Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс
Оценка 4.6

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс

Оценка 4.6
Контроль знаний +1
английский язык
7 кл
Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс
Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса к УМК "English-7" В.П.Кузовлев
7 класс.docx

Структура и содержание работы

Работа состоит из 3 частей:

Часть 1,2 (базовый уровень) содержит 10 заданий.

Часть 2,3  (повышенный уровень) содержит 4 задания.

Время выполнения работы: 45 минут

Система оценки выполнения отдельных заданий и работы в целом





































Годовая контрольная работа

1 вариант


Прочитай текст и выбери правильный вариант ответа.

Robert Baden-Powell was the man who founded the Scouting movement. He had a great military career. He got his training in India and Africa. Robert Powell was an officer in the war between the British and the Boers in South Africa. Here he became well-famous because he held a key town Mafeking, for 217 days against a big enemy force. He stood until another army group broke through the Boer lines. And the army group helped him and his men.

Baden Powell came home to England as the greatest hero of the Boer war. He decided to use his fame and to help British boys to become better men.

He developed his ideas. He based them on his own experiences. Then he tasted them with a group of boys. He established the first Boy Scout camp in 1907. Then he published the book “Scouting for boys”. Thousands of boys bought it and decided to become Scouts. Soon Scouting spread in England and around the world.


A1. A) Robert Baden-Powell was from India.

    B) Robert Baden-Powell was from England.

A2. A) He founded the Scouting movement.

    B) He founded the State university.

A3. A) He became the hero of his country.

   B) He became the enemy of his country.


2.Лексика и грамматика.

Выбери правильный вариант ответа:

A4) He … his day off last year.

А)spent   B) spends   c) spend

А5)They … tennis every week.

А)plays   B) play    C) playing

А6)… my brother … a song tomorrow?

А)Will… sang   B) Will … sing   C) Do … sing


А7)The houses … by people every year.

А)Is build    B) is built   C) are built

А8)Our mum … already … a cake.

А)has … cooked   B) cooked   C) is cooking

А9)William Shakespeare was a great …

А)American playwright   B) Russian poet   C) English writer

А10)My sister is a girl … is good at Maths.

А)which   B) who   C) whom

B1. Преобразуй слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) There is nothing (INTEREST) to watch on TV.

2) Our (TEACH) is very young.

3) Is Mark a (LUCK) boy?


B2. Заполни пропуски словами  who, which, whose.

1.     Pavel Nakhimov was a Russian admiral … won many battles.

2.     Vassilii Surokov is a well-known Russian painter … pictures show the life in old Russia.

3.     I like the musical “Cats” … is very popular in many countries.

4.     Dmitry Mendeleev was a great Russian scientist … Periodic Table was a revolution in chemistry.

5.     Alexander Ostrovsky was a popular dramatist … wrote many wonderful plays.


B3.Переведи предложения на английский:

1.Это бесполезная трата времени учить наизусть историю жизни знаменитого художника.

2.Люди не должны вырубать леса, загрязнять воздух и воду.


C1.Заполни анкету.











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Годовая контрольная работа

2 вариант


Прочитай текст и выбери правильный вариант ответа.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is still very popular in the USA. Roosevelt was the greatest politician of his time.

He was born in Hyde Park, New York, on January 30, 1882. He was the only son of James and Sara Delano Roosevelt. His mother was his first teacher. Young Franklin studied at Harvard and Columbia. He wasn’t going to be a politician, but one day he agreed to try that path and he never left it.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the USA in 1932, when the country was in crisis. The nation believed him and believed in his New Deal. The people didn’t mind that he was seriously ill and couldn’t walk. They understood that Roosevelt was the person whose New Deal could support the country. In 1940 Americans elected Roosevelt for the third term. In four years he was elected President for the fourth term.

Roosevelt was the really the leader of the nation during World War II. His wife was also very popular in the USA and around the World. She was involved in many charities.

A1. A) Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the second son of his family.

       B)Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only son of his family.

A2. A) He was going to be a great politician.

       B) He wasn’t  going to be a great politician.

  A3.A) Roosevelt was the person whose New Deal could help the country.

       B) Roosevelt was the person whose New Deal couldn’t  support the country.


2.Лексика и грамматика.

Выбери правильный вариант ответа:

A4) His brothers often … the paths.

A)              Swept   B) sweep   C) sweeps

А5)… we … a letter next week?

A)              Do …write   B) Will … wrote    C) Will … write

А6) Apples … in autumn by people.

A)              Is gathered   B) are gathered   C) gather

А7) John … just … an ice-cream.

A)              Is … eaten   B) has … eaten   C) have … eaten

А8) Valentina Tereshkova is a selfless …

A)              Astronaut   B) cosmonaut   C) nurse

А9) Her granny is a person… cooks tasty pies.

A)              Which   B) who    C) whom

А10) I am … in chess because this game is very … .

A)              interested, interesting     B) interesting, interested


B1. Преобразуй слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) (FRIEND) is the best thing in the world.

2) The Earth is (SAFE) now because there is a lot of pollution.

3) What are your (ACHIEVE) in charity?


B2. Заполни пропуски словами  who, which, whose.

1.     Grigory Oster  is a popular  author … wrote many books for children.

2.     Sergey Korolev was is a great engineer and sceintist … ideas are still very important for space engineers.

3.     I like the film «Titanic» … is very popular in many countries.

4.     Ilya Repin was a great Russian painter … best works you can see at the Tretyakov Gallery.

5.     Ulyana Lopatkina is a famous ballet dancer … dances at the Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg.


B3.Переведи предложения на английский:

1.У меня есть верный друг с хорошим чувством юмора, я могу положиться на него.

2.Юрий Гагарин был первым человеком, который посетил космос.



C1.Заполни анкету.











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Структура и содержание работы

Структура и содержание работы

Годовая контрольная работа 1 вариант 1

Годовая контрольная работа 1 вариант 1

А 7)The houses … by people every year

А 7)The houses … by people every year

Годовая контрольная работа 2 вариант 1

Годовая контрольная работа 2 вариант 1

А 7) John … just … an ice-cream

А 7) John … just … an ice-cream
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