Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике
Оценка 4.6

Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике

Оценка 4.6
Презентации учебные
5 кл
Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике
Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике.pptx

Sounds [W], [V] and [t] The presentation is made by

Sounds [W], [V] and [t] The presentation is made by

Sounds [W], [V] and [t]

The presentation is made by Motovilova Alina

Read the words, please [w] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter [v] – never, view, very, visit, river [t] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, hate,…

Read the words, please [w] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter [v] – never, view, very, visit, river [t] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, hate,…

Read the words, please

[w] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter

[v] – never, view, very, visit, river

[t] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, hate, autumn

Sound [t] Listen and repeat Tell [tel], try [traɪ], time [taɪm], talk [tɔːk], twitter [twɪtə], start [stɑːt], study [ˈstʌdi], control [kənˈtrəʊl], last [lɑːst], into [’ɪntʊ],…

Sound [t] Listen and repeat Tell [tel], try [traɪ], time [taɪm], talk [tɔːk], twitter [twɪtə], start [stɑːt], study [ˈstʌdi], control [kənˈtrəʊl], last [lɑːst], into [’ɪntʊ],…

Sound [t] Listen and repeat

Tell [tel], try [traɪ], time [taɪm], talk [tɔːk], twitter [twɪtə], start [stɑːt], study [ˈstʌdi], control [kənˈtrəʊl], last [lɑːst], into [’ɪntʊ], between [bɪ’twiːn], let [let].

Sound [v] Listen and repeat Very[vɛri], vary[ˈveəri] , various[ˈveərɪəs], variety[vəˈraɪəti], vibration[vaɪˈbreɪʃən], voice[vɔɪs], village[ˈvɪlɪʤ], video[ˈvɪdɪəʊ], vampire[ˈvæmpaɪə]

Sound [v] Listen and repeat Very[vɛri], vary[ˈveəri] , various[ˈveərɪəs], variety[vəˈraɪəti], vibration[vaɪˈbreɪʃən], voice[vɔɪs], village[ˈvɪlɪʤ], video[ˈvɪdɪəʊ], vampire[ˈvæmpaɪə]

Sound [v] Listen and repeat

Very[vɛri], vary[ˈveəri] , various[ˈveərɪəs], variety[vəˈraɪəti], vibration[vaɪˈbreɪʃən], voice[vɔɪs], village[ˈvɪlɪʤ], video[ˈvɪdɪəʊ], vampire[ˈvæmpaɪə].

Sound [w] Read the poem There is a nice little dog,

Sound [w] Read the poem There is a nice little dog,

Sound [w] Read the poem

There is a nice little dog,
But nobody takes him.
Nobody takes him.
There is a nice little dog,
I want to take him,
I will take him.

Listen and repeat W hen[wɛn], w hile[waɪl], weather[ˈwɛðə], w orm[wɜːm], w hich[wɪʧ], word[wɜːd], w arm[wɔːm], w inter[ˈwɪntə], w oman[ˈwʊmən], w eek[wiːk], a w aiting[əˈweɪtɪŋ], a…

Listen and repeat W hen[wɛn], w hile[waɪl], weather[ˈwɛðə], w orm[wɜːm], w hich[wɪʧ], word[wɜːd], w arm[wɔːm], w inter[ˈwɪntə], w oman[ˈwʊmən], w eek[wiːk], a w aiting[əˈweɪtɪŋ], a…

Listen and repeat

When[wɛn], while[waɪl], weather[ˈwɛðə], worm[wɜːm], which[wɪʧ], word[wɜːd], warm[wɔːm], winter[ˈwɪntə], woman[ˈwʊmən], week[wiːk], awaiting[əˈweɪtɪŋ], awake[əˈweɪk], award[əˈwɔːd].
Queen[kwiːn], once[wʌns]

Match the words in columns and find the “pairs”

Match the words in columns and find the “pairs”

Match the words in columns and find the “pairs”.

Wet, vest, wow, while, visor, wail, vow, wheel, vet, wine, vile, wiper, veil, rowing, veal, verse, west, vine, worse, visor, viper, wisor, roving.



Wild vines make fine vintage wines [waɪld vaɪns meɪk faɪn 'vɪntɪʤ waɪns]

Wild vines make fine vintage wines [waɪld vaɪns meɪk faɪn 'vɪntɪʤ waɪns]

Wild vines make fine vintage wines
[waɪld vaɪns meɪk faɪn 'vɪntɪʤ waɪns].

 I went away to Venice and was very wary.
[aɪ wɛnt əˈweɪ tuː ˈvɛnɪs ænd wɒz ˈvɛri ˈweəri].

Lets read a tongue-twister.

Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике

Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике

Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике

Фрагмент урока по фонетике, лексике
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