Чтение и тест "The Industrial Revolution"
Оценка 4.7

Чтение и тест "The Industrial Revolution"

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Чтение и тест "The Industrial Revolution"
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                                           Reading and the Test

                                        The Industrial Revolution

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Вариант 1

The Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution - term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools. It is used historically to refer primarily to the period in British history from the middle of the 18th cent. to the middle of the 19th cent.

Nature of the Industrial Revolution

Dramatic changes in the social and economic structure took place as inventions and technological innovations created the factory system of large-scale machine production and greater economic specialization, and as the laboring population, formerly employed predominantly in agriculture (in which production had also increased as a result of technological improvements), increasingly gathered in great urban factory centers. The same process occurred at later times and in changed tempo in other countries. The new inventions in technology, like a steam engine, a locomotive, a weaver's loom, the new ways of producing of steel and coal production led to increasing of industry and people’s life.

Questions: 1) Where did the first capitalists get money for starting up their business from?

2) What was the quickest method to make a fortune in the XVIII-XIX centuries? Was it a fair method to your mind?

3) Why were multi-floor houses built in big cities? Because old ones were not beautiful?

4) Explain what is “smog”, was it dangerous for people’s health?

5) What occasions did a system of penalties work? Was it a useful introduction?

6) If you had been a worker’s kid, would you have live in a labour house and why?





Вариант 2

The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

The ground was prepared by the voyages of discovery from Western Europe in the 15th and 16th cent., which led to a vast influx of precious metals from the New World, raising prices, stimulating industry, and fostering a money economy. Expansion of trade and the money economy stimulated the development of new institutions of finance and credit

The quick, active distribution of the new economic order was connected with slavery in The New World and Africa, slave’s trading got colossal profit and benefit to Britain capitalists. All gotten money they paid into developing of Motherland.

The beginning of the economic changes firstly appeared in the textile industry.

The machines of Crompton, Arkwright and other inventors let improving number of production. But it had the negative implications. Many people had lost a work, there was the famous proverb “The machine replaced a laborer” Having fired a number of men capitalists got rid of excess workers, which were forced going in the streets and starving to death.

Questions: 1) Industrial Revolution - term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age, do you agree?

2) What inventions led to increasing of industry and people’s life?

3) Why were the bricks of peasants and craftsmen destroyed? Did they spoil a look of cities?

4) “Kids worked no at plants”, what facts speak of opposite?

5) Did most of kids have a “sweet life” in the age of the Industrial Revolution?

6) The full transition to the new Industrial Age finished when new steam engines were introduced in the navy and the army, is it true?


Вариант 3

The old cities acquired the new architectural appearance. There were built new blocks of multi-floor houses for living a number of workers, who arrived to cities, because it must have been a place to live, old buildings didn’t house all who came to.

The bricks of peasants, craftsmen were being destroyed and instead of them the buildings of factories, plants have being created, the look of towns was disfigured, the sky above them have being filled by a smoke and a fog, so-called “smog” People became to sick more often.

Having lost an opportunity to work on self many families were forced going working at factories, but for normal living it was not enough. They had not short of money. Especially it concerned to kids. Young children, in the age since 9 years old labored like adult people. The work day for adult lasted for 16-18 hours, for children about 12-14 hours. The most dreadful thing was the work as miners and the work on conveyer, accidents on the production were very often, children looked like negroes, pale like death.

Questions: 1) Give a time-frame for the Industrial Revolution, is it correct for all the world?

2) What factors created the factory system of large-scale machine production and greater economic specialization?

3) Explain the proverb: “The machine replaced a laborer”, what does it mean?

4) Of course, the first innovations were made in the army and the steel industry, indeed?

5) What novel was a life in a labour house described and who by?

6) What symbols showed the start of the new age visually? Did they excite people?




Вариант 4

The system of penalties was introduced for all, including children – if you stopped – pay, if you broke a machine – pay, if you late, though a minute – pay. Almost all laborers starved, eating was very poor and sad.

Some humane capitalists opened so-called “the labor houses” for worker’s children. There was the reign of the military order – a sleep, a poor breakfast, then work, work, work. Children were being forced begging money in the streets, even some girls worked as prostitutions. Better other a living in the labor houses was described by Charles Dickens in the novel “Oliver Smith”. That life led to hard diseases, increasing of criminality, but simultaneously, gradually life was being improved.

The symbols of the new epoch were created throughout Great Britain, especially in London. To the World Industrial Exhibition the famous Crystal Palace was built, it really stroke imagination of people, before nobody created the similar.

The Industrial Revolution finished in the middle of the XIX cent. when the most important sectors of the economy got new steam and electric engines for producing goods.

Questions: 1) What sector of the economy was a basis for creating the new industry, where most of workers came to cities from?

2) Can we say a fact that a process of the transition to the new industrial age occurred in all the countries all over the world at once? Or some of countries did it quicker?

3) What were Crompton and Arkwright famous for, were they great explorers?

4) Why was discovering the New World so important for the Industrial Revolution?

5) Out-of-city person are known to be very healthy people, why did they begin to be ill, sick, unhealthy more often than before?

6) Why did workers strive to introducing 8 hours working day, or there was anything different?


Reading and the Test

Reading and the Test

The quick, active distribution of the new economic order was connected with slavery in

The quick, active distribution of the new economic order was connected with slavery in

Children were being forced begging money in the streets, even some girls worked as prostitutions

Children were being forced begging money in the streets, even some girls worked as prostitutions
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