Upbringing of children. Each person's knowledge of how to bring up a child usually comes from their surroundings and their own upbringing. Psychologists define several models of upbringing in a family. The first one is non-interference. It’s a model of upbringing, when a child is left to his own resources. Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to run wild without control or supervision. They say that this enables children's personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to
be responsible for the mistakes they make, cope with problems, be self-reliant, and store experience. Making mistakes the child correct them by himself. This method is not good because the child can become impersonal to his parents. A child who didn’t have caring, responsive and sympathetic parents will become timid and suspicious. Non-interference can also lead to juvenile delinquency (подростковая преступность), with the children
Bringing up Children.doc
Bringing up Children
Upbringing of children. Each person's knowledge of how to bring up a child usually
comes from their surroundings and their own upbringing. Psycologists define several
models of upbringing in a family. The first one is noninterference. It’s a model of
upbringing, when a child is left to his own resources. Some parents think it is good
for children to be allowed to run wild without control or supervision. They say that
this enables children's personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to
be responsible for the mistakes they make, cope with problems, be selfrelient, and
store experience. Making mistakes the child correct them by himself. This method is
not good because the child can become impersonal to his parents. Achild who didn’t
have caring, responsive and sympathetic parents will become timid and suspicious.
Noninterference can also lead to juvenile delinquency (подростковая
преступность), with the children
ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children selfcentered
(эгоистичный), without any consideration for others. Another model of upbringing
is dictation. When parent are always repressing and demanding. Adults supress the
child’s initiative. As a result resistence develops in a child. If a child is weak, he
becomes repressed, mistrustfull, fearful, irresolute. A child start being afraid of
punishment for faults so much, that he becomes inactive
and unmotivated. And a child loses natural sense of adventure and curiosity. This
model is also not very good. One more wrong model of upbringing is when parents
are too caring, they try to protect a child from all the difficulties and give him
everything he asks. A child becomes immature, selfcentered, impudent and arrogant
and unable to cope with difficulties. From his childhood sorrounded with care, this
person starts feeling weak in any situation where it’s
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