Английский язык
Нуре Рик шип
«РУССКОЕ слово»
Ю.А. Комарова
И.В. Ларионова Ж. Перретт
Английский языкс
Учебник для З класса общеобразовательных организаций
3-е издание
Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации
Экспертное заключение № 10106-5215/473 от 01.11.2010 г. (научная экспертиза)
Экспертное заключение № 001439 от 25. О 1.2014 г. (педагогическая экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 702 от 10.02.2014 г. (общественная экспертиза)
Учебник соответствует
Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту
«Русское слово»
ИНФОРМАЦИОННФБШИОТЕЧНЫЙ гимназии № 79 г. Ульяновск |
удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК
наук, профессор, заведуюРоссийского государствен- иностранных языков Санкт-Петер- иностранного, автор учебных возраста филологических наук, декан гуманиуниверситета экономики и филологических наук, зав. капредседатель секции ро- общеобразовательных организаций / М.: ООО «Русское слово — учебшкола). комплект учебников по английскому государственному образовательному учебников «Начальная ИННОВаЦИ- школ, гимназий,
лицеев. удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-9 Ю.А. Комарова, 2013, 2015 ив. Ларионова, 2013, 2015 Перретт, 2013, 2015 ООО «Русское слово — учебник», МастШап Publishers Limited, 2013, 2015 |
Комарова Юлия Александровна, доктор педагогических щая кафедрой интенсивного обучения иностранным языкам ного педагогического университета им. ХИ. Герцена;
Ларионова Ирина Владимировна, зав. кабинетом бургской академии постдипломного образования;
Перретт Жанн, преподаватель английского языка как пособий по английскому языку для детей младшего школьного
Научные редакторы:
Руберт Ирина Борисовна, профессор, доктор тарного факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного финансов;
![]() |
Комарова ЮЛ.
КбЗ Английский язык. Brilliant: учебник для З класса Ю.А. Комарова, ИВ. Ларионова, Ж. Перретт. — 3-е изд. — ник»: Макмиллан, 2015. — 120 с.: ил. — (Начальная инновационная lSBN 978-5-00007-972-O
Учебник «Английский язык» для учащихся З класса продолжает языку для начальной школы. Он соответствует Федеральному стандарту начального общего образования. Учебник входит в систему онная школа».
Учебник предназначен для общеобразовательных организаций:
О Ж.
lSBN 978-5-00007-972-O
Сооержание Информация и родителейдля преподавателей
Раздел 1 2 4 5 6 |
Название Знакомимся с английскими звуками с. 6-15 Встреча с героями с. 16, 17 They Сап the Кеу с. 19-25 Maths Sums с. 26 He's Got Two Legs! с. 27-33 Science The Senses с. 34 There Are Lots of Flowers с. 35-41 Geography Landscapes с. 42 The Tiger ls Having а Bath С. 43—49 Zoology Marine Animals с. 50 What Are Уои Wearing? с. 51-57 The World Around us What Are Cbthes Made ор с. 58 |
Тема Фонетический курс Знакомство с героями сюжетной истории Повторение Межпредметные связи Тело человека Межпредметные связи Любимое место отдыха Межпредметные связи Животные Межпредметные связи Одежда Межпредметные связи |
Коммуникативные задачи Произносить буквосочетания и читать слова с ними с соблюдением норм произношения Читать и понимать на слух английские имена Спрашивать имя и возраст людей; спрашивать об умениях; вести диалог о местонахождении предметов Уметь устно выполнять четыре основных арифметических действия на английском языке Описывать внешность; вести диалог о принадлежности предметов Вести диалог об ощущениях, возникающих при воздействии на органы чувств человека Вести диалог о количестве, величине предметов, росте человека; описывать местность Описывать некоторые ландшафтные объекты Вести диалог о действиях, длящихся в момент речи Вести диалог об особенностях строения некоторых морских животных Описывать одежду; вести диалог о чувствах и эмоциях Вести диалог о материалах, из которых шьются некоторые предметы одежды |
Лексико-грамматический материал Общеупотребительная лексика, базовые грамматические структуры (для пассивного усвоения) Имена собственные Where is / Where аге 7 сап / can't ту, his, her Предлоги места Числительные от О до 20 plus, minus, multipIied by, divided by, equals have got / has got Названия частей тела человека taste, smell, touch, hear, see ear, nose, еуе, mouth, hand There is / There аге How тапу ... аге there? Прилагательные, обозначающие величину desert, mountains, rainforest, sea, river Грамматическое время present continuous (1) whale, seahorse, crab, shark, seal; fin, flipper, tentacle, blowhole, claw Грамматическое время present continuous (И) Названия предметов одежды Прилагательные, обозначающие чувства и эмоции wool, cotton, leather, Юг, silk |
Раздел |
Название |
Тема |
Коммуникативные задачи |
Лексико-грамматический материал Грамматическое время present simple (1) |
Like |
Любимая еда |
Вести диалог |
Do уои like |
7 |
с. 59-65 The World |
о любимой еде |
Does he / she like ... ? Названия продуктов и блюд |
Around us |
Межпредметные |
Вести диалог о группах |
fruit, meat, dairy, |
Food Groups с. 66 |
связи |
продуктов питания; описывать дневной рацион Вести диалог о распорядке |
vegetables Грамматическое время |
Rob Has |
дня и повседневных |
present simple (ll) |
а Bath |
Мой день |
занятиях; |
Do / Does ...7 |
с. 67-73 |
спрашивать, сколько |
Whars the time? lfs |
8 |
времени, и называть время |
o'clock. Названия дней недели |
Maths Time |
Межпредметные |
Вести диалог о единицах |
minute, hour, Фу, week |
С. 74 We're Going |
связи |
измерения времени Рассказывать о своих |
lt takes |
to Go... |
Каникулы |
планах и намерениях; |
going to |
9 |
с. 75-81 Zoology |
знать названия месяцев года |
Названия месяцев |
Animals |
Межпредметные |
Вести диалог об ареалах |
desert, jungIe, mountains, |
and Habitats с. 82 |
связи |
некоторых животных |
sea, ice |
l'm the Best |
Сравнивать людей, |
Степени сравнения |
Swimmer! |
Сравнения |
предметы, явления; |
прилагательных |
10 |
с. 83-89 |
перечислять по порядку что-либо |
Порядковые числительные Venus, |
Astronomy |
Знать названия некоторых |
Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, the Earth, |
Межпредметные планет Солнечной |
The Planets с. 90 |
системы; связи сравнивать их основные |
the Sun, the тооп; closer, closest, further, |
характеристики Разговаривать о событиях, |
furthest, heavier, heaviest |
Не Will Win! |
которые произойдут |
Грамматическое время |
с. 91-97 |
Я и будущее в будущем; |
future simple |
обсуждать будущую |
Названия профессий |
11 |
Art |
профессию |
Artistic |
Межпредметные Вести диалог о творческих |
artist, musician, writer, |
Professions |
связи профессиях |
dancer, singer |
с. 98
Словарь (С. 99—109)
Читаем с удовольствием! (С. 110—119)
1 Послушай и повтори. А затем прочитай, о
beach seal cream
stream peach meal
green feet queen
sheep sweet sleep
А теперь найди слова, которые рифмуются, и прочитай их.
bear pear wear
stair hair chair
scared stare hare
А теперь найди на этой странице слова, которые произносятся одинаково, а пишутся по-разному.
-ои- [аи]
mouse mountain cloud
count house fountain
Какие слова рифмуются? Прочитай их
brown owl cow
town down crowd
А теперь произнеси по буквам одно из этих слов — пусть твои одноклассники его отгадают,
4 Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Назови слова, в которых пишется ощ а потом слова с ошв
[haus] [Каи] [kaunt] [klaud] [kraud]
[aul] [braun] [maus]
purple turtle nurse
girl bird skirt
word worm homework
herb herd perch
А теперь произнеси по буквам одно из этих слов — пусть твои одноклассники его отгадают,
6 О
night fight light
fly sky spy
pie tie lie
А теперь найди и произнеси слова, которые отличаются друг от друга одной буквой.
7 Прочитай слова в транскрипции.
Напиши их в своей тетради,
[lart] [skar] [рах] [fart] [flar] [tar]
toy Ьоу royal
-oi- [л]
point coin noise
А теперь все слова на этой странице произнеси в алфавитном порядке: Ьоу .
9 Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Назови слова, в которых пишется оу, а потом слова с oi.
[pornt] [01] [поп] [Копа] [lrxal]
10 о
-aw- [х]
straw draw crawl
autumn August launch
А теперь найди и произнеси слова, состоящие из четырёх букв, затем — из пяти букв и в заключение — из шести,
11 Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Напиши их в своей тетради.
[5:tam] [krxl] [5:gast] [b:ntf] [dry.]
1 2
star arm scarf
13 Послушай и повтори. А затем прочитай.
shorts fork horse
А теперь изобрази жестами одно из этих слов — пусть твои одноклассники его отгадают.
14 Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Напиши их в своей тетради.
[hxs] [а:т] [sta :] [fxts] [ska
15 о
zoo school baboon
crew screw chew
blue statue glue
А теперь произнеси по буквам одно из этих слов — пусть твои одноклассники его отгадают и произнесут целиком.
![]() |
(З) Послушай и прочитай имена героев. о
2 Послушай и укажи на героев.
Ты вспомнишь:
как спрашивать имя и возраст людей и как рассказывать об умениях; как считать до 20.
Согласные звуки в английском языке произносятся энергично. Звонкие согласные на конце слов не оглушаются. Послушай и сравни слова: флаг и flag.
1 Послушай и повтори. о
реп [реп] |
Веп [ben] |
ЫасК [blakl |
bag [bag] |
this [61S] |
these [6i:z] |
got [got] |
good [gud] |
fifteen [fIfl ti:n] |
five [farv] |
2 Послушай и из двух слов ПРОИЗНеСИ ТО, О которое ты СЛЫШИШЬ,
1 Веп / реп 6 репсе / pens
2 safe / save 7 fine / vine
З ten / den 8 bag / back
4 white / wide 9 boot / put
5 cut / gut 10 bad / bat
Теперь послушай все слова и повтори их, Прочитай.
1 9
3 nocnywai n noBTop1a. np0'lhTai. o
4 Bcn0MHV1, '-leon 3aKOHqnnaCb Ha nnpaTcK0M Kopa6ne. rAe cnpBTaHbl YKPaneHHble 3Bë3Abl?
5 nocnyuai np0'lhTai. 7 0 Rob and Bob are bad. They can see the key.
The stars are in the box.
Nora, Brill, Denzil, Alice, Eddie and Fred can fly.
Bertie can't fly. Look at his ice cream. Look at the key!
It's no good. I can't fly.
Oh! My ice cream!
Oh, no! The key! Where is it?
Here's boy! Aha! The key's under the tree. Quick! horrible boy! |
Oh, no! The pirates! |
Look! the |
Run! |
You |
6 COCTaBb np0h3Hecn npennoxeHhB.
The stars are in the box.
The stars are |
behind the tree. |
Rob and Bob are |
on the table. |
The key is |
in the box. |
Nora and Brill are |
under the chair. |
7 Прочитай предложения вслух, используя нужное местоимение.
My/His/Her My/His/Her My/His/Her name's Nora. name's Brill. name's Denzil.
1 2 з
My/His/Her |
5 |
My/His/Her |
name's Bertie. name's Alice.
8 Разыграйте диалоги, следуя образцу.
What's your пате? What's her пате?
Му name's тех. Her name's Clara.
9 Сколько лет детям? А сколько лет тебе?
How old is ЈасК?
He's nine.
ЈасК Рат Lucy Уои
Напиши в тетради о себе и о своём друге, следуя образцу.
Му пате is Тапуа. I ат ei hf. |
His пате is Sasha. Не is seven. |
Рабочая тетрадь, страница 15.
22 |
10 noëM BMeCTe! o
Where are the stars?
On the pirate ship. They're in the box On the pirate ship.
Where is the key?
It's under the tree.
Quick, Bertie, run!
The pirates can see!
Il |
OTBeTb Ha Bonpocbl, ncnonb3YB aaHHble cnoBa. under the tree on the box in the sky behind the tree in the box |
It's under the tree. |
3 Where are the pirates? |
1 Where's the key? |
4 Where's Fred? |
2 Where are the stars? |
5 Where are Nora and Brill? |
12 3an0MHV1 pacn0J10)KeHne npeAMeT0B Ha KaPThHKe. 3aKpoß1 KHnry. Ha30BV1 npeAMeTbl, KOTOPble 3araaan TB0i OAHOKnaCCHUK.
They're on the table. What are they?
The pens.
13 Прочитай предложения и укажи на нужные
1 |
These parrots are red |
З |
This cat is black and |
and green. |
white. |
2 |
This lion is brown. |
4 |
These insects |
are black and yellow.
14 Составь предложения, Послушай и повтори. о
1 The parrots |
fly. |
2 The insects |
сап |
swim. |
З The cat |
can't |
јитр. |
4 The lion |
run. |
15 Послушай и найди слова,
Послушай ещё раз и повтори.
Рабочая тетрадь, страница 17,
16 npoqv•1Tai.
This is a white swan. It is big. It can fly and it can swim. You can see swans in Russia.
These are penguins. They can't fly, but they can swim. They can catch fish.
This is an ostrich and these are baby ostriches. An ostrich is a very big bird. It is from Africa. It can run, but it can't fly.
17 np0 LMTai Bcnyx npaB¼J1bHble YTBepxael-M9.
1 Penguins can catch |
4 You can see swans |
fish. |
in Russia. |
2 A swan can run. |
5 An ostrich can't run. |
3 An ostrich can fly.
18 npnAYMaV1 cKa30'-lHoe )KMBOTHOe. Ha30BV1 ero paccKaxn O HëM.
3 nocnywai n noBTopu. np0'MTaÿ1a 0
leg |
tail |
arm |
ear |
4 110AYMai VI CKa)KV1, KeM npMTBopnncq SepT¼,
'IT06bl He nonacTb B pyKV1 nupaT0Ba
KaK Tbi AYMaeLUb, 'ITO nponcx0AMT C KJIO-10M?
legs and a tail.
He hasn't got four legs! He's got two legs and two arms and two big ears. |
And he hasn't got a tail! |
26 |
Where's the key, boy? O
Have you |
I haven't got the key! No, I haven't! The key! |
got the key, Rob? You can fly, you can fly, you can fly in the sky! |
Get the key! |
You horrible little boy. Come on! |
6 BepHbl nn 3Tn YTBeP)Knel-WIB? CKa>KV1 Yes No.
Yes. 1 It isn't a goat.
It's a boy. 3 Rob has got the key.
2 It has got four legs. 4 He hasn't got a tail.
9 nocnywai 110BTopn. 3an0MHb•1 HOBble cnoBa. O
6 hair
1 ear
P 7 eye
2 nose 8 finger
9 hand
3 mouth
4 arm
10 leg
5 foot feet
A Tenepb onuu-lb•l Manb'lVIKa, cneayq 06pa3uy.
He's got brown hair. He's got two ears. He's got one
noëM BMeCTe! o
I'm not a boy, I'm a goat, I'm a goat!
You're not a goat, you're a boy.
You haven't got a tail and you haven't got four legs, You're a horrible, horrible boy!
I'm not horrible, I'm very nice!
You are horrible, too. You've got a big nose and a big black eye You are horrible, too.
Come with me, boy! To the sea, boy! You're a horrible, horrible boy!
12 A Tenepb npoqv•fiai Bcnyx npaBMJ1bHble
YTBepxaeHhB. nocnyl.uai, npoBepb ce6B VI noBTopn.
1 He's got a green mouth. He's got green eyes.
32 |
legs and |
is an octopus. It has |
2 She's
got brown ears. She's got brown hair. 3 He's got black hair. He's got black
4 She's got an orange nose. She's got orange eyes. 5 He's got a purple nose. He's got an orange nose.
![]() |
B TeTpaan *VIBOTHOe CKa30YHbli / nepc0Hax. Onnwvl ero,
cneayq 06pa3uy.
got tail.
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPal-lV114a 22.
Davaü novrnopuM! 14 np0'lhTaÿ1 VI YKa)KLe1 Ha HYXHble
15 np0'MTai Bonpocbl Aaÿ1 Ha HUX OTBeTbl: Yes, it has No, it hasn't. 1 Has the statue in Thailand got big eyes? 2 Has the Sphinx got a nose? 3 Has Discobolus got two legs? 16 npvwecn B Knacc m060i apyroi noHpaB¼Bweicq Te6e cKYJ1bnTypbl n onuu.M eë. Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPaHV114a 23. 33 |
![]() |
3 nocnywai noBTopn. np0'lVITai.
4 110AYMai CKaXh, KYAa Spunn ero APY3bB. 'ITO B 3T0 BpeMB C SepTV1?
5 nocnywai np0'MTaÿ1.
Look, that's my favourite place.
it's lovely.
There are lots of Yes, there's a river. And flowers. Lots of look, there's a playground. beautiful flowers.
Oh, yes! A swing!
Look, Bertie!
Look at Eddie!
Hey, there's a swing!
Bertie? Bertie?
Denzil, where's Bertie?
I don't know. Bertie!
We've got the key, but where's Bertie?
Look, there's the key!
There he is! The pirates have got Bertie!
6 KOMY npVIHaanexaT 3Tb•1 BblCKa3blBaHMR?
1 There are lots Nora. of flowers.
2 There's a river and 3 Hey, there's a swing!
there's a playground. 4 Look, there's the key!
There's one flower.
There are two pirates.
There are lots of flowers.
How many flowers are there?
How many flowers are there?
There's There is
Q) There are lots of flowers!
7 CKaXV•1, I-ITO "306paxeH0 Ha KaPTVIHKe, ncn0J1b3YB There is There are.
There is a tree.
There are lots of shops.
O8 np0WITai Bcnyx npaBnnbHblß1 OTBeT Ha Bonpoc.
1 How many rivers are there?
There are two rivers. / There is one river.
2 How many trees are there?
There are twelve trees. / There are eight trees.
3 How many houses are there?
There are nine houses. / There are ten houses.
4 How many swings are there?
There are four swings. / There is one swing.
38 |
13 noëM BMeCTe! o
This is my favourite place.
It's where I like to be.
This is my favourite place.
There's a river and the sea.
This is my favourite place.
There are flowers and a tree.
This is my favourite place. It's where I like to be.
I'm happy here, I'm happy here. I'm very, very happy.
14 nocnywai n YKa)KV1 Ha HY)KHble cþparMeHTbl.
My village
15 nocnywai eu-lë pa3. np0Yb•1Tai TeKCT, o ncn0J1b3yq is unn are.
This is / are my village. There is / are lots of trees and there is / are a shop. There is / are lots of houses in my village. There is / are a long slide and there is / are two swings. My village is / are very nice!
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTpaHþ114a 29.
40 |
Emhankmp Davaü novmopuM! poqv•1Taü. This is London. London is in England. Can you see the clock tower? It's Big Ben. It's near the River Thames. There are lots of parks in London. Look! This is Saint Petersburg. It is in Russia. Can you see the Neva River? Look at the green trees and the big houses. This is New York in the USA. Can you see the Hudson River? There are lots of shops in New York and lots of parks. Can you see the island? It's Manhattan. 17 np0HhTai Bcnyx TOJ1bKO npaB¼J1bHble YTBep)KAeHnq. 1 1 can see the sea in New York. 2 There is a river in Saint Petersburg. 3 There are lots of parks in London. 4 1 can see Big Ben in London. 5 1 can see the sea in Saint Petersburg. 6 There are lots of shops in New York. 18 npm•lecn B Knacc cþ0TorpacþV11•o cBoero ropoaa ero. Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPal-lL•114a 30. |
![]() |
river rainforest mountains desert sea |
1 Onuu-lV1 KaPThHKY, ucn0J1b3YB there is VI there are. This is Brill's favourite place. What can you see?
2 Aoai nonrpaeM!
In that place there is a beach, there are fish and there are boats. What place is it?
It's the sea. Right!
3 HaiAL.1 nycTblHV1, ropbl, pewi
Mopq. HaKnei eë Ha nucT 6YMarn onnwn, ucn0J1b3yq there is there are.
42 |
![]() |
3 nocnywaü noBTopn. np0'-MTaV1.
4 Koro repon B ANYHrnqx? Ha30Bn 3Bepeÿ1 no-aHrnnicKV1a 110AYMai CKaXV1, 'ITO 3Bep1e1 Aena10T.
5 nocnywaV1 n np0'MTai.
Ah! What's that?
Where are we?
We're in
It's a tiger. It's having a bath.
Hello, Brill.
What's that?
Hello, tiger. These are my |
friends. |
It's a lion. |
It's sleeping. Hello, lion!
Oh, good morning, good afternoon, good evening!
There's a camel. It's drinking.
Look! A big whale!
Look. Can you see the giraffes?
They're eating.
Oh, |
The pirates have got my friend, Bertie. Yes, I've got an idea. no! A very good idea.
Come to my house!
6 COCTOb np0'MTaü npeanoxeHVIB.
1 The lion is drinking.
2 The camel is having a bath.
3 The tiger are eating.
4 The giraffes is sleeping.
tiger / whale / hippos / camels / drink swim fight run
![]() |
my mail
I'm in the zoo. Can you see the snake? It's dancing. It's fun. Love, Anna |
Hannu.M Apyry nncbM0, onncaB OAHOrO
"3 YBVIAeHHblX B 300napKe )KVIBOTHblX.
9 npoqnTaV1 nonnncn K KaPTVIHKaM.
Jim is drinking. Tom is watching TV.
Molly is having |
Beth is |
a bath. |
Rick is sitting. |
dancing. |
10 Pa3blrpaiTe Ananor no KaPTb•1HKarv1
'*13 ynpa)KHeHb1B 9. CneayVITe 06pa3uy.
Is Jim sleeping?
No, he isn't.
Is he drinking?
Yes, he is.
11 OAHO '.13 neiCTBUi, ONICaHHblX B 9. nycTb OAHOKnaCCHVIKU ero 0Traaa10T. L4rpaq, cneayiTe 06pa3uy.
Are you walking?
Are you fighting?
12 nocnywai YKaxn Ha HYXHble
13 nocnyl.uai eu.lë pa3 n noBTopn.
46 |
COCTOb VI np0'MTai npeanoxeHnq.
1 The giraffes |
is singing in the sea. |
2 The hippos |
are sleeping under the tree. |
3 The whale |
are standing next to the trees. |
4 The lions |
are swimming in the river. |
14 noëM BMeCTe! o
We're walking in the jungle!
We're walking in the jungle! With the lions and the tigers and the bears.
We're walking in the jungle!
The big, green jungle!
Look! What's over there?
Pa60qafi TeTpaAb, CTPaHl/1qa 34.
Daøaü novrnopuM! 15 Ilp0'lhTai. This is a big grey elephant. Where is it? It is in the river. It is having a bath! The elephant is having a bath in the river. Where are the zebras? They are in the river. The zebras are drinking. They are drinking water. What colour are the zebras? This is a mother giraffe and a baby giraffe. They are running. The sky is blue. The giraffes are yellow and brown. Look at these lions. Are they fighting? No, they aren't. They are and sister 16 L/1cnpaBb HeBepHble Cneayi 06pa3uy. 1 The lions are fighting. No, they aren't. 2 The elephant is eating. They are playing! 3 The zebras C) are swimming. 4 The giraffes are sleeping. 17 np¼HecV1 B KnaCC cþ0Torpa4)V110 XhBOTHblX B onnwn eë. Pa60qaB TeTpaAb, CTpaHL/lqa 35. 49 |
whale crab seahorse |
octopus shark seal o |
50 |
1 How many whales can you find?
2 How many sharks can you find?
3 How many crabs can you find?
4 How many seahorses can you find? 5 How many seals can you find?
2 Pa3blrpaiTe nuanor, cneayq 06pa3uy.
How many whales can you find?
I can find one whale.
3 Ha30Bh XHBOTHblX, KOTOPblM npVIHannexaT
3TV1 yacTb•1 Tena.
fin flipper tentacle blowhole claw
3 nocnyl.uaü VI noBTopn. np0WITai. o
4 'ITO 3aAYMan Spunn, KaK Tbi AYMaewb?
KaKL.1MV1 )KVIBOTHblMV1 pet.unnn repon?
5 nocnywai np0'-1VITai. o
I'm in my bedroom.
Where are you, Brill? What are you doing?
52 |
What are you doing, Brill?
I'm putting on my pyjamas. My black and white pyjamas.
I'm looking for clothes. Lots of clothes!
Look! Look at me! I'm a zebra!
Oh yes, Brill! You're a black and white zebra!
The pirates have got
Bertie. The pirates are scared of animals!
What are you wearing, Nora?
Ha, ha! Yes.
You're a tiger, Nora!
Where are we going, Brill?
I'm wearing a yellow jacket and yellow trousers. I'm a lion!
I'm wearing grey jeans and Oh, yes! The pirates a grey coat. are scared of zebras I'm an elephant! and lions and tigers!
I'm wearing a yellow and black jumper and yellow and black trousers. I'm a tiger!
To the pirate ship! We're going to the pirate ship!
6 np0'MTaV1, BO 'ITO OAeTbl repo" VICTopv•1h, Ha30B'•1 uX "Mel-la.
Brill. 1 He's wearing pyjamas.
2 She's wearing a jumper and trousers.
3 He's wearing a jacket and trousers. 4 She's wearing jeans and a coat. CTPaHl/114a 38.
What are you wearing? I'm wearing pyjamas.
I'm not wearing pyjamas.
What's he/she wearing? He/She's wearing pyjamas.
What are they wearing? They're wearing pyjamas.
7 np0HVITaÿ1 3anOMHV1 HOBble cnoBa. nocM0Tpn
Ha KaPT¼HKY. 1/13 ABYX npeanoxel•Mÿ1 npoqv•fiaÿl BepHoe.
a dress
a jumper
a jacket
1 He's wearing shorts.
2 She's wearing a T-shirt.
3 He's wearing trainers. 4 She's wearing a hat.
What's she wearing?
54 |
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTpaHV1qa
shoes |
a coat
a hat
, jeans
a skirt
He's wearing pyjamas.
She's wearing a skirt. He's wearing boots.
She's wearing a coat.
OAeTbl Bal-UV•I
She's wearing trainers, socks,
![]() |
13 nocnywai eu.lë pa3. np0'MTaÿ1 BCnyx npeanoxeH¼B, o Bb16PaB npaBnnbHble cnoBa.
1 What is she wearing? She's wearing a yellow jumper / jacket , blue trousers / jeans and brown shoes / boots .
What is he
wearing? He's wearing a red shirt / T-shirt , white trousers / trainers and
black and white boots / trainers .
![]() |
I'm hot, I'm hot.
I'm not wearing my shoes and socks.
I'm not wearing my coat and hat. I'm wearing my shorts.
I'm cold, I'm cold.
I'm wearing my shoes and socks.
I'm wearing my coat and hat. I'm not wearing my shorts.
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPaHV114a 41.
Davaü novrnopuM!
15 np0'-MTai VI YKaxv•1 Ha HPKHble cþ0Torpa4'nv•1.
1 These girls are from Russia. They are walking. They are wearing lovely coats and hats. What colour are the coats? The girls are happy.
2 This girl is from Canada. What is she wearing? She is wearing a white jacket and jeans. She has got big boots. She is playing with her dogs.
3 This boy is from America. Look at his hat. It is big and black. He is wearing black jeans and boots. He is a cowboy.
16 npoqv•ffaÿl Bcnyx TOJ1bKO npaBnnbHble
1 The girls from Russia are wearing black hats.
2 The girl from Canada is wearing a white jacket.
3 The boy from America is wearing jeans.
4 The girls from Russia are wearing trousers.
5 The boy from America is wearing trainers.
6 The girl from Canada is wearing big boots.
17 nphHecn B Knacc CBO}O paccKaxn,
BO 'ITO Tbi OAeT Ha 3T0i
CTPaHb'114a 42.
Ты научишься:
рассказывать о своей любимой еде;
спрашивать друзей об их любимой еде.
0 как произносится звук [ат]. Послушай и сравни английские слова: Mike и таКе.
1 Послушай и повтори, о rice like nice bike nine white
2 Послушай и из двух слов произнеси то, о которое ты слышишь.
1 rice / race З like / lake
2 bike / bake 4 white / wait
Теперь послушай все слова и повтори их. о Прочитай.
З Послушай и повтори скороговорку.
Nice white tigers like biscuits with milk.
4 nocnywai noBTopna np0'MTaß1. co
5 '-ITO Ha nnpaTcK0M Kopa6ne,
KaK Tbi AYMaelUb? noqe»ay SepTV1 paccTpoeH? 'ITO Aena10T Spnnn ero ApY3bR?
6 nocnywai n np0'MTai. o
Are you eating?
It's my |
Yes, we are! |
birthday! |
What are you eating?
Chicken and spaghetti Are you and pizza and ice cream. hungry?
Yes, I am. And I'm thirsty! I like chicken and spaghetti. Do you like biscuits?
Ha ha. Say 'Happy birthday', boy! |
No! I don't like you!
60 |
Do you like water?
What are you doing?
Yes, I do. I like water, but I don't like fish! We're having
a party!
Come on! I can
7 CKa)KV1, 'ITO m06þ1T SepTb•1. L'1cn0J1b3Yi AaHHble cnoBa.
Bertie likes water. 3 pirates
1 water 4 chicken
2 biscuits 5 spaghetti
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPal-lV114a 43
10 Изучи анкету и расскажи, что любят и не любят Джек и Джилл. Следуй образцу.
![]() |
Используя анкету, расскажи классу о результатах опроса.
likes apples.
Рабочая тетрадь, страница 45.
12 flOëM BMeCTe! O
I like chicken
And I like cheese.
I like pizza and rice, Very nice!
I like chicken
And I like cheese.
I like pizza and chips!
Hey! Hip!
Hippety Pippety Pip!
I like pizza and chips!
We like chicken
And we like cheese.
We like pizza and rice, Very nice!
We like chicken
And we like cheese.
We like pizza and chips!
Hey! Hip! Hippety Pippety Pip!
We like pizza and chips!
13 nocnywai n CKa)KV1, KaKOi eAbl He O
Does Jill
like chicken?
2 Does Pete like chips? 3 Does Pete like salad? 4 Does Jill like pizza?
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPaHVlqa 46.
nine. There are lots of girls and boys at party. They like pizza and salad. I like chips and water. The girls and boys like birthday cake. Do you like birthday cake?
16 Bb16epn HY)KHoe Mel-IIO.
Biscuits Water Chips Cake Ice cream Pizza |
Ice creamIce cream
ftŽ 15 np0'1hTai. Hi, I am Katy. It is my birthday. I am |
![]() |
17 A Tenepb paccKaxn
It's Katy's birthday party.
O Al-le poxneHVIB
18 npoyv•1Tai n03ApaBneHne c AHëM PO)KAeHnq.
Dear Katy!
Happy birthday to you!
Have a nice day!
A Tenepb Hannwv•l n03apaBhTeJ1bHYi0 OTKPblTKY apyry.
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPaHV114a 47.
Ты научишься:
обсуждать распорядок дня и повседневные занятия;
спрашивать, сколько времени и называть время,
Послушай, как произносятся звуки [а] и [е]. Послушай и сравни английские слова: тап [тап] (человек; мужчина) и теп [теп] (люди; мужчины).
1 Послушай и повтори. „о
cat bad hand black happy jacket get bed ten red реп leg help
2 Послушай и из двух предложений прочитай то, о которое ты СЛЫШИШЬ, 1 His bed. / He's bad.
2 1've got а реп. / I've got а рап.
З Look at the тап! / Look at the теп!
4 Where's ту little Pat? / Where's ту little pet?
Послушай все предложения и повтори их. о Прочитай предложения.
З Послушай и повтори скороговорку. О
А black cat with а red hat оп its head.
4 nocnywai noBTopV1. np0'-MTaß1.
5 Koro ncnyranncb nnpaTbl? Ha30BL,1 ux no-aHrnnicK¼. nonwaÿl CKaXV•1, qeM 3aKaH'MBaeTcq npv•1KmoyeHVte Ha Kopa6ne.
6 nocnywaü n npoqv•1Taü. Ha ha! I have a bath every year.
I don't like it here. At home I go to bed at nine o'clock. I have breakfast, I clean my teeth and I have a bath every day.
What's that noise, Rob? And there's an elephant |
Aaah! It's a zebra! |
and a lion! |
Help! Wild animals! |
68 |
Rob has a
Yes! Wild animals! bath every year.
Have a nice bath! Quick, where's the key? Open the box! Get the stars!
Yes, yes, I do!
I have a bath on my birthday.
Hooray! We've got the stars! Now, let's go to Magic Mountain! |
Good! Today, it's your birthday!
7 KTO roBopnr. SepTV1 P06?
I clean my teeth.
I have a bath every year.
3 1 go to bed at nine o'clock.
Pa60qaq -reTpaAb, CTPaHV1qa
I have a bath every day.
5 It's my birthday.
10 Посмотрите, сколько времени на нарисованных часах, и разыграйте диалог, следуя образцу.
Опе o'clock |
Two o'clock |
Three o'clock |
Four o'clock |
Five o'clock |
Six o'clock |
Seven o'clock |
Eight o'clock |
Nine o'clock |
Теп o'clock |
Eleven o'clock |
Twelve o'clock |
What's the time? |
lt's four o'clock. |
11 Опиши в тетради свой распорядок дня, используя данные фразы, |
И |
get ир go to school have breakfast |
have lunch go home go to bed |
gef ир af seven o'clock. have
Рабочая тетрадь, страница
12 nocnywai noBTopV1. 3anoMHh HOBble CJIOBaa
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
13 nocnywai. 'ITO AenaeT 1-114K BO BTOPH¼K? '-ITO AenaeT Bv•1KL.1 B cy660TY?
we Sa
A Tenepb paccKaxn, 'ITO Aenaewb Tbi B TeqeHne Henem,l.
On Monday I play basketball.
14 noëM BMecTe! o
I have a bath once a year.
I have a bath on my birthday. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I have a bath on my birthday.
He has a bath once a year.
He has a bath on his birthday.
It's time for your bath.
It's time for your bath.
Goodbye, Rob! Goodbye, Bob! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, cTpaHL/lqa
15 np0WTaV1.
I get up at seven o'clock. I drink some milk and I go to school. I like school. I like playing with my friends. I read my books and I go home at one o'clock. I have lunch at home at two o'clock. I like chicken and salad. I play basketball at three o'clock. I do my homework at five o'clock. I watch TV, I go to bed at nine o'clock. Goodnight!
16 Onnu.lh pacnopfiA0K Al-IR K3TL.1.
She gets up at seven o'clock.
1 at seven o'clock |
4 at five o'clock |
2 at one o'clock |
5 at nine o'clock |
3 at two o'clock
17 A Tenepb onnwn CBOi pacnop9A0K Al-IBS
Pa60qaq TeTpaAb, CTPaHV1qa
fish picnic flippers
beach cream
Sunday соте run March arm castle
watch o'clock water August ball look foot book school Јипе two
2 Послушай и из двух слов произнеси то, о которое ты слышишь.
1 fit / feet 4 ship / sheep 7 pull / pool
/ heart 5 shot / short 8 cut / cart
З pot / port 6 to / two
Теперь послушай все слова и повтори ИХ. о Прочитай.
3 nocnywaü VI noBTOPV1. np0WITai. o
4 KaK Tbi AYMaeLLlb, KYAa 0TnpaBJIB}0Tcq repon? HeM OHM c06upa10Tcq 3aHBTbCB?
5 nocnywai np0'lhTai. Are we going to go
on holiday, Brill?
Do my |
I'm |
Ha, ha! Look at Denzil!
you like flippers?
Yes, do.
Yes, we are. We're going to go to the beach!
We're going to swim in the sea!
I've got my lib.
going to catch I've got my
lots of fish! |
armbands. |
76 |
Where's my sun hat? |
I've got a picnic basket. We're going to have a picnic. |
It's on your head, Nora!
Come on! Let's go!
The stars are on Magic Mountain and we're going to have a brilliant holiday!
6 Ilp0HVITaÿ1 npeanoxeHhB n Ha HYMHble KapT¼HKV1.
1 1'm going to catch lots of fish.
2 We're going to have a picnic.
3 We're going to swim in the sea.
4 1'm going to wear a sun hat.
5 We're going to go on holiday.
I'm going to go on holiday.
He/She's going to go on holiday.
We're going to go on holiday.
Are you going to go on holiday?
Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Are we going to go on holiday?
Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
Rob! Bob! Are you going to go on holiday?
No, we aren't.
7 KaKW,o cyMKY Tbi B03bMëWb c c060ÿ1 Ha nnqx? I-Ia30BL.1 no naMflTL.•1 BCe nPeAMeTbl, KOTOPble B He" HaXOABTCBa Cnenyi 06pa3uy.
I'm going to take
sun cream a fishing net sun cream a lib
l'Hýa towel
flippers a sun hat
8 KaKoro 1.4BeTa CYMKa? np0'MTaV1 3aKOH'lV1 npeanoxeHnq.
1 Denzil is going to take flippers, sun cream and a lilo. He's going to take the red bag.
2 Alice is going to take a fishing net, armbands and a towel. She's going to take .
3 Nora's going to take a towel, a sun hat and sun cream. She's going to take ...
76 |
9 PaccKaxv•1 0 nnaHax AxeKa. In January, Jack's going to make a snowman.
January SAC 00 make a 2B snowman |
February watch TV |
March ride a bike |
April play football |
May play volleyball |
June do homework |
July eat ice cream |
August go on holiday |
September 5CH00L go to school |
October play basketball |
November JÄCK learn English |
December go skiing |
10 np0'-MTai nncbM0 SeKKh.
I've got great news. In January, I'm going to go on holiday to Australia. I'm going to swim and play in the sea. I love the sea! Where are you going to go on holiday and what are you going to do?
Hanuwv•l SeKKL.1 OTBeT. Z
11 noëM BMeCTe! o
I'm going to eat ten ice creams!
I'm going to play in the sea!
I'm going to go
And catch some fish!
Do you want to come with me?
I'm going to make a castle!
I'm going to swim in the sea!
I'm going to go on my lilo!
Do you want to come with me?
12 nocnywai cKaxv•1, 'ITO 3a6blJ1 HaPV•1COBaTb o XYAO)KHVIK.
July December
nocnyl.uaÿl eu.lë pa3. CKa)KV1, 'ITO Marlb'lV•1K c06npaeTcq AenaTb B ceHTB6pe aeKa6pe.
In July, he's going to go on holiday.
13 PaccKaxn Knaccy, '-ITO Tbi c06npaeu.lbcq AenaTb B none, ceHTB6pe n aeKa6pe.
In July, I'm going to
Davaü novrnopuM!
14 np0'MTai.
This is Sochi, the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games! I'm going to go on holiday to Sochi. It is a very beautiful city in the south of Russia. I'm going to go swimming and make sand castles on the beach.
I'm going to go to Egypt on holiday. In Egypt it's hot. There are lots of pyramids. I'm going to ride on a big camel. Can you see the big pyramids?
at the black and white whale! It is jumping and swimming. I like whales and I'm
going to go to SeaWorld in America on holiday. At SeaWorld you can see lots of
whales and fish.
15 np0HhTaÿ1 npennoxel-MB. O KaKOi cTpaHe VIAëT pe'lb: Poccnn, ErnnTe AMepVIKe?
1 1'm going to see a whale. America.
2 1'm going to ride on a camel.
3 1'm going to go swimming.
4 1'm going to make sand castles. 5 1'm going to see the pyramids.
16 PaCCKaxn, rae Tbi c06npael.Ubcq np0BecTV1 KaHVIKYJ1bl.
![]() |
10кт the без
Ты научишься:
сравнивать людей, предметы, явления; перечислять по порядку что-либо.
1 Послушай и повторив Прочитай. о
hotter [l hota] bigger [Ъщэ] better [l beta]
longer [l longa] younger ['јлгшэ] stronger [l strorjga]
2 Послушай и повтори, Прочитай.
The Volga River is long, but the Nile River is longer.
Sharks are big, but whales are bigger.
3 nocnywai n noBTopn. np0YhTaß1a
4 nocM0Tpn Ha KaPTL4HKn n KaKoe COPeBHOBaHVte npnayruan Spunn. KTO npL.1MeT B HëM yqacTne?
5 nocnywai n nPO'MTaÜ.
I'm very hot! I'm hot! I'm hot, too! I've got an idea! Let's have a competition! What |
competition? |
Wow, a competition!
second prize bigger cake. And what's The first prize is the prize? the biggest cake! |
Oh, I'm better than Alice, I'm better than Denzil.
I'm the best swimmer!
Eddie, Fred, are you ready?
No, we aren't.
We can't swim.
But we can cheer.
Let's see. Alice, Denzil, Bertie, are you ready?
Yes, we are.
Ready, steady, go!
6 npo c-MTaV1 YKa)KV1 Ha I-IYMHWO KaPThHKY.
1 This is the first prize.
2 This is the second prize. 3 This is the third prize.
![]() |
12 A Tenepb paccKaxn Knaccy o ceMbe Apyra.
9 10 11 |
npo c-lVITaü. 3an0Ml-M HOBble cnoBa.
1 good.better. the best.
Bim Bom Bombi npoqnTai npennoxeH¼B, ncn0J1b3yq npnnaraTenbHble ynpa)Kl-leHVIB 9. Nella is better than Ella. 1
Nella is . than
Ella. 3 Bombi is the 2 Stella is the ... 4 Bom is . . . than Bim. CKonnpyi al-lKeTY B TeTPaAb. |
![]() |
![]() |
13 noëM BMeCTe! o
My brother is the tallest,
Dad is the oldest
And Mum is the cleverest in my family.
But who is the youngest? Who is the shortest?
That's me. Yes, that's me! |
14 |
np0HVITai 3an0MHLt1 |
HOBble cnoBa. |
1st 2nd 3rd |
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th |
first second |
third fourth fifth |
sixth seventh |
eighth ninth tenth |
15 nocnyu.lai VI 3aKOH l-lLt1 npennoxeHv•1B,
I-1a3BaB v•1MeHa aeTei. The first prize for History goes to Angela!
1 The first prize for History goes to ...
2 The second prize for History goes to ...
3 The third prize for History goes to ...
4 The first prize for English goes to ...
5 The second prize for English goes to .
6 The third prize for English goes to
66 |
Davaü novmopuM!
16 np0'MTai.
Look at this lovely dolphin! It is jumping in the sea. Dolphins can jump higher than fish and whales. Dolphins like swimming and playing. They can hear better than people!
These ants are very small, but they are very strong. They are stronger than other insects. They have got a green leaf. They are smaller than the leaf.
Look at this small bird! It is a hummingbird. It is the smallest bird in the world. It is on a pencil. It is smaller than the pencil. It is pink and blue. It can sing and it can fly.
A Tenepb npoqnrai
Bb16PO npaBnnbHbli BapnaHT.
1 The hummingbird is smaller/bigger than the pencil.
2 Ants are smaller/stronger than other insects.
3 Dolphins can jump higher/better than fish and whales.
4 Dolphins can hear worse/better than people.
18 np¼Hecn B Knacc KaKoro-nn60
YHhKanbHoro XVIBOTHOrO paccKaž(b1 0 HëM.
closer further heavier |
closest furthest heaviest |
Venus Mars Mercury Earth |
Jupiter |
Saturn |
1 COCTOb np0'MTai npeanoxeHVIB.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
1 |
Mercury ... |
is the biggest planet. |
2 |
Mars ... |
b . . is the closest planet to the Sun. |
3 |
Jupiter ... |
c . . is smaller than the Earth |
4 |
Saturn ... |
but bigger than Mars. |
5 |
Venus ... |
d ... is the furthest planet from the Sun. |
. is closer to the Sun than Jupiter, but further than the Earth.
2 Pa3blrpaiTe Ananor, cneayq 06pa3uy.
Is Venus closer to the Sun than Mars?
Yes, it is.
3 Hapncyü Ha JIVICTe 6YMarv•1 OAHY nnaHeT
COJIHeYHOß1 CVICTeMbl. 'ITO Tbi 3HaeUJb O He"? Hanuwv•l.
90 |
не Will
Ты научишься:
вести диалог о событиях, которые произойдут в будущем;
говорить о своей будущей профессии.
1 Послушай и повтори, Прочитай, „о won't [waunt] want [wont]
I won't go. I want to go.
2 Послушай и повтори. Прочитай. - о won't sleep.
Уои won't соте.
We won't win.
They won't work.
Не won't eat.
She won't play.
3 nocnywaü noBTopn. np0'MTai. O
4 nocrv10Tpn Ha KaPTVIHKV1 CKaW1, KTO carvlbli 6blCTPbli nnoæu. KaK Tbi AYMaeLUb, SepTh onepxan yecTHY10 n06eny? Kyaa 0TnponqeTcq 3AAV1?
5 nocnyl.uaÿl np0'lVITai. 0 Bertie is I can't see Bertie! Bertie, Alice is fast.
where's Bertie-e-e-e! I think she'll win.
No, she won't.
Denzil is faster.
Please will you be quiet?
I can see Bertie. Look! He's the fastest! I'm sure he'll win!
Well done, children
You are very fast swimmers.
Thank you, Brill!
So, the third prize goes to Alice. Alice, this is your big cake.
Hip hip hooray!
92 |
And the second prize goes to Denzil. Denzil, this is your bigger cake.
Thank you, Brill! 9
The biggest cake goes to Bertie.
No, Brill. I'm not the fastest. The dolphin is the fastest.
He is the winner.
my very best friends! I'm afraid we have to go.
Let's eat
I think that's fair, |
it together! |
Where are you |
Bertie. But dolphins don't eat cakes. |
O |
going, Eddie? |
Well, have a nice |
To my family. They are waiting for me. Will you come to Brilliant Island next year? |
journey, Eddie! Of course we will! |
And we'll play and |
Goodbye, Eddie! |
we'll have fun again!!! |
Goodbye, Fred! |
6 BepHbl YTBePXAeHb•1B? True unn False. |
False. 1 Bertie is the fastest.
2 The dolphin is the fastest.
3 Fred is waiting for Eddie.
4 Eddie won't come to Brilliant Island next year.
Alice won't win!
I'll win. |
I won't win. |
He/She'll win. |
He/She won't win. |
We'll win. |
We won't win. |
They'll win. |
They won't win. |
Will you win? |
Yes, I will. / No, I won't. |
'Il will |
won't = will not |
7 nocM0TpV1 Ha KaPTVIHKV1 n CKa)KV1, Kervl 6yaeT KaXAblß1 '.13 aeTei. 3anoMHn Ha3BaHVIB She'll be a lawyer.
lawyer doctor singer businessman
8 nonóepu cnoBa K KaPTV•1HKarv1 3an0MHb•1 HOBble cnoBa. Yraaai, KeM TB0ü apyr CTaHeT B 6YAYLueM.
1 2 3 4
You'll be a film star.
No, I won't. a teacher.
94 |
![]() |
11 TIOëM BMeCTe! o
Will you play with me? |
Yes, I'll play with you. |
Will you be my friend? |
Yes, I'll be your friend! |
Will you sit with me? |
Yes, I'll sit with you. |
Will you be my friend? |
Yes, I'll be your friend! |
Will you walk with me |
Yes, I'll walk with you |
and talk to me? |
and talk to you, |
Will you be my very best |
Yes, I'll be your very |
friend? |
best friend! |
12 |
nocnywai YKaxn Ha |
1 2 3 |
4 5 6 |
13 nocnywaÿl eu-lë pa3 n np0'lVITai npeanoxeHhB, I-Ia'lþll-laq ux c They/ll nnn They won't.
They'll go to the beach. 4 ... paint pictures. 1 go to the beach. 5 ... wear shorts and 2 walk to school. T-shirts.
3 do their homework. 6 have tests.
14 noroBopVITe c ApyroM o TOM, qervl Bbl 6yaeTe 3aHVIMaTbCR BO BpeMq Kai-IVIKYJI.
Will you go to school?
No, I'll aint ictures.
Davaü novmopuM!
15 np0'MTai.
This girl is an acrobat. She will do difficult tricks in the air. She will swing on the big swing. Will she fall off? No, she won't! She is a very good acrobat. The children will watch her and they will say 'Brilliant! You are brilliant!'
This man is a clown. He has got very long shoes and a funny bike with one wheel. What will he do? Can you see the batons in his hands? He will throw and catch them. Will he ride his bike?
No, he won't. He will fall off his bike. The children will laugh.
A Tenepb OTBeTb Ha Bonpocbl. Yes, she will.
1 Will the acrobat do difficult tricks in the air?
2 Will the clown throw and catch the batons?
3 Will the acrobat fall off the swing? 4 Will the clown fall off his bike?
17 PaccKaxn, 'ITO Tbi Y3Han 06 3ThX UMPKOBblX apTncTax.
artist musician writer dancer singer |
1 COCTOb npoywaü npennoxeHLnq.
Maria is a dancer, she wears a special dress.
1 Maria is a dancer, . . she plays the piano.
2 Vera is a musician, . his poems are nice.
3 Alexander is c . her voice is beautiful. an artist,
he makes lovely |
4 |
Ekaterina is a singer, |
pictures. |
she wears a special
5 Pavel is a writer, dress.
2 Pa3blrpaß1Te Ahanor, cneayq 06pa3uy. What will you be?
I'll be an artist. And you?
3 Kervl XOTBT CTaTb TBOb•1 OAHOKnaCCHhK"? Onpocn ux n Hannwn.
98 |
acrobat [ l akrabat] акробат afraid [Sfrerd] испуганный, напуганный Africa [ l afrrka] Африка afternoon время после полудня air [еэ] воздух America [э'тепКэ] Америка and [and] и (союз) animal [ l anrml] животное answer ['a:nsa] отвечать ant [ant] муравей арфе [ l apl] яблоко
April [ l erpral] апрель arm [а:т] рука (от плеча до кисти) armbands ['a:mbandz] нарукавники для плавания
Art [a:t] изобразительное искусство artist [ l a:trst] художник artistic [a: l trstIk] творческий; художественный ask [a:sk] спрашивать August [5:gast] август
Australia [o l streIlG]
Австралия autumn [5:tam] осень away [SvveI] далеко; прочь (carry away уносить, унести; run away убегать)
вь baboon [ЬэЪи:п] павиан baby ['beIbI] ребёнок;
ДеТёНЫШ (ЖИВОТНОГО) back [bak] спина bake [berk] печь, выпекать ball [bxl] мяч; клубок
(ball of wool клубок шерсти) barking лай basket ['ba:skIt] корзина bat [bat] летучая мышь bath [Ьа:б] ванна baton [ l baton] булавА beach [bi:tf] пляж bear [Ьеэ] медведь beautiful ['bju:taf1] красивый bedroom ['bedru:m] спальня Ьее [bi:] пчела behind [bI I harnd] за, сзади belt [belt] ремень big [brg] большой
Big Веп [1brg l ben] часовая башня Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне bike [barl<] велосипед bird [b3:d] птица biscuit ['brsl<It] печенье black [blak] чёрный blowhole ['blauhaul] ДА)ЕЛО
(отверстие для дыхания
У кита) blue [blu:] синий; голубой boat [ЬЭ(Л] лодка
boil [b)ll] KVtnBTL/lTb boot [bu:t] 60THHOK, canor breakfast [ I brekfast] 3aBTpaK brother [ I brnða] 6paT brown [braun] KOPVlHHeBblV1 bucket [ l bAk1t] Beapo bull [bUl] 6blK busy [ l b1Z1] 3aHBTOV1
cabbage [ I kæb1d3] KanycTa
café [ I kæfer] cake [kerk]
nup0>KHoe, TOPT calf [ka:f] TenëHOK
camel [ I
kæml] Bep6J110A Canada [ I kænada] Kai-lana carry
[ I kærr] HeCTV1, OTHOCVlTb;
cart [ka:t] noB03Ka, Tenera castle [ I ka:sl]
3åMOK catch [kætf] JlOBVITb, noßlMaTb chair [tfea] CTyn
[tfta] 060APfiTb, noA6aapVlBaTb cheese [tfi:z] CblP chew [tfu:] XeBaTb chicken
[ l tflkrn] KYPl/114a,
UbinnëHOK (eaa) classroom Knacc,
KnaccHaq KOMHaTa claw [kb:] KnelLlHfi clean
[kli:n] HVICTl/1Tb clever [ I kleva] YMHblVl clock tower [ I klok
taua] yaCOBaq 6aUJHfi
close [klaus] 6nv13K0
PaCnOJIOXeHHblVl clothes [klauðz] onexaa cloud [klaud] 06naK0 clown [klaun] KJIOYH coach [kautf] aBT06yc nanbHero CneAOBal-lL,1fi coat [kaut] nanbT0 coin [1<3111] MOHeTa cold [kauld] XOJIOAHblVl collar ['kola] BOPOTHVIK colour [ I kAla] 1.4BeT; KpacKa come [knm]
Come on! [Iknm I on] L/1AëM!, noujnv•l!
competition [Ikompa l tlfn]
COPeBl-lOBaHV1e; KOHKYPC computer [kam l pju:ta]
cotton [ I kDtn] xnÓnoK count [kaunt] CHI/lTaTb cow [kau] KOPOBa cowboy [ l kaub)l] KOB60Vl crab [kræb] Kpa6 crawl [kryl] non3aTb cream [kri:m] KpeM crew [kru:] 3Klanax (cya-la, carvi0T1ëTa) crowd [kraud] Tonna cucumber [ I kju:lknmba] orypeq cut [kAt] pe3aTb, pa3pe3aTb
dad [daed] nana
[dI l semba] декабрь every [ l evrr] каждый den
[den] берлога, логово еуе [ar] глаз desert [l dezat] пустыня
desk [desk] парта; 1 01 |
flippers ['fhpaz] ласты
(приспособление для плавания, надеваемое на ноги) flower [Таиэ] цветок foot [fUt] ступня, нога forest [ l forrst] лес fork [Ь:К] вилка fountain ['fauntrn] фонтан four [Ь:] четыре fourteen [lfx I ti:n]
Friday [ l frarderl пятница friend [frend]
друг, подруга frog [frog] лягушка fruit [fru:t] фрукт, фрукты веселье, забава
good [gud] хороший
Goodnight! [gud l nart]
Спокойной ночи!
grandparents [ l granpearants]
и дедушка Greece [gri:s] Греция green [gri:n] зелёный grey [grer] серый gut
[gp,t] кишка gym [d31m] тренажёрный зал
hair [hea] волосы hand [hand] рука (кисть) handkerchief ['hanlG,tfIf]
носовой платок happy ['hapr] счастливый hare [hea] заяц hat [hat] шапка, шляпа have [hav] иметь, обладать he [hi:] он head [hed] голова healthy [ l he161] здоровый; полезный hear [hra] СЛЫШЕТЬ heart [ha:t] сердце heavy [I hevr] тяжёлый help [help] помогать;
помощь her [Кв:] её herb [h3.•b] (лекарственное)
растение herd [h3:d] стадо here [hra] здесь, тут high [har] высокий; высоко
hippo [ I
hrpau] 6ereM0T his [h1Z] ero History [ l hlstrl] VICTOPl/1fi
holiday [ l hD11de1] KaHL/lKYJ1bl home [haum] AOM homework
AOMaLUHee 3aaaHL/1e hope [haup] Hanexaa horn [hxn] por horrible [ l horabl] YXaCHblV1 horse [hxs] KOHb, JlOU-jaAb hot [hot] rOPBHV1ßl,• XaPKVlV1 hour [ l aua] yac (60 MØHYT) house [haus] AOM, 3aaHl,1e how Chau] Kao, KaKV•1M 06pa30M?
Hudson River [l hAdsn trrva] rYA3óH (peŒca B CILIA)
KOJIÚ6Pl/l (rnøua) hungry [ l hnngrr] rOJIOAHblßl hurt [h3:t] nPV•lHVIHVITb 60J1b,
TPaBMVIPOBaTb hut [hAt] XL,1XL4Ha
I [al]
ice [ars]
nëA ice cream
![]() |
it [It] OH, OHa, OHO (O HeOAYUJænëHHb1X npeAMeTax, XØBOTHb1X) its [Its] ero, eê (OTHOCÐUIØÙCB
K npearv1eTarv1, >KØBOTHb1M)
jacket [ I d3æk1t] rlVIA>KaK January [ I d3ænjuar1] RI-IBaPb jeans [ I d3i:nz] AXMHCbl journey [ I d33.•n1] nyTewecTBVle July [d3u: l la1] VI}Oflb jump [d3Amp] rlPblraTb,
jumper [ I d3Ampa] CBVITeP June [d3u:n] VllOHb jungle [ I d3nrjgl]
Jupiter [ I d3u:p1ta] IOr1¼Tep
kangaroo [Ikænga l ru:] KeHrypy key [ki:] king [kit)]
KOPOJ1b know [naU] 3HaTb
lake [lelk] 03epo last [Ia.-st] rlOCneAl-ll/lVl laugh [la:fl CMefiTbCfi launch [b:ntf] aanycK (paŒTb1) lawyer [ l b:ja] IOPVICT; aABOKaT leaf [li:fl JIVICT (pacTeHþffi) learn [13.•n] (HTO-nø60);
YHVlTbCfi leather [ I leða] KOXa
![]() |
look for ['lukf).•] искать lots (of) [lots (эф] много
bvely ['hvlI] красивый; милый; чудный; прелестный lucky
['hl<I] удачливый
![]() |
тап [тап] человек,
[man l hatn]
Манхэттен (остров — район
тапу ['menr] много
[ma:tf] март Mars [ma:z] Марс
[ l ma:sta] хозяин;
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Monday ['m/\nder]
понедельник топКеу
['тлпК1] обезьяна
month [тлпб] месяц morning [ l mxnin]
утро Moscow [ l moskau] Москва
[ 1 тлђэ] мать mountain ['mauntrn] гора mouse [maus] мышь mouth
[mau6] рот multiplied by [ l mpdtrplard ,bar]
умноженный на тит
[тлт] мама musician [mju: l zrfn]
ту [mar] мой, моя, моё, мои
гм п
near [птэ] рядом, около need [ni:d] необходимость
Neva River ['пешэ ,rwa] невА (река в России) NewYork
[,пји: ljxk] Нью-Йорк
next [nekst] следующий; будущий next to [ l nekstu:] рядом с
nice [nars] хороший, милый night [пап] ночь
(the) Nile River ['narl , rwa]
Нил (река в Африке) nine [пат] девять
девятнадцать noise
[поп] шум, гам nose [nauz] нос November [nau lvemba]
ноябрь nurse медицинская
Оо o'clock [э'К|оК] часов
(например, 7 0'clock — 7 часов) 0ctober [ol< l tauba] октябрь octopus ['ol<tapas] осьминог of course [of l lo:s] конечно old [wld] старый
(the) 01ympic Games
[э№тртК l germz]
Олимпийские игры оп [оп] на (на поверхности чего-ЛИбО) опе [илп] один ореп ['эирэп] открывать orange [ l orrnd3] 1) апельсин;
2) оранжевый orange juice [ l orrnd3 d3u:s] апельсиновый сок ostrich [ l ostrrtf] страус our [аиэ] наш, наша, наше, наши
![]() |
![]() |
paint [pernt]
красить, раскрашивать рап [рап] сковорода parents [ l pearants]
родители park [ра:К] парк, сквер parrot [ l parat] попугай party [ l
pa:tI] вечеринка peach [pi:tf] персик pear [реэ] груша реп [реп] ручка
(для письма) репсе [pens] пенни, пенс (британская разменная монета) репса
['pensl] карандаш penguin [ l pengwrn] пингвин реорЬ ['pi:pl] люди
perch жёрдочка pet [pet] любимое домашнее животное phone [faun] телефон
photograph фотография piano [pr l anau]
фортепьяно picnic ['prknrl<] пикник picture ['prl<tfa] картина; рисунок
pie фат] пирог pilot [ l parlat] лётчик, пилот pink [ртпК] розовый
pirate ['parrat] пират
рисе [plers] место planet [ l planrt] планета play [pler] играть playground [ l pler,graund] площадка для игр plum [р|лт] слива plus [pbxs] плюс роет ['рэшт] поэма; стихотворение point [prnt] указывать polar bear [рэи|э 'Ьеэ] белый медведь politician [,polStIfan] политик pool [pu:l] лужа popular ['popjula] популярный port [pxt] порт pot [pot] горшок, кастрюля present [ l prezant] подарок prize [prarz] награда, приз pull [PUl] тянуть, тащить purple фиолетовый push [рил толкать; пихать put [PUt] класть, ставить put оп [,put l on] надевать pyjamas [pSd3a:maz] пижама pyramid ['риэттщ пирамида
Qq queen [kwi:n] королева quick [kwrl<] быстрый quiet ['kwarat] тихий
106 |
race [rers] состязание В беге или в скорости
rainforest ['rern,forrst] тропический лес read [ri:d] читать, прочитать ready [ I redI] готовый (к действию) Ready! Steady! Go!
[ l redI 'stedI l gau]
На старт! Внимание! Марш! red [red] красный rice [rars] рис river [ I rwa] река royal [ l roral] королевский run [тп] бежать, бегать Russia [Тлјэ] Россия
ss sad [sad] грустный safe [serf] безопасный Saint Petersburg
[sernt Санкт-
Петербург salad [ l salad] салат (блюдо) Saturday [ l satader] суббота Saturn ['saB:n] Сатурн sausage ['sosrd3] колбаса; сосиска save [sew] спасать scared [skead] испуганный scarf [ska:f] шарф school [sku:l] школа screw [skru:] винт, шуруп sea [si:] море seahorse морской конёк seal [si:l] тюлень
SeaWorld Морской
мир (парк развлечений
с морскими животными в США) second [ l sekand] второй
(по счёту) see [si:] смотреть; видеть
September [sep'temba] сентябрь seven [ l sevn] семь seventeen семнадцать
shark [fa:k] акула she [fi:] она sheep [fi:p] овца; баран ship утр] корабль
shirt [f3:t] рубашка shoes [fu:z] туфли shop [Гор] магазин
short [Гул] короткий; shorts [Jxtsl шорты shot [fot] выстрел silk [SIlk] шёлк sing [srn] петь |
низкий |
singer [ l srrp] певец, |
певица |
single ['srngl]
один, единственный sister ['srsta] сестра sit [SIt] сидеть; садиться six [SIks]
шесть sixteen шестнадцать skiing ['ski:rrj] катание
на лыжах
skiing ходить на лыжах) skirt [sk3:t] юбка
[skar] небо sleep [sli:p] спать slide [slard] детская горка small [smxl]
маленький smell [smel] нюхать snake [snerl<] змея snowman ['snauman] снеговик,
снежная баба Sochi ['sy.tfI] Сочи socks [soks] носки song [son] песня Sorry!
['sorr] Простите!
Извините! south [saU6] юг spade
[sperd] лопата spaghetti [spSgetI] спагетти special [ l spefl]
особый, специальный sphinx [sfrnks] сфинкс (каменное изваяние лежащего льва с
человеческой головой) spring [sprrrj] весна spy [spar] шпион stair [stea]
лестница star [sta:] звезда
stare [stea] пристально глядеть;
уставиться statue [ l statfu:] статуя still [stIl] (всё) ещё,
по-прежнему straw [strx] солома stream [stri:m] ручей street [stri:t] улица
strong [stron] сильный
summer [ I snma] neT0 sun [snn] COJIHqe Sunday [ I snndel] BOCKPeCeHbe sun hat [ I snnhæt] wnqna
OT COJIHqa sure [fua] YBePeHHblVl swan [swon] ne6eAb sweet [swi:t] KOF-@eTa swim [swrm] nnaBaTb, nnblTb swimmer [ I swrma] nnoæq swing [swrrj] 1) Kaqenu;
2) KayaTbCfi
table [ I telbl]
CTOJI tail [tell] XBOCT take [terk] 6paTb talk [ty.k] rOBOPVlTb,
pa3r0Bap¼BaTb tall [b:l] BblCOKb•1V1 taste [terst] np060BaTb
(Ha BKYC) teacher [ I ti:tfa] YHVITeJ1b,
[ten] aeCfiTb tentacle [ I tentakl] U4ynaJ1b14e test [test] TeCT', KOHTPOJ1bHaB pa60Ta
Thailand [ I tallænd] TaunaHA
(rocyaapcTB0 B A3ØØ)
(the River) Thames
[l rrva I temz] TeM3a
![]() |
![]() |
these [ði:z] 3TL,1 they [ðer] OHVI thing [6111] Bel-Ub, npeAMeT think ayrvaaTb third [631d] TpeT¼V1 (no cqëTY) thirsty [ 1 93:st1] VICrlblTblBaaUl/lßl
xaxny thirteen TPV11-laaqaTb this [ð1S] 3TOT, 3Ta, STO those [ðauz] Te three
[6ri:] Tpv•l throw [Brau] 6pocaTb, KVIAaTb Thursday [ 1 93:zde1]
qeTBepr tie [tar] rancTYK tiger [targa] TWP time [tarm] Bpetvlfi tired [ I
tarad] YCTaJ1blV1 today [ta l del] ceroAHB together [ta l
geða] BMeCTe tomorrow [ta l morau] 3aBTpa tooth [tu:9] 3Y6
touch [tAtf] TPoraTb', OCfi3aTb towel [ I taual] nonoTeH14e town
[taun] ropoa toy [t)l] VTPYLLlKa trainers [ l trernaz] KPOCCOBKH
tree [tri:] nepeB0 trick [trlk] XVITPOCTb; nponeJIKa trousers [ l trauzaz]
Tuesday [ l tju:zder] BTOPHVIK turtle [ l t3:tl] MOPCKaq yepenaxa TV [Iti: I vi:] TeneBL,130p twelve [twelv] ABeHanqaTb
twenty ['twentl] ABaaqaTb two [tu:] ABa
under [ Inndð] non (noa
[70BePXHOCTbŒo qero-nøõo)
(the) USA [ju: es 'el] CLI]A
(CoeAL4HëHHb1e LLfraTb1
vase [va:z] Ba3a vegetable [ I ved3tabl] OBOU4 Venus [ I vi:nas] Bel-lepa very [ I verl] OHeHb village [ l \/111d3] nepeBHfi vine [varn] BL,1HorpaAHaq J103a voice [V)IS] ronoc
Volga River [ Ivolga ,rrva]
Bonra (peŒça B Poccnø) volleyball [ I volllbxl] BoneV160n
wait [welt] XAaTb walk [wxk] XOAVITb watch [wotf] CMOTPeTb watch TV [IWDtf Iti: I vi:]
CMOTPeTb TeneBv•130p water [ IWXta] Bona we [wi:] Mbl wear [wea] HOC¼Tb (oaexay) Wednesday [ l wenzder] cpeaa week [wi:k] Henenq
Well done! [lwel I dnn]
Xopowo!, OTJIVIHHO!, Monoaeq!
wet [wet] MOKPblßl whale [well] KV•IT what [wot] '-ITO? where [wea] rae? white [wart] 6eJ1blVl wide [ward] UJVIPOKVIVI wild [warld] win [wrn] n06eA¼Tb, BblL,1rPaTb winner [ l wrna] n06eAL/lTeJ1b winter [ l wrnta] 3L/1Ma with [WIð] C, BMeCTe C woman [ Iwuman] Xel-lU.1VIHa wool [WUI] UÆPCTb word [W3:d] CJIOBO world [vo:ld] MI,IP, 3eMJIB work [W3:k] pa60TaTb worm [w3:m] HePBBK write [ralt] nucaTb writer [ I ralta] nvtcaTeJ1b
yak [jæk] (6b1K, >KØBYU4ØÏ1
B BblCOKTOPHb1X pah0Hax) year [jlô] ron yellow [ Ijelau] XêJITblVl yes [jes] aa you Lju:] Tbi; Bbl young [jnr)] MOJIOAOVI, IOHblßl your [jy.] TBOVI, TBOB, TB0ê,
TBOVI; BaLLl, Bawa, Baœe,
np0HL/lTaV1 0TraaaVl 3araAKl/l. I can see it in the sky. It is very far. I can't catch it! |
zz zebra [ I zebra] 3e6pa zoo [zu:] 300napK It's too high!
A little, yellow .
I've got five brothers,
I've got five friends
I've got five fingers On one
pueq .
I'm a bird but I can't fly. I can walk and swim. I am black and I am white.
What am 1? A umBuad .
Читаем с уооеольстеием! Прочитай. Кто ещё живёт в зоопарках? Нарисуй и подпиши. магазин 359' |
Fun at Moscow Zoo
Anna and her mum and dad are from England. Now they are in Russia with Anna's friend Misha and his mum and dad. Today Anna and her family are at Moscow Zoo with Misha-
This is my favourite place in Moscow.
It's Moscow Zoo.
It's very big.
Yes, there are lots of animals.
They are walking in the zoo.
It's beautiful! There are lots of flowers and trees.
Look! There's a shop and a café.
And there's a playground with a swing and a slide.
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Look at that big bird, Anna!
A bird? But it's running!
Yes, it can't fly. It's an emu from Australia.
Oh, there's a polar bear! It's
playing with its baby!
That's a polar bear from Russia!
Oh, these are my favourite animals! Monkeys!
They're baboons. They've got very strong arms and legs.
They're from Africa.
Dad, please take a photograph of Misha and me with the monkeys! Dad
Here you are! Look! Four monkeys!
Ha! Ha! Moscow Zoo is fun! Let's come here again!
1 1 3
I-IumaeM c ygopoAbcrnvuetvi! |
[IPOHVlTaVl. Pacu-lL@pyßl Ha3BaHV1fi XVIBOTHblX. askne King Leo's Birthday/Z7 / ipoph King Leo is the king of the jungle and he is having a birthday party. There are lots of animals, birds and insects at his party. There are elephants, giraffes, lions, zebras, |
hippos, snakes, parrots and tigers. They are wearing party hats. They are dancing and singing. There is a lot of pizza and ice cream on a big table. King Leo likes pizza and he loves ice cream! is a beautiful birthday cake on the table. King Leo the birthday cake! The animals are eating and drinking. griet peathlen |
efirfag |
There likes |
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King Leo isn't dancing or singing. He isn't eating or drinking. King Leo isn't
happy. He is very sad. There are lots of animals at his party, but he hasn't
got a single present!
A monkey is walking up to the king. He has got a book in his hands. King Leo is looking in the book. He can see the names of all the animals in his jungle. He is reading:
'Happy birthday, King Leo!
This is your present.
You're a very good king. We like you very much.
From your friends, the animals of the jungle.'
King Leo is happy now. He's got a present and it's a very nice present!
1 1 5
I-IumaeM c ygovoAbcrnvueM!
np0Hv•1TaV1. HapL,1cyV1 B TeTpaAl,1 eay,
3 KOTopaB none3Ha 3AOPOBbB. nonnuu-lL,1 KaPTVIHKY.
The Story of Mogs
Mogs gets up at 10 0'clock.
He has a big breakfast.
He eats biscuits and cake. He drinks cola.
At 12 0'clock Mogs is hungry.
He eats spaghetti and chips.
He drinks cola. At 2 0'clock Mogs goes to the park. His friends play football. Mogs doesn't play football.
At 11 0'clock Mogs goes into the street. There's a dog in the street. Mogs' friends run. Mogs doesn't like dogs, but he doesn't run. He can't run.
At 4 0'clock Mogs goes home. He eats pizza and ice cream. He watches TV.
But Mogs is sad.
I'm going to be a healthy cat!
I'm going to eat fish. Fish is healthy.
I'm going to drink milk and water. Milk and water are healthy!
I'm going to be healthy!
Look at Mogs!
Wow! He can run!
Now Mogs plays football with his friends. He's healthy and he's happy.
Be healthy!
qurnaeM c ygovoAbcmvueM! np0Hb.1Taßl. B HêM Mopanb 6aCHV1? A hare is very popular in the forest. He's got many, many friends. One day he hears dogs barking. They're coming nearer and nearer. 2 The hare goes to the horse and says, 'Horse, carry me away on your back!' But the horse says, 'Sorry, Hare, I can't. I must do some work for my master.' 3 Then the hare asks the bull for help, 'Bull, push the dogs away with your horns!' But the bull says, 'Sorry, Hare, I am very busy at the moment.' 1 1 6 |
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Учебное издание
Комарова Юлия Александровна
Ларионова Ирина Владимировна
Перретт Жанн
Английский язык
Учебник для З класса общеобразовательных организаций
Редакторы МА. Горетая, О.А. Гужновская, МА. Панкина
Корректор Sandra Frith
Дизайн-концепт Annette Peppis
Дизайн и верстка Сергея Спимова
Разработка внешнего оформления ЕД. Адамова
Обложка Н. В. Качуриной
Гегель Бейзе, Елена Володькина, Татьяна Ламонова, Phil Garner, Martin lmpey,
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Architecture с. 33 (Ь,с); Julian Cotton Library с. 57 (а);
James Davis Travel Photography с. 41 (нижняя); lmages Colour Library с. 49 (верхние), с. 81 (средняя); В Sandred/Oxford Scientific Film с. 25 (верхняя левая);
Pictures Colour Libraryc. 33 (а); Stone с. 49 (нижняя правая), с. 57 (с), с. 81 (нижняя); Telegraph Colour Library с. 49 (нижняя левая);
Tassphoto с. 25 (нижняя), с. 27 (средняя), 57 (Ь), 65 (верхняя). Josephina Svania с. 65, 59
Авторы слов Јеаппе Perrett и Магу Charington
Музыка Andy Dench
Издательство благодарит Adrian Tennant за написание материалов для раздела CLIL, Carol Skinner — за написание материалов для раздела «Читаем с удовольствием!», а также Emily Rosser, Adele Moss и Deborah Hughes за помощь в подготовке учебника.
Подписано в печать 19.11.14. Формат 84х108 1/16. Печать офсетная.
Бумага офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 12,6.
Тираж 10 000 экз. изд. № 17405. Заказ 6165/14.
ООО «Русское слово — учебник».
125009, Москва, ул. Тверская, д. 9/17, стр. 5. Тел.: (495) 969-24-54, (499) 689-02-65.
Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленными материалами в ООО ”ИПК Парето-Принт”, 170546, Тверская область, Промышленная зона Боровлево-1 , комплекс ГИЗА, www.pareto-print.ru
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