in radio service centre. The transmitter may be directly controlled by the telegraph pulses in an amplitude-modulated or frequency-modulated system. It may also be controlled by a number of telegraph channels in AM or FM system.
Билет 10.
I. Answer the question:
1. What is a receiver? The receiver is a device that receives waves.
2. How do radio waves differ from other waves? They differ from other wave forms only in frequency (number of vibration per second).
II. Translate into English:
1. Предохранитель. (fuse)
2. Усилитель. (amplifier)
3. Напряженность, интенсивность. (intensity)
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
1. Система переключения соединяет два телефонных аппарата. Switching system connects two telephone sets.
2. Углеродные предохранители защищают телефонные линии. Carbon protector blocks protect telephone lines.
IV. Translate into Russian:
The image being televised is received by the television camera which converts electrical impulses into optical impulses. These electrical impulses are amplified by the video or picture amplifier. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier the television transmitter and is radiated into space by the aerial. The picture carried is amplitude-modulated. .The antenna receives both the amplitude-modulated picture signals and the frequency-modulated sound signals that are transmitted on carriers.
Билет 11.
I. Answer the question:
1. By what means are two telephone sets connected? Two telephone sets are connected by switching system.
2. What are the colours for the colour television? The red, green, blue.
II. Translate into English:
1. Отражать (ся). (to reflect)
2. Фаза. (stage)
3. Электронная трубка. (cathode-ray tube)
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
1. Передатчик состоит из шести частей. The transmitter consists of six parts.
2. Оптическая система отделяет красный, зеленый и синий компоненты изображения и сосредотачивает эти три компонента в отдельный, но тождественный цвет. An optical system separates the red, green, blue image components and concentrate these three components in separate but identical colour.
IV. Translate into Russian:
The carriers differ in frequency so that they may be separated in the receiver. The signals are passed to the radio frequency selector by means of which the necessary station is tuned in. The frequency-modulated signals of the sound channel and the amplitude-modulated signals of the video channel pass from the converter. These signals are amplified and separated by the circuit blocks. They reach the loud-speaker and the kinescope, respectively.
Билет 12.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
In a colour receiver the incoming signal goes through frequency and amplitude selective circuits. In these circuits the brightness component, the colour component and the horizontal and vertical beam-synchronizing components are separated. The brightness component is applied simultaneously to each of the three electron guns. The red, green and blue colour signal voltage components are obtained and are applied to the three respective kinescope electron guns. They combine with the brightness components voltage to produce beam intensities which reproduce the original picture.
Билет 13.
I. Answer the question:
II. Translate into English:
III. Translate into English the following sentences:
IV. Translate into Russian:
The picture-reproducing device is a cathode-ray tube, similar to the ordinary cathode-ray tube used in oscilloscopes. The cathode-ray tube may be called a picture tube, because the pictures are reproduced on the face of this tube. Without going into detail, we shall assume that it consists of a glass envelope, a source of electrons which are formed into a beam, a control grid for varying the intensity of the electron beam, a deflection system for deflecting the beam, and a screen. The screen is covered with a fluorescent material that emits light upon impact by the electron beam.
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